Author Topic: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread  (Read 562478 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1300 on: January 16, 2020, 04:14:14 AM »
60 minutes straight zero rest:

1 minute ruck run/shuffle

100 yard farmer carry w water cans w ruck on

10 TRX atomic push ups

10 TRX pikes

20 medicine ball sit ups w 25lb medicine ball

20 twists w 25lb medicine ball

50 yards 1 arm farmer carry w 88lb kettlebell

10 kettlebell swings w 88lb kettlebell

10 push up to side plank

10 push up to opposite leg and arm raise

30 minutes - Bas Rutten all around fighting CD

90 minutes overall. 

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1301 on: January 17, 2020, 04:13:27 AM »
90 minutes of rounds of

1 minute ruck on air runner at 15 min pace

10 x w 25lb DB's - 10 count multi joint exercise and tire flip w 200 lb tire

2 x Burpee + sideways plank walk along agility ladder

2 x Burpee + sideway high knees along agility ladder

20 ball slams w 25lb medicine ball

20 speed skaters

10 x Donkey Kickout to Handstand

30 seconds jump rope   

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1302 on: January 21, 2020, 10:41:54 AM »
First day back from 3 days in Vegas.

Need to train.

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1303 on: January 21, 2020, 11:00:13 AM »
Saturday -  6 Mile Ruck

Sunday - 45 minutes rucking with waten cans and sandbags -  30 minutes in the pool w swim fins.

Monday - 60 minutes assault bike

Today  - 60 minutes circuits w 40lb Ruck w  Tires, kettlebells, stairmaster w ruck, TRX, deadlifts.    30 minutes of Bas Rutten All Around Fighting CD   

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1304 on: January 21, 2020, 11:43:22 AM »
Fri - booze, edibles, gambling, food, etc
Sat - repeat
Sun - repeat
Mon - travel

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1305 on: January 21, 2020, 11:52:51 AM »
Fri - booze, edibles, gambling, food, etc
Sat - repeat
Sun - repeat
Mon - travel

Make sure you get yourself checked out if you know what I mean. 

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1306 on: January 21, 2020, 12:50:05 PM »
Make sure you get yourself checked out if you know what I mean. 

Wife was with me, lol.

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1307 on: January 21, 2020, 01:01:24 PM »
Wife was with me, lol.

Oh - so then both of you go get checked out.    ha ha ha ha!!!!!   


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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1308 on: January 21, 2020, 06:26:22 PM »
Oh - so then both of you go get checked out.    ha ha ha ha!!!!!   

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1309 on: January 22, 2020, 04:44:42 AM »
30 Minutes DB supersets and combos

60 Minutes w 40lb ruck -  fast walk on air runner for 1 minute followed by either 10 air squats, 10 pushups, 10 sit ups, 10 tire flips, etc. 


Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1310 on: January 23, 2020, 09:43:47 AM »
90 minutes for rounds 4 guys - each w 40lb ruck  was awesome

Each two man team: 

Carry 150lb sandbag and two water cans to corner of gym - 10 squats - 10 push ups - 10 situps

Carry everything to other corner - 10 ruck burpees and 10 ruck curl and press - 

Carry everything to the 2 flights of stairs down - and back up. 

Carry everything to 3rd corner - 10 squats 10 push ups - 10 sit ups. 

Carry everything to turf area -   20 TRX atomic pushups, 10 back rows , 10 rear delt flys, 20 medicine ball situps, 20 medicine ball twists -

Keep repeating. 

Was great. 

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1311 on: January 24, 2020, 05:45:14 AM »
30 Min - Heavy DB compound exercises. 

30 Min - HIIT - awesome

30 Min - dicking around w various stuff just to get pump going and veins bulging. 

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1312 on: January 24, 2020, 04:34:29 PM »
Started a strength cycle.

Banded good morning 2 x 5
Scorpion 2 x 10
Best stretch ever 2 x 8
Band rotations 2 x 5
glute bridge march 2 x 5

3 x 10 box squats of 80% of 3 RM
3 x 10 DB Bench 80% of 3 RM

As fast as possible 3 giant sets:
DB bench 3 x 10
DL 3 x 10
Box squat 3 x 10

Hammer curls x 100.  As few sets as possible.....15 diamond push up every time weight is put down.


Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1313 on: January 24, 2020, 05:57:24 PM »
You should post some vids of what some of those exercises look like.   Not have to be you - just some are not well known

Started a strength cycle.

Banded good morning 2 x 5
Scorpion 2 x 10
Best stretch ever 2 x 8
Band rotations 2 x 5
glute bridge march 2 x 5

3 x 10 box squats of 80% of 3 RM
3 x 10 DB Bench 80% of 3 RM

As fast as possible 3 giant sets:
DB bench 3 x 10
DL 3 x 10
Box squat 3 x 10

Hammer curls x 100.  As few sets as possible.....15 diamond push up every time weight is put down.

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1314 on: January 25, 2020, 10:03:42 AM »
You should post some vids of what some of those exercises look like.   Not have to be you - just some are not well known

Good point.

That's what is great about soflete - they include a video for each thing.

Scorpion Stretch

World's best stretch

Glute bridge march

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1315 on: January 27, 2020, 05:23:51 AM »
90 minutes for rounds w 40lb ruck

1 minute air runner

20 kettle swings w 88 lbs kettlebell

Prowler Sled - 50 yards

2 handed farmer walk w 79lb kettlebells - 50 yards

1 handed farmer walk w 88 lb kettlebell - 50 yards

10 x full body DB complex w 25lb DB's (SUCKS!)

10 x tire flip w 300 lb tire

25 medicine ball twists w 25lb medicine ball. 

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1316 on: January 27, 2020, 06:04:51 PM »
When I looked at day 2 of my program and saw the last two sections had 220 pullups in total, I went and researched the program online and realized I had chosen the wrong one.  Switched to one that focuses on strength and speed and started fresh.

2 sets airdyne x 3 min
2 hanging knee up x 10
2 side lunge x 10
2 clamshell x 8
2 90/90 breathing x 8
2 goblet squat x 8

Box squat 10/9/8/3/3/3

RDL 10/9/8/3/3/3

8 sets airdyne:  all out 20 sec, 30 sec rest

4 max effort 40 yd dash, rest 6-7 sec between

Massage gun / stretch

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1317 on: January 27, 2020, 06:09:00 PM »
How long.

When I looked at day 2 of my program and saw the last two sections had 220 pullups in total, I went and researched the program online and realized I had chosen the wrong one.  Switched to one that focuses on strength and speed and started fresh.

2 sets airdyne x 3 min
2 hanging knee up x 10
2 side lunge x 10
2 clamshell x 8
2 90/90 breathing x 8
2 goblet squat x 8

Box squat 10/9/8/3/3/3

RDL 10/9/8/3/3/3

8 sets airdyne:  all out 20 sec, 30 sec rest

4 max effort 40 yd dash, rest 6-7 sec between

Massage gun / stretch

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1318 on: January 28, 2020, 05:15:18 AM »
How long.

That workout took a bit over an hour, since you're supposed to wait 2-3 minutes between strength sets.

The other one (with the pullups) had 6 sets:  power cleans x 5 @ 225 followed by 20 pull ups.  Then, for accessory, it had 100 pullups mixed in with two other 100 rep exercises (you pick cadence).  I can't do the 225 (most can't = you have to scale) this.  But when  I read up on it, it's all large volume shit at the end.

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1319 on: January 28, 2020, 05:21:50 AM »
30 minutes of medium weight DB stuff

15 minutes - alternate airdyne (1 min)  and jump rope (1 min)

15 minutes - alternate rower (1 min) and mountain climbers (1 min)

30 Minutes Bas Rutten All Around Fighting CD 

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1320 on: January 28, 2020, 05:32:12 AM »
30 minutes of medium weight DB stuff

15 minutes - alternate airdyne (1 min)  and jump rope (1 min)

15 minutes - alternate rower (1 min) and mountain climbers (1 min)

30 Minutes Bas Rutten All Around Fighting CD 

I've never had anything gas me as much as all out on the airdyne.

Feel like a total spaz on it.

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1321 on: January 28, 2020, 05:33:54 AM »
I've never had anything gas me as much as all out on the airdyne.

Feel like a total spaz on it.

I dont go all out on that - maybe 75-85% 

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1322 on: January 28, 2020, 05:07:46 PM »
Warmup 3 giant sets:
Half kneeling landmine press x 8
Scap push up x 8
KB screwdriver x 5 per
Band pulls

Plyo pushup 6 x 1 - increase height to land on each one

Bench 7/5/5/3/3/3  3 sec pause at bottom

Stamina AFAP 3 sets:
Farmers walk x 300 ft
15 pull up
10 dumbell snacth (5 per)

1/2 mile run - 1.5x the time it took to run.

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1323 on: January 29, 2020, 05:12:05 AM »
This was a meatgrinder

W 40lb Ruck

90 minutes straight for rounds

Push prowler sled 50 yards

Drag TRX with 250lbs plates tied to it back 50 yards

W partner - Carry 5 gallon water can in one hand and 150lb sandbag in other about 50 yards to stairs.   Carry all the stuff up and down the stairs (SUCKS!)

Backwards bear crawls up the stairs (Miserable)

Carry the 5 gallon water can and 150 sandbag 50 yards

20 step ups on tire


Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #1324 on: January 29, 2020, 08:16:07 AM »
That reverse bear crawl up the stair is fucking horrible.

I wish I could have done that workout with you guys.