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Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by wes on Today at 05:51:23 AM »
Who said anything about a weeks notice? Nationals is 12 weeks away.
Then enter it,you`re in "contest condition"  !!  ;D
Not the same. I post supporting documents and video usually of the person that's actually proving a point and you moron's still come up with some off the wall articles that spins the person that actually said it, just as an example. I just want to see the stammering looks on your faces when you look like asses....since you say you don't even read my posts, which I could really careless about.

Gateway and Navarro are NOT supporting.  And when someone does post facts and supporting evidence (like direct links to court documents) you act like they are invisible. 

Again, retardation must have been God's gift to you to help with coping with reality.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by webstar on Today at 05:44:58 AM »
No one is embarassed about your pics although you should be. I thought they looked like dogshit when you first shared them 4 years ago or 40 years ago for everyone else and I think they look like dogshit now


Dog shit.

Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by bhank on Today at 05:44:50 AM »
Unlike your stupid ass I don`t enter a show on a weeks notice.....I prep for it, and as I said I will enter my own age group that is if I have your permission to do so.  :D

I still have a feeling you`re mad at me.

Who said anything about a weeks notice? Nationals is 12 weeks away. They have contest all the way through October pic any fucking contest you want. You are going to be the only geezer in your age group anyplace other than nationals anyway its an automatic win just get in some kind of shape and go claim your glory.
Y Board - The Player's Club / Re: Books and booze
« Last post by Princess L on Today at 05:44:32 AM »
A bottle of salted caramel Baileys over two days.

Haven't read anything good in a while, am thinking of going back to science fiction.


You are banned from this thread.

Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by wes on Today at 05:44:02 AM »
No one is embarassed about your pics although you should be. I thought they looked like dogshit when you first shared them 4 years ago or 40 years ago for everyone else and I think they look like dogshit now
Stop lying,you don`t really think that.....if you do,take a look at your recent contest pics and maybe then you`ll be able to put them into context.

They were good enough for the IFBB and NPC judges.  :)
Most Americans still support how we are helping. That may not last forever but it is the case right now, please do not let the overseas crowd get the wrong impression. There are sizable minorities (mostly Republican but some Democrats) who feel we need to “solve our own problems” rather than give money overseas. It was exactly the same here prior to WWII.

Right. And looked what happened then.

The bankers want these wars.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by wes on Today at 05:42:54 AM »
When? do tell when? Upcoming contest lol you can't call next year an upcoming contest upcoming means this year what show are you entering this year? What show are you registered to compete at? Fuck all thats what
Upcoming means I do whatever the fuck I  please on my own timeline.


I did shoulders yesterday but didnt share. The extra warm up on the shoulder made the later heavier sets feel more stable. Today the weather is nice so looking forward to getting outside for some pullups

Mobility work
Dumbell shoulder Press
2 sets of 20
3 sets of 12-15
3 sets of 8-10

What mobility work did you do?
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