What in the fuck are you babbling?
if you dont understand it than leave it. and finish the damn business.
Everybody stop smokin' the weed.
I don't understand retard.
and what you did not understand ? ( rascal hog ) what you did not understand ? point it out.
Anything you say.
than dont listen to it and listen to your brainwashing propagandas like evolution, big bang, moon landing etc. but you cannot remain the damn free. side you have to take weather this`1 or that`1.
What is your native language? Let me know and then write your responses in that language and I can use Google translate to interpret your babbling.
now kindly enjoy my lollypop by pying without inviatation ( like an humble whore { as you claim to be }) and your humble small mouth is no more small and humble ( anymore ) so there is no need of it.
Do your parents have any children that aren't retarded?