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My favorite sermons from my favorite preachers

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Getbiggers...  I want to share with you some of my favorite sermons from some of my favorite pastors. These sermons have really been a tremendous blessing to me and I know they will be to you too.

I want to start with Paul Washer, "Do you truly know the Lord?". I love this sermon because in today's world of watered-down gospels, where people think they are saved because they agree with the facts of the bible, yet look like the world, talk like the world, walk like the world....  people really need to be shaken up! In my opinion the majority of the people who attend Christian churches are not truly Christians. I would love for this video to help edify you, whoever is listening, and help you to grow closer to Christ. Maybe one of you thinks your a Christian, but in truth your not; and if thats the case then hopefully you will allow The Holy Spirit to speak to you through this video.

Man of Steel:
I will gladly sticky this as a "favorite sermons" feel free to add!

Enjoyed the sermon here and it speaks to my heart and affirms my testimony in Christ.

I go through what he said at 35:28 all the time LOL!!

I like that he preaches both sides of the gospel.....both mercy and truth.   Too many churches only preach mercy, but truth is equally as important.


--- Quote from: Man of Steel on April 21, 2015, 08:59:22 AM ---I will gladly sticky this as a "favorite sermons" feel free to add!

Enjoyed the sermon here and it speaks to my heart and affirms my testimony in Christ.

I go through what he said at 35:28 all the time LOL!!

I like that he preaches both sides of the gospel.....both mercy and truth.   Too many churches only preach mercy, but truth is equally as important.

--- End quote ---
And I will gladly add :)

 I really enjoy Paul Washer's sermon's, and most of the ones i post will be from him.

but this next one i want to share is a "classic", and it really helped me a couple months back.

 my wife just saw me posting on Getbig, and she says "I didnt know your back being TBombz!?!"  (Yes, she said 'tbombz' ha ha). So i explained to her what this thread is about, and she asked that i post one of her favorite preachers too. So here is one of our favorite sermons from Dr. Charles Stanley.

Next up, another Paul Washer sermon. This one, though it is titled "shocking youth message", it is certainly not just a "youth" message.


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