Author Topic: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History  (Read 348227 times)


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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #500 on: September 23, 2021, 12:09:50 PM »
IronMan, Vol 26, No 6, Page 14, October 1967

Tinerino Wins Mr. America Title
By Ralph Countryman
THE physique pre-judging for Mr. America took place during the afternoon lifting of the second day. It was possible to interview, assign athletic points, and check posing routines, and compare physiques in the separate auditorium provided by the meet sponsors. Accordingly all had been decided by the time the men were introduced to the audience in the evening.

The number of contestants must have been an all time low, although the quality of the top men was high as ever, possibly even better. Only fourteen men competed; one did not appear and one withdrew after interview. Even with a wide stage, though, those fourteen bodies had trouble finding adequate space during their introduction to the audience. Bodybuilders only masquerade as ordinary men. In posing trunks and with lats spread they're something else.
Judges for the pre-judging of the Mr. America were: Bob Gajda (last year's Mr. America), Dave Collier, Doug Duggan, Ralph Countryman, Jim Messer, Lyall Ryden and Joe Raymond, men of experience and integrity, and spread over the entire country. Peary Rader is chairman of the Mr. America judges and in charge of selection of judges and directing the pre-judging and contest procedures.

We do not believe that points give a very good comparison of the men below the first 3 or 4 places, but everyone wants to know the places and points, so we reluctantly print them.

1   Dennis Tinerino   76½
2   James Haislop   73½
3   Will Whitaker   67½
4   Ralph Kroger   66½
5   Boyer Coe   63½
6   Chris Dickerson   62
7   Gil Hansen   59½
8   Charles Estes   58½
9   Dr. Craig Whitehead   58
10   Kent Kuehn   52
11   Phil Smeja   46½
12   Melvin Meriweather   42
13   Ron Schiavoni   41
14   Dominick Duche   39½
MOST MUSCULAR winners were, in the order of placing: Dennis Tinerino, Will Whitaker, James Haislop, Chris Dickerson, Boyer Coe.
BEST ARMS winners were: Coe, Tinerino and Haislop.
BEST CHEST: Coe, Tinerino and Whitaker.
BEST BACK: Haislop, Tinerino and Whitaker.
BEST ABDOMINALS: Haislop, Kuehn, and Tinerino.
BEST LEGS: Dickerson, Haislop and Tinerino.

The men who have been through more than one interview session for a national title are usually well known through picture coverage. If they weren't, they would still be fairly easy to spot by their dress and conduct. The experienced contestant will usually wear a suit, is well poised, and generally can field half a dozen questions at a time from as many judges. It isn't any coincidence that seven of the eight finalists wore suits and eight of the eight had this self-control under fire. I was particularly impressed by the polish acquired over a couple of years of this kind of ordeal by Charles Estes and Jim Haislop. I recall Estes as wringing wet and nervous after his first national interview in 1964. This time he was Mr. Poise all the way. Haislop has also grown in poise and manner of presentation. For deftness in fielding questions quickly and easily and alertness to the mood of the questioner, Will Whitaker, Gil Hansen and Dr. Craig Whitehead were especially impressive. Chris Dickerson has had dramatic training and it showed in his use of the language and his well modulated voice. Dennis Tinerino and Boyer Coe both conducted themselves like champions-easy but poised, friendly but not familiar. And Ralph Kroger had these same champion's attributes that the judges are looking for so carefully during interview. And he also had one unique attribute. He'd brought his family to Columbus; this included one of th loveliest little girls I've ever seen, with his coloring, her good looks, and a radiant manner all her own.

Contestants were introduced to the judges alphabetically and carried on the program that way. The standard questions were asked to establish background and athletic ability.

Several carried resumes with them to help in establishing athletic points. It was an athletic crew this year as ten of the fourteen received a full five points; only Dickerson of the finalists had fewer than the maximum. Bob Gajda, who had passed his national referee's test earlier in the day, was serving as a panelist; he had a question on the athlete's intentions with the title that evoked the most interesting answers. Being rather unexpected, it required quick thinking and phrasing of reply. I like this idea of the present Mr. America helping to select his successor. Unless he has a definite affiliation with any of the contestants, I feel it ought to be standard procedure.

Boyer Coe was the youngest man in the contest at 20. He was a memorable Teenage Mr. America last year and is definitely a future Mr. America. He was soft-spoken and intelligent in forming his answers. He has made noticeable improvement since last year and has a much better balanced physique now at about 5'7" and 200 pounds. He has been training steadily for five years and the results of dedication are obvious. In spite of the fact that he is a third year medical student at Southwestern Louisiana in his hometown of Lafayette, he still finds time for his lengthy workouts and an interesting outdoor job of caring for racehorses-grooming, running and training.

Dominick Duche is from Warren, Michigan but grew up in Pittsburgh. He was in the Marine Corps for two years and was trainer and alternate on the All-Marine boxing team of 1958. He is now 29, married, and has two sons. At 5-3 and 143 pounds, he has a slight but well defined and very symmetrical physique. He played four years of baseball in high school and later semi-pro ball, eventually trying out for the Pirates. He has been working out for six years and is a sheet metal worker. For all his athletics, though, he had no resume, and drew only two athletic points. Last year he was Mr. Detroit and Mr. Michigan.

Chris Dickerson is the present Mr. California and placed high in the Junior Mr. America this year. He is 5-6½ and weighs 178; he has been training for about 4½ years, inspired by pictures in the magazines. He was also hurting for athletic points, but he did receive three for a lifting contest he entered recently. He vows that next time he'll have five. Chris was raised a Quaker and served his government obligation in humanitarian fields. He is 27 and is presently employed by a catering service, but he admits his main objective now is the big title.

Charles Estes is a former marine, where he was on a championship football team. He has also done the 1OO-yard dash in 10 seconds. He started working out his last year in high school and built up to 164. He's added about 60 pounds since to his over six feet and has concentrated in the power lifting end of the sport, holding the Tennessee bench press record and placing high in the state meet. He is 28, was most responsive, and spoke well. Previously I have been most impressed by his great calf and arm development; now the rest of his body seems to have caught up. But a narrowness of the shoulders for his height has been a handicap. Charles lives in Nashville and is a therapist at a hospital there.

Jim Haislop is much improved. The choice of Mr. America seemed to narrow down to him or Tinerino. He has cut down his huge thighs and is even more symmetrical than last year when his symmetry was outstanding. Further he has developed definition to go with his bulk. With his size and coloring, he presents a spectacular appearance on stage and is the immediate audience favorite. Jim is 25, single, and did his service in the Navy where he started bodybuilding at 165. He had been the lightest man on his high school football team (fullback, yet) which was second in the state. He lives in his home town of Tampa where he works for the General Telephone Company. Jim is 5-11 and weighs 220. He's positively a future Mr. America, possessing the physique, athletic, and background qualities necessary to win the title. Right now he'd have to occupy the favorite's position for 1968.

Gil Hansen, next to Craig Whitehead, was the most well-rounded individual in the contest. He is a police officer in Waterloo, Iowa, where among other duties he runs the physical fitness classes. He has a second degree black belt in karate and is the Iowa State lifting champion in both Olympic and power lifting. And that doesn't count the high school sports he participated in. He has put in two years at Iowa State Teachers College in speech and English. He is 30, married, and has two children. At 6 feet, he weighs 214. He was quick with his responses, alert to catch the jumble of simultaneous questions, and deft in forming his replies. He has a dense, very hard, heavily defined muscle and moves with quick athletic grace.

Ralph Kroger is a former Mr. California and runner-up in Mr. America. He's originally from Minnesota but now manages a health studio near San Diego. He was a paratrooper in the Army, making 25 jumps. He has been an outstanding lifter in between bodybuilding kicks, and a better than average track and field man in high school. He is 29, 5-10½, and weighs 205 now; but he has done his best lifting at 235. Like the other top candidates, he was well dressed and groomed, spoke well, was always in control of his words, and made quick responses. Like Hansen, he has the hard, muscular, heavily defined look.

Kent Kuehn is from Lansing, Michigan. He was a state champion all-around gymnast while at Central Michigan University, his best event being free exercise. He was a physical education major but did not graduate. He is 31 and took up bodybuilding four years ago to get back in shape. He certainly succeeded and has a light but well-defined body with excellent abdominals at 5-7½ and 177. He is married and has a 1½ year old boy.

Melvin Merriweather had the most resounding name in the contest. He also had a fine build. He is 29, married, and has three children. He weighs 194 at 5-9 and was Mr. Indiana in 1966. He is a millwright helper in Portage, Indiana. He played football in high school; also baseball and track, running the middle distances, but was able to get only two points for these endeavors. He has been working out for four years, and was started by a friend. He has a fairly well defined, bulky type of build, a little short on symmetry.

Ron Schiavoni of Cleveland is 28, married and has one daughter. He is a painter and decorator. He admits to a brief career in Golden Gloves, but he has been quite active in power lifting recently, having placed third in his district championships in the mid-heavy class which earned him four athletic points. He is 5-10½ and he weighs 198. He has a symmetrical body with pleasing bulk but needs more work on definition.

Phil Smeja has put on a number of pounds since his last national appearance in the 1964 Teenage Mr. America. A sensational set of abdominals is well-covered now but he still has some cuts and excellent symmetry at 5-8 and 180. Phil got his five athletic points with ease; in fact he got them about five different ways. He's held a world press record as a teenager, has been outstanding in football, track, boxing, cross country, gymnastics (still rings and parallel bar), and a great deal more than competent in several other sports. He is single, 21, and goes to YMCA Central College in Chicago. He works with street gangs and sees about 500 boys a week. His interest in his work is obvious and he loves to talk about it. He sees physique titles as one more tool in reaching out and establishing contact with this group.

Dennis Tinerino needs little introduction. He is 21, single, 6-0 and 220; and with the Mr. America title he becomes the first man to win all five national titles--Teenage Mr. America, Junior Mr. America, Junior Mr. U. S., and Mr. U. S. He was an outstanding fencer in high school but has turned recently to lifting. His job of calibrating airline instruments is so sensitive that it is draft exempt. He still finds time to go to night school.

Will Whitaker is originally from Hammond, Louisiana, but now lives in Chattanooga, where he is a therapist at a rehabilitation center. He is 27, 5-10, and weighs 205 pounds of tightly packed muscle. He was a physical education major at Southeast Louisiana University where he played baseball. His high school sports also included football and track (the dashes). Now he is a power lifter, having placed second in the Louisiana state meet in the midheavy class. He has spent three years in the Army and sees physique titles as a source of inspiration to the children he works with at Siskin Foundation. Will's answers were quick and good-humored; he would do credit to any title.

Dr. Craig Whitehead was making his first appearance in a Mr. America contest in two years. He appeared in his Air Force captain's uniform and stated he is a career man. If background were primary in this contest, Dr. Whitehead would probably win with room to spare. He received his medical degree from the University of Miami and has since done graduate work in opthalmology. He is a flight surgeon and has training in aerospace medicine. He's 32, single, 5-10½, and 205. He has been Southern heavyweight lifting champion and also has been on a championship skindiving team. He is interested in doing further articles on exercise, nutrition and cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately he was not in his best shape for this contest.

After interviews and initial judging from the lineup, the judges chose the most muscular and best body parts. Those who wished to compete in the particular body part being judged, stepped forward when their names were called. Each judge picked the three or four he wanted to come back (of course there were many overlaps), and the six or seven finalists in each of these categories were viewed together and separately. Finally all the contestants were viewed once more as a group and posed individually for the Mr. America judging. The whole process was meticulously done and consumed about five hours. The judges were all from different associations throughout the country, as diverse in preferences as possible. Still there was near unanimity of first and second places, on most muscular, and all seven picked the same man for Best Arms. Eight finalists were to be selected and each one had at least five of seven votes; several were unanimous choices.

Dennis Tinerino won both top titles, and while he didn't win any subdivisions, he placed in the top three in all of them. Haislop won an easy second in Mr. America and a third in Most Muscular. His muscle is large and well-defined but lacks the hardness of Tinerino's and Whitaker's. Whitaker was second in Most Muscular and third in Mr. America. Chris Dickerson was fourth in Most Muscular but sixth in Mr. America. With five athletic points he would have been one place higher. Boyer Coe was fifth in both, though I feel he merited a higher placing in the Mr. America contest. Ralph Kroger was fourth in Mr. America and sixth in Most Muscular. Kuehn and Estes also drew votes in the Most Muscular contest, while Hansen and Estes rounded out the finalists in the Mr. America contest. In the subdivisions Coe was a unanimous first in Best Arms followed by Tinerino and Haislop. Best Chest also went to Coe for greater density and shapeliness of muscle over Tinerino and Whitaker. Best Back was Haislop's, followed by Tinerino and Whitaker. Best Abdominals also went to Haislop, with Kuehn and Tinerino tied for second. And Best Legs was Chris Dickerson's very own trophy, but this time he was hard-pressed by Haislop and Tinerino. The calf is a stubborn muscle, and for some, particularly Negroes, an impossible muscle. That is why it is pleasing to see a Negro win this award which he got primarily for calves though his thighs are also very shapely and heavily muscular.

The lack of entries merely cut down the total judging time; it was still a difficult contest to judge, with anyone of the top five men an outstanding representative for Mr. America. And it's still the Mr. America show that draws the crowd. Tinerino had to stay around for over a half hour to acknowledge the plaudits of the audience and pose for their cameras. It's tough on the losers who put just as many hours into training as does the winner, but they were quick with their congratulations, which is one reason they all deserved to be in the contest for Mr. America.



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #501 on: September 23, 2021, 12:10:33 PM »
Muscular Development, Vol 4, No 9, Page 34, September 1967

By John Terlazzo
TINERINO DID IT AGAIN! Fresh from his victory in the Junior Mr. America, Dennis Tinerino of Brooklyn took the big one. Dennis is our new Mr. America.

This year's contest was sponsored by the Columbus, Ohio YMCA. The event was held at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium. James Lorimer of Worthington, Ohio, was General Chairman and Fraysher Ferguson of Columbus was the Meet Director and Masters of Ceremonies.

The meet was very well organized. There was a press luncheon before the contest and the Governor of Ohio, the Honorable James A Rhodes was the principal speaker after which the Mayor of Columbus, His Honor Maynard E. Sensenbrenner, praised the contest ideals and gave his blessings to the contestants.

Brooklyn, New York   76½
2.   James Haislop,
Tampa, Florida   73½
3.   Will Whitaker,
Chattanoga, Tenn.   67½
4.   Ralph Kroger,
Solana Beach, Cal.   66½
5.   Boyer Coe,
Lafayette, La.   63½
6.   Chris Dickerson,
Los Angeles, Cal.   62
7.   Gilbert Hansen,
Waterloo, Iowa   59½
8.   Charles Estes,
Nashville, Tenn.   58½
9.   Dr. Craig Whitehead,
McDill AFB, Fla.   58
10.   Kent Kuehn,
Lansing, Michigan   52
11.   Melvin Meriweather,
Michigan City, Ind.   49½
12.   Philip Smeja,
Chicago, Ill.   46½
13.   Ronald Schiavoni,
Cleveland, Ohio   41
14.   Dominick Duche,
Warren, Mich.   39½
The big show was little late in getting started due to the number of 198-pound lifters. Their event preceded the physique contest. Without a doubt the Columbus Y gave the finest trophies we've seen in a long time. When Bob Hoffman accepted the Team Trophy (this marked the 36th time the York Barbell Club has won the team trophy) he was mighty pleased with it.

All the contestants were called out on the stage and presented to the audience which numbered about 2500. The contest was of very high caliber though there were only 14 entrants.

This field was narrowed down to eight and from them the sub-division winners were selected. Popular Boyer Coe of Lafayette, Louisiana took the first of the handsome trophies for Best Arms. Coe's arms were sensational. Jim Haislop of Tampa, Florida came out to take the Best Back.

Coe again made a trip to the posing dais, this time for the Best Chest. It was Haislop again for the Best Abdominals. Chris Dickerson of Los Angeles won the Best Legs as was expected.

The judges narrowed the field down to five -- and selected the Most Muscular Man. Coe was given fifth place while Dickerson made fourth. Third place went to Haislop and second to Will Whitaker of Chatanooga, Tennessee.

The winner -- Dennis Tinerino! Dennis copped the Most Muscular at the Juniors and now he became the big man at the Seniors.

It was time for the big event - the Mr. America of 1967. The five finalists were: Ralph Kroger of Solana Beach, California; Coe, Tinerino, Whitaker and Haislop. The judges, Bob Gajda, Joe Raymond, Doug Duggan, Lyall Ryden, Jim Messer, Ralph Countryman, Dave Collier and Perry Rader did a terrific job. We all knew that selecting Mr. America would be no easy task.

As in all Mr. America contests the judges work backwards from fifth place and that went to Boyer Coe. Coe won second place in the Junior Mr. America.

In fourth was judged Ralph Kroger. Kroger was last year's Mr. California. Will Whitaker won third place. He won third in the Juniors this year.

This left Haislop and Tinerino. Who would be the winner?

This is the most suspense filled moment of any Mr. America. Haislop and Tinerino are opposites; Haislop is blond and Tinerino dark. It reminded us of the 1947 contest between Reeves and Pederson.

Finally Fraysher Ferguson broke the suspense. In second place was Jim Haislop -- Dennis Tinerino was the victor! There was a wild ovation as Dennis accepted the winner's huge trophy. He deserved it.

Haislop was not without his supporters, many of whom thought he should have won and he too received a rousing round of applause.

Dennis trained hard for over a year for this big moment. Two years ago he won the Mr. North America title and prior to that the Teen-age Mr. America. The first title Dennis won was the 1964 Junior Mr. Metropolitan. In the course of the three years from that contest, he probably won more titles and trophies than any other physique star.

If Dennis is looking for new worlds to conquer -- there is only one contest left -- the Mr. Universe.



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #502 on: September 23, 2021, 12:11:10 PM »
1968 Mr America - AAU

1     Jim Haislop
2     Boyer Coe
3     Chris Dickerson
4     Ken Waller
5     Charles Collras
6     Bill St John
7     Gilbert Hansen
8     Will Whitaker
9     Craig Whitehead
10     Jim Morris
11     Tommy Johnson
12     Curtis Haywood
13     Eugene Kuczinski
14     Robert Moore (1)
15     Ken Covington
16     Daniel Miles
17     Bill Grant
18     James Handley
19     Dennis Yaklich
20     Lawrence Gordon (1)
21     William Collins
22     Melvin Meriweather
23     David Upson
24     Vince Anello
25     Pearson Hinkle
26     Oscar Hudson
27     Lou Kushner

Most Muscular
1     Boyer Coe
2     Charles Collras
3     Chris Dickerson
4     Ken Covington
5     Gilbert Hansen


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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #503 on: September 23, 2021, 12:11:52 PM »
IronMan, Vol 27, No 6, Page 34, September 1968

Haislop Wins Mr. America Title
By Ralph Countryman
THE pre-judging in the Mr. America contest lasted about six hours, with interviews, judges' decisions, posing, selection of winners in body parts, and pointing for the Mr. America portion. And it was still difficult to give all 27 contestants the consideration that was their due after the years of training and months of preparation it takes to get to this point. The quality was even better than last year's which had set a high mark, and the quantity was a great improvement from last year's 14. Although the judges have an obligation to screen and eliminate during the pre-judging any contestant they feel does not measure up to Mr. America caliber, not once did the question arise. All of these men belonged and 75% were exceptionally good. Problems the judges had.

Because all activities were halted during the Sunday morning period of mourning for Senator Kennedy, the National Weightlifting Committee had not met and would not have a chance to do so. Accordingly, the judges panel used part of their time to discuss proposed changes in the Mr. America requirements and in physique contests in general. Former National Weightlifting Chairman Don Haley is drafting a proposal regarding athletic prerequisites that reflected the consensus. This concerns the use of certain standard physical fitness tests as at least an additional means of establishing athletic points and perhaps eventually using it and weightlifting exclusively. Tests could be administered before the panel or even prior to coming to the meet site by a qualified Association panel. Consideration and discussion was also given to the point method. The general feeling was that it is not too satisfactory but alternatives would have to be developed gradually.

During interview it became apparent that the top contenders weren't going to falter because of too few athletic points. The first 13 men all had a full five points. Only three men would have moved up if they had had a full five instead of what they did receive, and the top dozen men would not have been affected by any such changes. So that factor which has hurt some good men in the past had no effect in this contest.

Once again there were some standouts during interviews, but more satisfying was the fact that no one really hurt himself in this phase of the judging. Because of the number of men to be interviewed and the time limitation, though it wasn't possible to spend as much time with each man as the judges would have liked. The allotted time was barely enough for the essentials and perhaps one question demanding a thoughtful but quick reply.

In the order of their appearance before the judges and later the audience:

LOU KUSHNER is a graduate of Temple University in Philadelphia with a physical education major. He is currently a playground supervisor and finds that his competition in physique contests is a good example to the boys he works with in the city. He stated frankly that he didn't expect to win. Lou was currently engaged in publicity for the Teenage Mr. America contest to be held later in the month in Philadelphia. His sports have included long distance running, cross country, power lifting, and (according to one of my indecipherable and therefore questionable notes) gymnastics. Lou is 26 and a bachelor, and seemed at ease during the interview.

VINCE ANELLO is currently a junior at Baldwin-Wallace in Cleveland, majoring in physical education, and hopes to be a teacher. His sports include wrestling and football. The latter introduced him to weights and he has done some power lifting (a 1290 total as a lightheavy). He is interested in self-hypnosis and finds it has helped his concentration in both studies and athletics. His other sports interests include bowling and tennis. Vince is 20 and was a finalist in last year's Teenage Mr. America.

ROBERT MOORE of Nashville works for the Tennessee Fish and Game Commission. He is 25 and married, and has been bodybuilding about five years. He started because he lost a chance at an athletic scholarship to college due to his lack of size (he weighed 145 in high school). He succeeded, as he is about 200 now. His sports were primarily track and field, with a 10 flat 100 yard dash his best effort. He was the 1967 Mr. Tennessee and fifth in this year's Junior Mr. America. Maybe the best evidence of the quality of this year's competition is that such a fine build as his ranked no better than fifteenth.

BILL ST. JOHN is tremendously improved since his last appearance in a Mr. America contest two years ago. He works in the ordnance section of Philadelphia's Naval Shipyard and is 25 and single. He began working out five years ago when inspired by Val Vasilieff, Mr. America of 1964, a friend and neighbor. Hill was high school state champion in wrestling in New Jersey at 175 and has made 740 in Olympic lifting as a lightheavy. He now weighs 208 of hard, thick muscle, with especially deep abdominals. He has two years of college in electronics.

WILLIAM GRANT of Morristown, New Jersey is 21. He was a miler in high school as a 110 pounder. He has been working out for eight years starting with a high school friend. He works as a detail draftsman but was a physical education major while attending college. He is married with one child.

GIL HANSEN is a man I find it easy to admire. He's accustomed to speaking before groups and this is one of the reasons he comes across so well in interview. He's always neat, pleasant, courteous, clear and complete. But he deserves praise as well for his achievements. He holds all the Iowa state records in Olympic and power lifting in the midheavyweight class and holds a third degree black belt in judo, a sport which he teaches in the 130-man police department in Waterloo. He is the police liaison officer to the schools there. He is 31, married, and has two children; his nine year old boy accompanied him on this trip. After seven years in this sport he is in top condition, rugged and hard, and always a finalist.

MELVIN MERIWEATHER was competing in his second Mr. America contest. He is a millwright in Portage, Indiana but lives nearby in Michigan City. He is 30, married and has three children. He's another community-conscious man, active in his church and president of a P-TA group. He played football in high school and has done power lifting in the five years he's been working out. He's built up from a school weight of 160 to the present 200.

DENNIS YAKLICH was in his first national meet. He's a farmer in Avondale, Colorado, near Pueblo in the plains area. He had to drop college and give full time to farming when his father was injured. He is 20, 6-4, and weighs 225 (up from 173). His farm chores gave him no time for school sports, and he's tried only power lifting since taking up bodybuilding after attending his first physique contest 2½ years ago. Dennis has very good symmetry for a tall man and shows a fine potential, but there is a lot of hard work ahead of him.

DAN MILES of Southgate, Michigan, was not well known to the judges, but he made a deep impression with his well defined, muscular body. He is a crane operator for Great Lakes Steel, is 27 and married. At 180 he has been studio training for three years. After high school football his only sport has been sky diving while in the Army Airborne Infantry. Dan should be heard from again if he stays with it, as he has a wonderful start and great potential.

KEN WALLER of Jeffersonville, Indiana had definitely been heard from with his great impression at the YMCA Nationals, but most of the judges had not seen him in person. He is truly impressive. The most impressive thing about him, though, was his statement that he has been bodybuilding for only six months. Even though he won the Mr. Kentucky title in 1965, he said that it is part natural and part the steady weight training he practiced for football from high school on. Weight training or bodybuilding, it certainly works. He's 6 feet and weighs 220 pounds of hard, well shaped, dense muscle. In football, he was captain and all conference end on the Bowling Green team of 1964 which played in the Tangerine Bowl. Ken is single and a high school teacher in Louisville. If he chooses to stay with it, he could take it all in the next couple of years.

DR. CRAIG WHITEHEAD is now stationed at MacDill AFB in Tampa as a flight surgeon. He has seven years in the Air Force and is a major. He has a long history in the lifting-bodybuilding sports which have been detailed often. He has done research and papers on phases of training, the kind of person who would add luster to the title of Mr. America rather than borrowing glory from it. But at 33 it seems the muscles aren't as hard though the shape and size remain and the posing is as effective as ever.

LARRY GORDON was another surprise to most of the judges, the surprise being that men like him and Miles have reached top shape and belong in national meets and yet have received virtually no national exposure or coverage for contests they have entered. He is studying at the University of Iowa for his PhD in psychology. He's originally from Florida where he got his bachelors in physics. He played tennis in high school and played around with weights for seven or eight years; but it wasn't until four years ago that he turned to serious training, deciding that he was out of shape.

WILL WHITAKER is no surprise as his fame is widespread and justified. Everyone knew how good he was last year. Unfortunately he didn't have quite the finish he displayed in Columbus. Will is still working toward his degree in physical therapy in Chattanooga. He was an all around athlete in high school and service, making the All-Army team in football. He is 28 and single.

TOMMY JOHNSON is a rare man indeed and was quite a hit with the judges, partly for his own pleasant personality, partly because of his wife, Judy. Tommy is a deaf-mute and has been since he was two when a viral disease destroyed his mastoid nerve. That didn't stop him from being a top athlete, discus thrower, and a silver medal winner in both Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling in the Deaf Olympics at Helsinki. He has five years of college and is presently a linotype operator for the Columbus Dispatch where he also is a volunteer instructor at the YMCA. All of this was eloquently presented by Mrs. Johnson with hand comments by Tommy, interpreted by her, and it had the judges wondering how they could bend the rules to recognize the influence of a good wife.

BOYER COE is another bodybuilder of national repute who needs no further introduction. Except that this was the latest edition of a man who continues to show amazing improvement each year. Last year I had predicted that Haislop had to be the favorite this year. After seeing Coe, I changed my mind. Last year I thought he was exceptional and deserved higher ranking; in this case I didn't change my mind unless it's to say that he's better than exceptional. I don't see how he can improve much more; there must be a limit. But if the last couple years are good evidence, he'll find the limit and probably exceed that too. Boyer is now a senior at Southwestern Louisiana but has changed his major from medicine to personnel management.

DAVID UPSON of Philadelphia was making his first Mr. America appearance. He's originally from South Carolina where he played football and ran the 100 yard dash in high school. He's 27, married, and works as a barber. He has been working out for six years.

CHARLES COLLRAS is notable for the extreme definition he has managed to maintain at the advanced bodybuilding age of 36. He is the current Mr. California, is married, and has two children. He's an electrical technician in motion picture and TV work. He was all state in high school gymnastics in Reading, Pennsylvania, and continues actively in that sport in beach contests as well as in physical fitness meets in Los Angeles. He is the California State power lifting champion in the lightweight class.

JIM HAISLOP is another famous name in the sport. While he hasn't shown the improvement during this year that he showed in last year's contest, there was less room for improvement. He is still incredibly symmetrical with shapely muscle and good bulk and pleasing definition. Jim works for the General Telephone Company in Tampa but aspires to an acting career. He is 26, and single, but engaged.

CHRIS DICKERSON joins Coe and St. John as most improved competitor. Chris has been active in lifting this past year and succeeded in picking up his five athletic points. But nothing else suffered because of this preoccupation. His legs are still great, and the fact that Coe beat him out in this category only shows how much Coe has improved. The fact that Chris took Whitaker and Coe in the Best Chest category shows the improvement that he has made in his torso. His lats are noticeably better and his arms much improved. Next year, the judges will have a miserable time choosing among the men mentioned above, Waller, and the inevitable dark horse. As always Dickerson comes across well in interview; he's easy-mannered, has a well-modulated voice, uses good diction and speaks in complete sentences with good phrasing. He's a great asset to the sport. He works as a reservations agent for an airline but keeps weekends free for posing exhibitions, talks and spreading the gospel on health to boys and young men.

CURT HAYWOOD made his second appearance in a Mr. America contest. His first came last year when he furnished the muscles that were used in adjusting the posing light at Columbus. He was pretty good then, but he's a lot better now. Curt is 27, married, and has two children. He works for Timken Roller Bearing. He fishes, hunts, rides (motorcycles and horses). and is a volunteer YMCA instructor. He impresses as a big man but weighs only 185. He was on a top Marine Corps football team and was all city fullback in high school along with track (440) and field (pole vault). Curt was another unflappable with a pleasant, easy manner and a contagious smile.

GENE KUCZINSKI from Baltimore is currently in the Navy working in electronics in a helicopter squadron at Norfolk. He is 24 and single and got top athletic points for his swimming achievements. He will be remembered for his gold statue posing in the 1966 Mr. America contest. He's on the smooth side but has excellent shape and symmetry.

JAMES MORRIS, another outstanding man who made perhaps the best presentation of himself during an interview (and there were some excellent ones). He is a New York City fireman. He was studying architectural drawing at Pratt Institute, but his mother insisted that he take the fireman test. He did reluctantly, got the job, and has never regretted it. He relishes the chances he gets to help others in need and carries this into his volunteer work at the Central Queens YMCA. He is 32 and single and did his service tour in the Air Force. He got full athletic points for Olympic lifting.

JAMES HANDLEY of Baltimore is also a fireman. He is 23, married. and has been working out for seven years, weighing 113 when he started. He has top athletic points for high school and college wrestling. He did his national service in the Army. Like his fellow Baltimorean, Kuczinski, he tends to the smooth side with excellent shape and symmetry.

PEARSON HINKLE was the local entry. He is a solid chunk of muscle but doesn't have the cuts or hardness to go with his mass. He plays softball and in high school he took up weights to help him in soccer, baseball and basketball, but he didn't turn serious about his workouts until 1963 when he was 24 and started working out with Vern Weaver.

WILLIAM COLLINS of Washington. D. C., is an Olympic and power lifter. He is married, has a son, and has worked out for twelve years. He is a volunteer instructor at the YMCA and a Post Office employee. He is no stranger to national competition in all phases of the sport.

OSCAR HUDSON is from Atlanta. He is 25 and single and has worked out five years. He has two years at Davis College and works as an assemblyman for a refrigeration company.

KEN COVINGTON was the last entry (in on time but too late for the program) and a welcome one. He had an infectious humor about him that almost had the judges participating in the Covington Laugh-In. At 19 he was the youngest man in the contest and one of the most muscular. He is a meat cutting apprentice at a beef company. He has lifted and also runs dashes and cross country. He shows plenty of definition and enough bulk. With the fine 4½ year start he has in work outs. he should do well in future contests..

The presentation of the competitors to the audience followed the usual procedure of introduction of all contestants (it had to be in groups) followed by individual posing with a minute time limit on the routine. This was followed by presentation of awards to the winners of the best parts, the selection of most muscular, selection of finalists and finally the Mr. America awards. The selection of Haislop was hotly disputed by the muscle-conscious audience who had picked Coe as their favorite. Not that Haislop was without supporters. But his type of build and good looks appeals more to the general public, and this particular audience was highly knowledgeable in the weightlifting game. My own feeling is that there were several Mr. Americas on that stage and future years will prove it. Presentation of the Mr. America trophy was made by his predecessor, Dennis Tinerino, who had earlier told the crowd of his year as Mr. America and the profound effect it had had on his life and the honor he'd felt by representing the sport and even his country in contests and posing appearances (over 100 altogether). Tinerino's will be a difficult act to follow.

Judges (1) Charles Gschwind, Ohio Assn. (2) Joe Paul, Central Assn. (3) Colon McMath. Virginia Assn. (4) Bob Bendel, Middle Atlantic Assn. (5) Len Bosland. New Jersey Assn. (6) Ralph Countryman, Pacific Assn. (7) Don Haley, Southern Pacific Assn. Chairman: Bob Crist, Virginia Assn.


Each judge selected the men he wished to consider for this title. The ten receiving the most requests were once again asked to pose and to appear together for a final selection of each judges top five places. The final ten are indicated with an *. The votes for the men to be considered: Seven votes--St. John*, Coe*, Dickerson; Six votes--Hansen*, Collras*; Five votes--Waller*, Whitaker*, Haislop*, Covington; Four votes--Miles*; One vote--Moore.

Each judge placed his top five men; these placements were converted to points on a 6-4-3-2-1 basis. The places and final scoring:
1   Coe (5 1sts, 1 2nd, 1 5th)   35
2   Collras (l 1st, 4 2nds, 1 4th)   24
3   Dickerson (1 2nd, 3 3rds)   13
4   Covington (1 2nd, 1 3rd, 1 4th, 1 5th)   10
5   Hansen (1 1st, 1 4th, 1 5th)   9
6   St. John (3 4ths, 2 5ths)   8
7   Waller (2 3rds, 1 5th)   7
8   Haislop (1 3rd, 1 4th, 1 5th)   6
9   Miles & Whitaker tied   (no placements)

The same basis for final consideration. Each judge selected not more than five men whom he wished to consider for each of the parts. The five men receiving the most votes were brought back for a second sighting. Each man in the contest was considered at least once in each of these categories. Finally each judge selected the one man he felt deserved the award. The finalists are indicated *.


Seven votes--Coe*; Six votes--Hansen, Waller*, Covington*; Four votes--Miles*; Three votes--St. John, Dickerson; Two votes--Upson, Collras; One vote--Grant, Whitaker.

1 Coe--six votes; 2 Waller-one vote.


Seven votes--Coe*, Dickerson*; Five votes --Waller*; Three votes--Hansen*, Collras*, Haislop*; Two votes--St. John, Whitaker, Morris; One vote--Grant, Kuczinski, Covington.

1 Dickerson--three votes. 2 Coe--two votes. 3 Waller, Haislop-one vote each.


Seven votes--Dickerson*; Six votes--Coe*; Five votes--Collras*; Three votes--St. John*, Grant*, Haislop*; Two votes--Hansen, Miles, Morris, Covington.

1 Coe--two votes; 2 Tie with one vote each-St. John, Grant, Collras, Haislop, Dickerson.


Six votes--Coe*, Haislop*, Dickerson*; Five votes--Waller*, Whitaker*; Three votesSt. John; One vote--Moore, Hansen, Miles, Collras, Haywood.

1 Coe--five votes; 2 Tie with one vote each--Haislop, Dickerson.


Six votes--St. John*; Five votes--Collras*; Four votes--Haislop*, Covington*; Three votes--Miles*; Two votes--Morris; One vote--Grant, Meriweather, Whitaker, Johnson, Dickerson.

1 Collras-four votes; 2 St. John--three votes.

Name (Progam No.)   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Mid 5
Total   Ath.
Pts.   Total   Place
James Haislop (20)   12   15   15   15   12½   14   14   70½   5   75½   1
Boyer Coe (16)   13   15   13½   14½   13   14½   13   68½   5   731½   2
Chris Dickerson (22)   15   15   13   14½   11½   14   11½   68   5   73   3
Ken Waller (11)   14   15   11½   14   11½   13½   11   64½   5   69½   4
Charles Collras (18)   11   13   11½   12½   12   13½   12½   61½   5   66½   5
Bill St. John (5)   12   13   12   13   11   13½   10½   61   5   66   6
Gilbert Hansen (7)   14   14   10   13   10   13   11   61   5   66   7
Will Whitaker (14)   11   13   12   14   11½   13   11   60½   5   65½   8
Craig Whitehead (12)   10   11   12   14   11   13½   9½   57½   5   62½   9
James Morris (25)   11   11   11½   13   11   12   9   56½   5   61½   10
Tommy Johnson (15)   10   12   12   13½   9   11½   9½   55   5   60   11
Curt Haywood (23)   11   11   12   12½   10   10   8   54   5   59   12
Eugene Kuczinski (24)   9   12   12½   12½   9½   10½   7   53½   5   58½   13
Ken Covington (30)   13   11   10   12   10½   10½   10   54   3   57   14
Bob Moore (4)   11   9   10   11   9½   11   10   51½   4   55½   15
Dan Miles (10)   9   9   10½   12   11   12½   9   51½   2   53½   16
William Grant (6)   10   11   9   11½   9½   10   8   49½   2   51½   17
James Handley (26)   8   9   11   12½   9   9½   7   46½   5   51½   18
Larry Gordon (13)   7   12   10½   13   8   10½   8   49   2   51   19
Dennis Yaklich (9)   10   10   10   10½   9   10   8   49   2   51   20
William Collins (28)   9   9   9½   11½   9½   7½   8½   45½   5   50½   21
Melvin Meriweather (8)   10   8   7   11½   10   9½   7½   45   3   48   22
David Upson (17)   9   8   10   11   9½   9   6½   45½   2   47½   23
Vince Anello (2)   6   10   9   11   8½   8   9   44½   2   46½   24
Pearson Hinkle (27)   7   10   9   10½   8½   8½   6   43   2   45   25
Oscar Hudson (29)   9   6   9   11   9   6   7   40   2   42   26
Lou Kushner (1)   7   10   6   9½   7   6   7   36½   2   38½   27


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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #504 on: September 23, 2021, 12:12:31 PM »
Muscle Builder, Vol 10, No 1, Page 45, September 1968

FOR those bodybuilding fans who waited through two days of lifting to see th 1968 AAU Amateur Mr. AMerica, what they got was really "amateur". York, Pa., scene of the Mr. America show in 1966, whcih was the best imitation of the IFBB extravaganzas the AAU ever conducted, was in 1668 the victim of the latests AAU regulations.

It seems that now no professional act or even poser can appear on the same program as amateur bodybuilders . . . it might "taint" them. So . . . no show, no poser, no nothing except 27 contestants and the various awards.

One step in the right direction . . . contestants are now allowed one minute of posing time, instead of the traditional 3 poses limitation. After all 27 men had posed, the Most Muscular winners were announced. Fifth was Gil Hansen; fourth, Ken covington; thir, Chris Dickerson; second, Chuck Collras; first, Boyer Coe. Other than Coe, just how these awards were arrived at were a mystification to the fans. Coe, however, got an overwhelming reception and clearly was the favorite of the crowd.

Best bodyparrs were passed out: Coe, as expected, got Best Arms, Best Chest, and Best Legs. In decisions greeted by thunderous silence Chris Dickerson got Best Chest and Chuck Collras Best Abdominals. [obviously a typo: two best chest, no best back - tmf]

The 10 finalists were immediately announced (remember, no acts and no guest poser). There were on the stage: Boyer Coe, Chuck Collras, Chris Dickerson, Jim Whitehead, Will Whitaker, and Ken Waller.

Of this group, Will Whitaker and Bill St John looked particularly impressive, Jim Morris of New York City and Ken Waller of Indiana were in their first Mr. America shows, and Coe and Hailsop drew the greatest applause and fan support.

The top five were announced: fifth, to scattered rasberries, Chuck Collras; fourth, to disbelieving "awws," Kell Waller; third, to general apathy and wouldn't-you-know-it sounds, Chris Dickerson; second, to a thunderous chorus of boos, Boyer Coe. The winner, as expected, Jim Haislpop.

It would seem, despite Haislop's many supporters, that Coe had the approval of the fans, as he did in losing also at the Jr. Mr. America. In fairness to Haislop, amid the boing chorus, it should be remembered that he has a completely symmetrical body, despite a slight weakness of arm size, while Coe is hugely massive without the same symmetry, good looks, and Reeves-like appearance.

This Haislop has, while Coe is in the muscle monster category, with Oliva, Sipes and others of that size and development. Having waited his turn for a year, Jim Haislop is now Amateur Mr. America, 1968, and lots better than some winners of recent vintage. He deserves credit for working long and hard on his training. What Coe will do in the future is anybody's guess.


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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #505 on: September 23, 2021, 12:13:01 PM »
Muscular Development, Vol 5, No 9, Page 32, September 1968

Highlights of the MR. AMERICA CONTEST
by Don Lehan and MD Staff
ANOTHER FABULOUS National Championships and Mr. America contest, sponsored by the York Barbell Club, has come and gone. Although this was the first time that hundreds of spectators had to be turned away because there were no more available seats, even the heat which usually plagues York every time a big championship is held here did not discourage the vast throngs.

The auditorium was filled to overflowing. Even the aisles and foyer were packed to capacity. Those lucky enough to get in were treated to a multi-record breaking performance something they'll never forget. The fact that 31 American, National and World records were broken and rebroken attests to the caliber of the lifting that took place, and this in spite of the great humidity that prevailed during the two day festivities. Yet very few if any people left during the contest. They remained in their seats sweltering but intrigued by the sterling performance.

The Mr. America contest was another great highlight of this two-day program. Of course most of the top AAU physique champions competed. The posing lights for this event were fabulous, and most of the contestants showed more muscle than they ever showed before. Even when the contestants lined up under the ordinary stage lights they all looked muscularly impressive. Judging such a caliber of men is not easy and some differences of opinion are apt to result.

After the line-up the contestants retired backstage and then came out and posed individually. The large crowd responded with hearty applause after each and every pose. This proved that the spectators enjoyed this fine performance and demonstrated keen interest by their applause.

The proceedings were somewhat delayed on the second day due to the proclamation by President Johnson to have Sunday as a day of mourning. Though things were delayed they could not be cancelled. Too many lifters and physique champions had traveled long distances and looked forward to this big event that only comes once a year. . . not to mention the spectators that came from every part of the country. Thus we were confronted with this decision and decided "the show must go on" even if we had to delay it.

Baseball games are played every day during the season so cancelling a game isn't much of a problem. But the Mr. America and National Championships come but once a year and cancelling them would deprive many contestants of an opportunity to compete. Then all the sweat, suffering and toil that is part of the preparation would go for nought. Postponing them for a week or two would also present problems, which includes the rental of an auditorium and whether the lifters and Mr. America contestants could come back. But we paid our respects by delaying the performance and then started things rolling . . . everyone seemed happy.

JAMES HAISLOP   Tampa, Fla.   75½
Boyer Coe   Lafayette, La.   73½
Chris Dickerson   Long Island, N.Y.   73
Kenneth Waller   Jeffersonville, Ind.   69½
Charles Collras   Los Angeles, Calif.   66½
Bill St. John   York, Pa.   66
Gilbert Hansen   Waterloo, Iowa   66
Will Whitaker   Chattanooga, Tenn.   65½
Craig Whitehead   Tampa, Fla.   62½
James Morris   New York, N.Y.   61½
Tommy Johnson   Columbus, Ohio   60
Curt Haywood   Columbus, Ohio   59
Gene Kuczinski   Baltimore, Md.   58½
Robert Moore   Nashville, Tenn.   55½
Ken Covington   Philadelphia, Pa.   54
Daniel Miles   Southgate, Mich.   53½
William Grant   Morristown, N.J.   51½
James Handley   Baltimore, Md.   51½
Dennis Yaklich   Avindale, Colo.   51
Lawrence Gordon   Iowa City, Iowa   51
William Collins   Washington, D.C.   50½
Melvin Merriweather   Michigan City, Ind.   48
David Upson   Philadelphia, Pa.   47½
Vince Anello   Cleveland, Ohio   46½
Pearson Hinkle   York, Pa.   45
Oscar Hudson   Butler, Ohio   42
Lou Kushner   Norristown, Pa.   38
1st Place   Boyer Coe
2nd Place   Charles Collras
3rd Place   Chris Dickerson
4th Place   Ken Covington
5th Place   Gilbert Hansen
Best Arms   Boyer Coe
Best Chest   Chris Dickerson
Best Abdominals   Charles Collras
Best Back   Boyer Coe
Best Legs   Boyer Coe

The physique contest started around 9 P.M. the scheduled time. The top five who recently placed in the Jr. Mr. America contest in Milwaukee were on hand. These were Jim Haislop 1st, Boyer Coe 2nd, Chris Dickerson 3rd, Gilbert Hansen 4th, Robert Moore 5th, plus about two dozen more qualified to compete for this important title.

After all the men posed individually, the subdivisions were announced and the winners were presented their awards. The man receiving the most trophies was Boyer Coe . . . who should have gotten another title, Mr. Trophies. . . because he got so many. He got one for Best Arms, Best Legs and Best Back. Chris Dickerson took Best Chest, and Chuck Collras won Best Abdominals.

Though each man was well-deserving of the honor bestowed on him, some wondered why the Best Legs award went to Coe instead of Dickerson who's been winning this award in the past. And why Dickerson got the Best Chest trophy when Boyer Coe has been winning that award. Many of the regular spectators wondered whether it was an error because of the switch. . . but it wasn't. The judges felt each man merited the award they gave him.

Though Boyer Coe had a massive back, a few thought that either Will Whitaker or Bill St. John should have gotten this trophy. Certainly the back display of St. John was not only impressive but showed sharper and greater muscularity than any of the others; and the terrific spread of Whitaker's back deserved some notice. However, none could top the massive arm development of Coe, though Ken Waller was a close second.

In the Most Muscular Man Contest St. John did not place, although he showed more muscular delineation than any other contestant. All this, however, is only a spectator's point of view, and it must be mentioned here that long before the men appear on stage the awards have been decided during the prejudging. This is the purpose of the prejudging. It is done backstage without the benefits of lights, and this is where so many of these men "lose", because they look well only under favorable conditions. The men appear several times before the judges and the judges are able to study and form an honest opinion, much better than the audience who sees them but once or twice and then under the most favorable conditions. Thus, some dissension is apt to occur occasionally but physique judges have rarely been wrong and eventually everyone agrees that the man the judges pick was the right and logical choice.

By now everyone awaited the winners. The announcer called Chuck Collras out for 5th place. Next came Ken Waller for 4th. Then Chris Dickerson was announced for 3rd, and then Boyer Coe for a close 2nd. Just about everyone knew who the winner would be as the announcer Rudy Sablo said, and now we give you Mr. America for 1968, JIM HAISLOP, and out came the handsome, blond adonis with a wider V-shape than any Mr. America ever showed. Flashbulbs flashed everywhere for some time as the tired contestants picked up their trophies and retired to the shower.

So ended another Mr. America contest and another year for some of the contestants to work harder and try again. And no matter who wins the people enjoy the show and they look forward to the next one with always the same question in mind: Who Will Win It Next Year?

Well, if you stick around you'll find out . . . we'll see you there!


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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #506 on: September 23, 2021, 12:13:29 PM »
Strength & Health, Page 18, September 1968

by Bill Starr
On Sunday evening, June 8th, twenty seven contestants mounted the posing platform at the William Penn High School Auditorium to vie for the coveted Mr. America Title. As the audience got their first look at the men it was obvious that it was going to be a battle between last year's runner-up, Jim Haislop, and Boyer Coe, a fifth place finisher in 1967. They were very evenly matched and very few of the 2000 fans who were packed in the auditorium were taking any bets on the outcome.

Results of 1968
Mr. America Contest

James Haislop   75½
Boyer Coe   73½
Chris Dickerson   73
Kenneth Waller   69½
Charles Collras   66½
Bill St. John   66
Gilbert Hansen   66
Will Whitaker   65½
Craig Whitehead   62½
James Morris   61½
Tommy Johnson   60
Curt Haywood   59
Gene Kuczinski   58½
Robert Moore   55½
Ken Covington   54
Daniel Miles   53½
William Grant   51½
James Handley   51½
Dennis Yaklich   51
Lawrence Gorden   51
William Collins   50½
Melvin Merriweather   48
David Upson   47½
Vince Anello   46½
Pearson Hinkle   45
Oscar Hudson   42
Lou Kushner   38
Most Muscular - Boyer Coe
Best Arms - Boyer Coe
Best Back - Boyer Coe
Best Legs - Boyer Coe
Best Abdominals - Charles Collras
Best Chest - Chris Dickerson

The final nod went to the Blond Hercules from Tampa, Florida, Jim Haislop, with 75½ points. Jim has no weak points and his overall development eased him by Boyer Coe of Lafayette, Louisiana. Boyer ended with 73½ points. Boyer's size and muscularity have to be seen to be appreciated. His overarm pose is perhaps the best ever with mountainous biceps growing from an iceberg-shaped triceps. The Louisiana physique star also copped the "Most Muscular", "Best Arms", "Best Legs", and "Best Back" awards. I would hae added the "Best Chest" for no one compared with him in this category.

Chris Dickerson of Long Island, New York, finished third -- a very close third. He was 1½ points behind Boyer last year and eased to within ½ point this time around. He continues to improve and looks like he may be the first Negro to win the top physique title in the U.S. Chris won the "Best Chest" trophy and displayed his unbelievable set of calves to the greatest advantage. The biggest surprise of the meet had to be Ken Waller of Jeffersonville, Indiana. It usually takes two or three trips, at a minimum, to the Mr. A show to break into the top five, but Ken had everything plus 5 big athletic points and moved over some highly respected competitors. He should make his presence felt at the Junior Mr. USA and Mr. USA contests this summer.

Chuck Collras of Los Angeles, California, was expected to do well and he did. He had won virtually everything in sight on the coast and made a fine appearance under the lights. Chuck grabbed the fifth spot in the scoring and won the "Best Abdominals" award.

Bill St. John, Gilbert Hanson, Will Whitaker, Craig Whitehead, and James Morris rounded out the top ten. Bill St. John got my vote for the "Most Improved Contestant". He looked terrific and should have, in my opinion, won the "Best Abs".

Doctor Craig Whitehead also was very, very much improved over last season. He scored 4½ more points than he did in Columbus, but ended up in the same relative position. I was surprised at the placing of Will Whitaker. He was just behind Haislop in Columbus, but wound up 8th this time around. Personally, I thought he looked better than 8th - more like third or fourth. Gilbert Hansen looked better than ever before. I was very much impressed with him at the Junior Mr. America and if he works on his weaker points in the coming year he will have a shot at the title in '69. James Morris impressed the judges and scored consistently enough to take the number ten position.

The 1968 Mr. America is certainly a credit to his chosen sport. He has spent a dedicated eight years working toward one goal - to become Mr. America. After his victories at the Mr. USA and Junior Mr. A shows, there was no stopping him. Besides having the finest physique in America, Jim possesses a congenial personality and meets people very well. He will wear the crown well.


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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #507 on: September 23, 2021, 12:13:58 PM »
Strength & Health, Page 36, October 1968

1968 Mr. America Contest
by Bill Starr
In 1966, S&H published the individual scoring on the Mr. America Contest. This was the first time that the judges' scores had been made public in the history of the sport. Up to that point the individual scores had been guarded like the crown jewels, leaving many people with the impression that they must hide them because things may just not be on the up and up. We strongly recommended that this practice become standard procedure for future national-level contests. The response we received from contestants, fans, and A.A.U. officials was gratifying. Yes, even from the very officials that some peopel suggest we would be doing a disfavor. Every official I talked to that has been on a national physique contest panel wanted his scoring reported. Some associations began reporting the scores of the local Mr. contests on the spot so that the contestants would know just where they stood before they left the scene. The fear that the reporting of facts would alienate the athletes and the officials has been unwarranted. It has, on the contrary, done just the opposite. Now the competitor knows his weaker points and exactly where he stands, without guessing. The truth, in the final analysis, is not so hard to swallow after all.

1968 Mr. America Judge Scoresheet
    Gscwind   Paul   McMath   Bendel   Bosland   Coun-
tryman   Haley   Athletic
Points   Total
Kushner   7   10   6   9½   7   6   7   2   38½
Anello   6   10   9   11   8½   8   9   2   46½
Moore   11   9   10   11   9½   11   10   4   55½
St. John   12   13   12   13   11   13½   10½   5   66
Grant   10   11   9   11½   9½   10   8   2   51½
Hansen   14   14   10   13   10   13   11   5   66
Meriweather   10   8   7   11½   10   9½   7½   3   48
Yaklich   10   10   10   10½   9   10   8   2   51
Miles   9   9   10½   12   11   12½   9   2   53
Waller   14   15   11½   14   11½   13½   11   5   69½
Whitehead   10   11   12   14   11   13½   9½   5   62½
Gordon   7   12   11½   13   8   10½   8   2   51
Whitaker   11   13   12   14   11½   13   11   5   65½
Johnson   10   12   12   13½   9   11½   9½   5   60
Coe   13   15   13½   14½   13   14½   13   5   73½
Upson   9   8   10   11   9½   9   6½   2   47½
Collras   11   13   11½   12½   12   13½   12½   5   66½
Haislop   12   15   15   15   12½   14   14   5   75½
Dickerson   15   15   13   14½   11½   14   11½   5   73
Haywood   11   11   12   12½   10   10   8   5   59
Kuczinski   9   12   12½   12½   9½   10½   7   5   58½
Morris   11   11   11½   13   11   12   9   5   61½
Handley   8   9   11   12½   9   9½   7   5   51½
Hinkle   7   10   9   10½   8½   8½   6   2   45
Collins   9   9   9½   11½   9   7½   8½   5   50½
Hudson   9   6   9   11   9   6   7   2   42
Covington   13   11   10   12   10½   10½   10   3   57
List of Mr. America Judges:
Charles Gschwind, Ohio;
Joe Paul, Missouri;
Colon McMath, Virginia;
Bob Bendel, New Jersey;
Len Bosland, New Jersey;
Ralph Countryman, California;
Don Haeley, California;
Chairman of Selection Committee:
Bob Crist, Virginia
Judging the Mr. America Contest is done by the point system. The judges can give a maximum of 5 points to each contestant for: symmetry, muscular development, and general appearance for an overall maximum of 15 points. A panel of seven judges vote for Mr. America. The high and low scores for each contestant are eliminated to prevent bias and the remaining five scores are totaled. This gives the sub-total. A five point maximum for athletic ability is allowed for each contestant and this is added in after the sub-total. This gives the final total for the contestant. In cases of ties the high and low scores are added to determine the highest man.

It is interesting to point out some of the facts on this year's scoring. The variance in scoring was fairly consistent except in a few cases. Usually 2½-3½ points separated the high and the low score. However, on one contestant there was a glaring difference of 6 points between the high and low score. On two competitors there was a 5½ point gap and on yet two more there was a 5 point spread. This is certainly too much variance when one considers that but 15 total points are being worked with. Some judges scored consistently higher on all the men while others are lower point givers. Bob Bendel gave a total of 85 more points on the 27 men than did Don Haley, for example, and Bendel had the high score on 16 contestants while Haley had the low score for 12 men. It should be noted that both were very consistent. There was no geographical favoritism as far as scoring went. For example, Charles Gschwind of Cincinnati, Ohio, actually gave lower scores to the three men from his home state (Anello, Johnson, and Haywood) than did some of the other judges.

It is obvious from watching these men work that they do an extremely capable and conscientious job. The scoresheet only helps to prove this fact to the general public. Integrity shouldn't be hidden, the facts are much easier to digest than


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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #508 on: September 23, 2021, 12:14:30 PM »
1969 Mr America - AAU

1     Boyer Coe
2     Chris Dickerson
3     Ken Waller
4     Bill St John
5     Bill Seno
6     Robert Moore (1)
7     Michael Dayton
8     Paul Love
9     Joseph Sasso
10     Ellington Darden
11     Tommy Johnson
12     Tom Muscolino
13     Jerome Currin
14     Carl Smith
15     Alex McNeil
16     Willie Johnson
17     Curtis Haywood
18     Melvin Meriweather
19     Paul Devine
20     Dan Howard
21     Harry Brown
22     William Collins
23     Thomas Howard
24     Steve Sakoulos

Most Muscular
1     Boyer Coe


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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #509 on: September 23, 2021, 12:15:11 PM »
IronMan, Vol 28, No 6, Page 12, September 1969

Coe Wins Sr. Mr. America
By Ralph Countryman
THERE were two hours of interviewing (five minutes per man), two hours of judging, and two hours of nervous waiting. During the last segment the confident and foolhardy attended the banquet for athletes and officials, while the rest feasted on fingernails.

Finally, when all were duly pumped and de-oiled, the presentation went off as if it had been rehearsed. In a way it had, as all of these men were experienced competitors in big meets, nine of them repeaters from last year's Mr. America contest. The collective titles would have filled an edition of Burke's Peerage. The collective muscles did fill the stage and overflowed a bit, with presentation being confined to groups of eight. In case anyone is interested, a regulation lifting platform is four and a half lat spreads wide or two Coes and a Darden.

A great deal of the smoothness of the presentation was due to the outstanding announcing of Len Bosland, a many-time competitor himself. He had been present during the interviews and had carefully briefed the athletes. He made the introductions with style and effect, He doesn't oversell the man, and he maintains the pace of the contest. He uses mike silence more effectively than some use words.

1.   Boyer Coe   70½
2.   Chris Dickerson   70¼
3.   Ken Waller   67
4.   William St. John   65½
5.   William Seno   65½
6.   Robert Moore   63½
7.   Michael Dayton   58
8.   Paul Love   56½
9.   Joseph Sasso   56½
10.   Ellington Darden   56½
11.   Tommy Johnson   56
12.   Thomas Muscolino   54
13.   Jerome Currin   53½
14.   Carl Smith   53½
15.   Alex McNeil   53½
16.   Willie Johnson   52
17.   Curt Haywood   51½
18.   Melvin Meriweather   51
19.   Paul Devine   50½
20.   Daniel Howard   48
21.   Harry Brown   46
22.   William Collins   44½
23.   Thomas Howard   42
24.   Steve Sakoulos   40

Boyer Coe
Chris Dickerson
Ken Waller
Bill St. John
Bill Seno

Bill Seno
Boyer Coe
Chris Dickerson

Ken Waller
Bill St. John
Chris Dickerson
Bill Seno

Bill St. John
Ken Waller
Bill Seno
Jerome Currin

Chris Dickerson
Boyer Coe
Ken Waller

Boyer Coe
Chris Dickerson
Ken Waller

Charles Gschwind, Ohio Assn.
John Scott, So. Pacific Assn.
Lou Hopfe, Central Assn.
Ray Wornom, Virginia Assn.
Bob Bendel, Middle Atl. Assn.
Frank Bates, New Jersey Assn.
Ralph Countryman, Pacific
After appearing in groups under normal lignts, the men returned individually for spot-lighted posing and a few words about them from the announcer. All were well received, but there were obvious favorites and not just the local competitors. There seems to be an increasing tendency toward booing the judges' decisions. Unfortunately this is usually interpreted as dissatisfaction with the winner himself, and it takes a pretty gutsy man to face the catcalls he doesn't deserve when the decision is unpopular. Perhaps our contests should provide a brief period for insulting the judges, either on introduction or just prior to announcement of the winners. Then the winners could get only the acclaim they richly merit.

This year was the first in many in which athletic points were not a factor in judging. Still the top five men showed their stamina and strength. They were on and off the stage so many times as finalists in the various categories that it looked like Bodybuilders Local No. 1 on picket duty. They certainly weren't striking for better trophies; the local committee had come up with the largest assortment of big trophies for all competitors (lifters and bodybuilders) to be seen outside of the office bowling tournament. The top five men took them all, each staggering off with many pounds of glittering dust catchers and thereby earning strength points.

The elimination of athletic points was a major change which speeded the interviews considerably although that was not its primary purpose. It has been a thorn to competitors and a can of worms to administer, There is another change being proposed to the national committee, which should eliminate some of the painfully close decisions of the past. This is to increase the number of points given in each major group (symmetry, muscularity, and general appearance), at the same time eliminating fractions. Presently the span of 0-15 points that each judge can give a contestant allows too little latitude for properly ranking two dozen athletes. The actual range is, in fact, more like ten points, as no one eligible to enter a Mr. America contest is going to get fewer than five points. This year one judge felt so constricted by point range that he used quarter points, which accounts for the closest decision in years. A strong argument can be made for eliminating points altogether, and going only with rankings by each judge, but this has even more difficult tie-breaking possibilities than the present system of rating with points against an absolute. Further, it would require many side-by-side comparisons of the athletes, a desirable feature when time isn't an essential factor, But since the judging of a physique contest is largely subjective anyway, the ranking system may eventually come. The main thing to note is that the subject is open and changes are being made. Lifters have their representatives on the National Weightlifting Committee, but there is no equivalent sounding board for bodybuilders. Contact is indirect but it can and should be made through Bob Crist, the Chairman of the Mr. America judges' panel. Your comments to him or to the author, a member of his committee, care of this magazine, will receive consideration and may possibly lead to additional desirable changes. So write!

So much for the editorial; now back to the contest. Everyone knew it was going to be a close one. Everyone knew it would be between Coe and Dickerson, with Waller a man to watch. Everyone was right. It was hairily, heartbreakingly close, and Coe won by the margin of one-quarter point; that's about one lump and a cut ahead of Dickerson. Coe was probably a shade past his peak of the Junior Mr. America contest. Dickerson, who had been down for that one, was the best I've ever seen him. A coin tosser couldn't have gone wrong in picking one over the other. Both were clearly outstanding. Ken Waller was a much improved man from last year. He has everything: size. bulk, density, cuts, shape, and glow of vitality, and that overwhelming look of the top strength athlete in top condition. Each time he came out to pose, I had to add another point to my score sheet for him. Bill St. John and Bill Seno tied in points, with St. John getting the fourth place by a quarter point on a tie-breaker. And it was just that close, Both of them are of the rock hard type, St. John with a bit more definition, Seno with more massiveness. Bob Moore of Nashville was not the same Bob Moore of Nashville who competed in last year's Mr. America contest. He was the most improved man in the contest. He jumped from a smooth fifteenth to a highly defined sixth, really a different man in one of those amazing transformations that weights and determination can make.

It's not surprising for the top five men in the Mr. America to reappear as the top five in the Most Muscular phase. But the identical one through five ranking is a bit unusual. And like the "Mr." contest, a complete reshuffling of the top five in any random order would have been a defensible selection. A bit more unusual was that the top five men took all three places in the best parts divisions (with the exception of the second place in abdominals) and that each of the five won a first. These rankings are detailed elsewhere in this article along with a table of how the judges voted.

All of the first six men with the exception of Bill Seno were in last year's Mr. America, and Iron Man provided their background sketches in the September 1968 issue.

BOYER COE, 22, of Lafayette, Louisiana, has now graduated from Southwestern Louisiana and will be going to summer school, but it undecided about his future. He has been working with youth groups and wants to continue this in his future plans. During the year he lost one and won one in physique competition; Dickerson took the Mr. U.S.A. title from him, but he turned around and bested Dickerson in the Junior Mr. America contest. His win in Chicago ends the seven-year itch for the big title he has had ever since he first started training.

CHRIS DICKERSON of Jamaica, New York, continues his stage and voice studies and will make his debut as a dramatic tenor this fall. He said that his weight training led him to singing, and he feels the advantages in added lung capacity and chest development are marked. He is also less taxed by the physical demands of a three-hour performance which requires the maximum in breath control. Chris is at a crossroads now and must decide whether to continue mixing bodybuilding with voice training or switch completely to the latter. At 30, he feels he is behind where he should be in his singing career, and yet he wants that elusive title. He has been a tremendous asset and fine example to this sport, and it would be a shame if he had to leave it now when he is so near the pinnacle. There is no one else like him when it comes to stage presence and the ability to present himself effectively.

KEN WALLER made a big decision during his twenty-sixth year. He left teaching, moved to St. Louis and started work as a claims adjuster in personal injury cases for Travelers Insurance Group. It might just be that Waller is one of the reasons that Dickerson is at the crossroads. Certainly no title is safe for anyone else as long as he is in the contest, and if he makes the same kind of improvement this next year as he did the last, there's another tight race in the offing with or without a new point system.

BILL ST. JOHN, 25, Glassboro, N. J., is still working for the Navy at the Philadelphia Shipyard in electronics. He still trains hard, still is a block of solid muscle, still wins big contests (Mr. Chesapeake Bay this year), and is still single.

BILL SENO was making a come-back after several years away from competition. He has completed his schooling and is now teaching high school English in nearby Niles, where he lives. He will complete work on his masters this fall. Bill's example is a good argument for the place of sports in school. At 16 he was an almost dropout, but football kept him in school and led to an athletic scholarship in college. Gradually the idea of education grew more important and athletics became the adjunct rather than the dominant force in his life. Bill is 30, married and has a 13 month old girl.

BOB MOORE, 26, still works for the Tennessee Fish and Game Commission in Nashville. He is in public relations work in the home office and no longer has to travel about the state. He backs up the field teams which do the visiting to schools, clubs, and other organizations. The pump was especially kind to his type of definition, bringing out his exceptional upper back and deltoid separation.

MIKE DAYTON, at 20, was making his bow in national competition. After winning Teenage Mr. America in 1967, he hibernated a while before resuming contest appearances. In the meantime he has completed work at Napa Junior College, majoring in business administration, and will continue this fall in a four year college. Mike started training under Jack Delinger, who emphasized leg work from the beginning. It's obvious that Mike was a good student, but his overall balance needs more harmony.

PAUL LOVE has been running a seesaw battle with Mike Dayton all year in the California contests. Both have won two. This was Pauls first national contest, and he was the highest ranking of those on the national scene for the first time. Originally from Mississippi, he attended Colorado State on a football scholarship and now works for Westinghouse in the San Jose area. Paul's big, well-defined torso has carried him a long way, most recently to the Mr. California title this past spring. Paul is 29 and is single.

JOSEPH SASSO of Lynnfield, Massachusetts, is a bunch of freckles held together by a lot of muscle. He is the current Mr. New England and was another newcomer to the big time. He is a sales manager for John Hancock, attended Boston University, played football and baseball there, and majored in English and liberal arts. He introduced himself as 29, the father of four and the husband of one. Joe made a hit with the panel with his puns and effervescent good humor.

ELLINGTON DARDEN is about 5-8 tall and about 8-5 broad. Originally from Texas, he is now at Florida State in Tallahassee working on his Ph.D. with a thesis concerning physical image among groups of athletes. His physique is very reminiscent of Jim Haislop's. He intends to go into group evangelism with personal emphasis on physical condition and sports. He also had the panel running overtime in interview as they listened to his ideas on mud pit training as a means of exercise without soreness. He is 25, single, and the current Mr. Texas.

TOMMY JOHNSON was a repeater from last year. The panel enjoyed talking to Tommy through his attracive wife, Judy. She gave the judges an insight into the psychology of a deaf-mute, and was entertaining in describing a deaf party where everyone was having a ball in total silence. Tommy is 31, has two children, and is a journeyman printer.

TOM MUSCOLINO, Mr. Chicago of 1969, was the youngest competitor. At 19 he has a fine build, heavily muscled, with big limbs and narrow waist. He's a man to watch. Tom works for the Metropolitan Sanitary District as a lab assistant and will start college in the fall, majoring in physical education or physical therapy. He started working out at 15 to keep in shape and has had the benefit of highly approving parents.

JEROME CURRIN of Indianapolis was the only man outside the top five to take a place in the best parts. His abdominals are long and thick and deep. Jerry is 32, married, has three children and is a bus driver for the city. He has a happy disposition and an easy manner before the panel.

CARL SMITH is the kind of guy who might be lost in a crowd. He almost looked as if he didn't belong during the initial briefing. But it was obvious as soon as he came back to pose, that he's a man to watch. In four or five years he will be Mr. America. He has beautiful proportions and a good degree of muscularity with cuts that will hold as his bulk increases. Carl is a protege of Tommy Johnson. He needs only seven hours to complete his major in business administration at Eastern Kentucky. He is 23, married, and has one girl and one trailer.

ALEX McNEIL is a policeman from Jackson, Mississippi. He seemed too soft spoken for a policeman, but says he works with teenagers and finds bodybuilding and the soft approach the effective way to come across. His constantly changing shift makes for a highly unusual workout pattern, but he's kept at it five years and gone from 140 to 195 with a fine build to show for it. He has no really weak points, and a good potential for much higher placings. Alex is 31, married, and has two children.

WILLIE JOHNSON of Akron is 24, married and has one daughter. He's been working out for three years, has an excellent upper back, slight waist, and many cuts. He's relatively weak in the calves and needs more posing work. Willie followed Tommy Johnson as this year's Mr. Ohio.

CURT HAYWOOD was trained down too far for this contest. In gaining cuts he sacrificed a most pleasing bulk. His legs remained good but his torso lost the imposing look he had last year. Still I feel he was underrated. Curt continued his work with the local YMCA in Columbus and puts on strength shows, lifting a horse, tug-of-war with 10 men, tearing phone books, etc., to plug the sport. Curt is 28, married, and has two children.

MELVIN MERIWEATHER was another repeater from 1968. Again he made a good impression with his poise (he's still president of the P-TA) and his dedication to the sport in promoting lifting and weight training. Mel is 31 and married, with three children ranging from 9 years to 2 months.

PAUL DEVINE of Chicago was another man I felt was underrated. He is married, with one boy, and is a bus driver for the Chicago Transit Authority. There is something about these bus drivers; they know how to meet the public and they have personalities that come across. Paul was active in high school sports but turned down a college scholarship. His nephew started him training when Paul was 17, but he's been a regular for only three years. He is the current Mr. Midwest.

DAN HOWARD was another whose interview ran overtime. He is the trainer for all athletic teams at Tulsa University, and his research on the pill was most informative and well delivered. He is doing work for his masters on the steroids, and his conclusion is that they are bad. He gave a catalog of their harmful effects from lowering resistance to certain diseases, to sexual upsets, to psychological disadvantages. Dan trains in the excellent University weight room, often building his own equipment (he's a welder, too). He's a big man, 230 pounds, with a great frame for bodybuilding, but in need of additional density. At 28 he has time to acquire this.

HARRY BROWN was the first man up for interview and set a high standard for the others. He's a doctor of chiropractic in Atlanta, and uses his opportunities to plug the value of exercise. Harry is a slight man with exceptional posture, a fine set of abs and pecs and poise aplenty. He is 29, married, and has girls 2 and 4.

WILLIAM COLLINS had two panel rooters when they learned that he too was a mailman. He has been active in the sport for 15 years and likes all phases of it, frequently acting as an official in his own district. He figures he'll go on in competition until he fades, and that's a long way off even for a man of 35.

TOM HOWARD is a foreman at the Gene Glick Co. in Indianapolis. He is married and has worked out for six years. Tom was Mr. Indianapolis in 1967. But he lacked size for a good showing in this contest. He is 30 and married.

STEVE SAKOULOS was a panel favorite. At 43 he was in the Mr. America for the eighth time; his first appearance being in 1955. He was the Saroyan of the middle years and almost made one happy to admit to being over 40. He put in a great plug for the senior bodybuilder and avowed that he was having more fun now than ever before. Maybe that's because he is still single. He left the panel with the firm impression that he will feel the same way about being 53. Steve was a glass blower by trade but now promotes glassware and pharmaceutical glass for the same company.

So that was the 1969 Mr. America. It was an above average year with cream at the top but not as deep in qualit as 1968. The placings are generally good; the points tend to cluster, but this is a fair indication of the quality as the athletes did seem to be on three or four definite quality levels. The average age is 28 and the men are almost equally divided between married and singles. They have a total of 24 children. Keep your eye on the men in the middle, though: They're a bunch of comers, and I counted at least two future Mr. Americas there.



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #510 on: September 23, 2021, 12:15:50 PM »
Muscular Development, Vol 6, No 10, Page 32, October 1969

By John C. Grimek
THE 1969 MR. AMERICA CONTEST and the National Weightlifting championships were held in Chicago on June 13, 14 and 15 at DePaul's Alumni Hall, a spacious, basketball type of gymnasium. At one end in the center of the gym a specially built platform was sturdily constructed to withstand the onslaught of record attempts. In all more than 25 National, American and World records were shattered and new marks established, which strongly illustrates the caliber of lifting that took place. A great turnout attended the championships, and chairman Norb Grueberhinted that around 5,000 tickets were sold in advance for this occasion. Of course, even the weather was favorable. Not nearly as hot as it has been on other occasions, and this may have contributed to the great record breaking performances. Those who didn't make it to Chicago this year missed the unusual lifting and the hotly contested Mr. America title.

The committee in charge apparently worked hard and long for the success achieved and deserve applause for their efforts. On the other hand, the selected venue wasn't befitting a Mr. America pageant because of its barn-like atmosphere (as so many commented on) when compared to some of the previous locations this competition was staged. All previous staging of the Mr. America contest was more professional and dramatic compared to this year's presentation. But outside of this the championships as a whole were a credit to the game and to all those who helped make them a success. The crowd was enthusiastic and orderly, applauding every great effort to the delight of each lifter and "mister" contestant.

Prejudging took place Sunday afternoon during the 242-pound lifting. Photographers were not allowed into the interview room, but a vote taken by Bob Crist, chairman of the Mr. America judging panel, allowed only one photographer to photograph each man after his interview. This was given to Cliff Swan, our West Coast representative. Some of the pictures used here were taken at that time, but the usual "Behind the Scenes," impromptu shots were not available this time.

Yet under this rule the judges were able to do their job without interference, whereas in other places in the past, half of the audience could mill around and this made it difficult for the judges to concentrate on their job. So barring everyone did have some advantages even though there were certain disadvantages.

Right after the prejudging and the conclusion of the 242-pound class, which lasted longer than expected, a dinner-banquet followed. Several awards were presented at this time, including some nominations for the Helms Hall of Fame. Immediately following this banquet the Mr. America contest got underway. Around two dozen entries for the Mr. America contest and Most Muscular Man contests were on hand for these events. As they lined up on the lifting platform, any experienced eye could see that a dozen or so would be in the top running.

1969 Mr. America Results
1.   Boyer Coe, Lafayette, La.   70½
2.   Chris Dickerson, Jamaica, N.Y.   70
3.   Ken Waller, St. Louis, Mo.   67
4.   Bill St. John, Glassboro, N.J.   65½
5.   Bill Seno, Niles, Ill.   65½
6.   Robert Moore, Nashville, Tenn.   63
7.   Michael Dayton, Napa, Calif.   58
8.   Paul Love, Cupertino, Calif.   56½
9.   Joseph Sasso, Lynnfield, Mass.   56½
10.   Ellington Darden, Tallahassee, Fla.   56½
11.   Tommy Johnson, Columbus, Ohio   56
12.   Tom Muscolino, Chicago, Ill.   54
13.   Jerome Currin, Indianapolis, Ind.   53½
14.   Carl Smith, Richmond, Ky.   53½
15.   Alex McNeil, Jackson, Miss.   52½
16.   Willie Johnson, Akron, Ohio   52
17.   Curtis Haywood, Pataskalo, Ohio   51½
18.   Melvin Meriweather, Mich. City, Ind.   51
19.   Paul Devine, Chicago, Ill.   50½
20.   Don Howard, Tulsa, Okla.   48
21.   Harry Brown, Atlanta, Georgia   46
22.   William Collins, Washington, D.C.   44½
23.   Tom Howard, Indianapolis, Ind.   42
24.   Steve Sokoulos, Chicago, Ill.   40
The sub-division winners and runners-up were first announced. Competition in each category was excellent, and those who won trophies for Best Arms, Chest, Back, Legs and Abdominals all deserve credit for their victories.

Following the sub-divisions the competition for the Most Muscular Man title took place, trophies were donated by MD magazine. Again competition was close, but in the final count it was Boyer Coe who emerged as the winner, Chris Dickerson second, and Ken Waller third. Then each man presented several poses to the audience that displayed his muscularity even as the crowd awaited the big news -- the crowning of a new Mr. America.

Anxiety enveloped the throng as MC Len Bosland, who incidentally did a very fine job of introducing each contestant, started announcing the Mr. America winners. Five places were announced, with Bill Seno being called out first for fifth place. Next came Bill St. John who was fourth. In third place was Ken Waller, and Chris Dickerson was in second place by one-half point behind winner Boyer Coe, thus making it one of the closest contests ever judged.

When the announcement was made, Sergio Oliva and Arnold Schwarzenegger, both of whom were conspicuous during all three days of the meet, jumped up on the platform and began congratulating the winners, almost tearing the arms off of Coe, Dickerson and the others. For some time pandemonium reigned and made it impossible for our photographers to get a good picture of the top five, which we had hoped to use in our center spread. Under the circumstances this proved impossible with so many enthusiasts crowding the platform.

However, shortly afterwards the workmen asked that the platform be cleared and they began disassembling it. Within minutes the huge platform that withstood the pounding of thousands of tons of weight was eliminated, while people were still bidding farewell to each other. Thus ended another championship and those who were fortunate enough to be present were rewarded in witnessing many record-breaking attempts, and the climax of the Mr. America contest.

To be sure it was a close contest all the way, but Boyer Coe achieved the victory he trained so diligently to get. Next year in Los Angeles, however, another lifting meet and Mr. America contest will be held. Meanwhile, those who came so close but didn't make it this year, will have to "hit the irons again and again" in hopes of attaining this victory. We wish them luck!



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #511 on: September 23, 2021, 12:16:18 PM »
Strength & Health, Page 18, September 1969

Highlights of the 1969 Mr. America Contest
By Don Reed
Final Scoring For 1969 Mr. America  CONTESTANTPOINTS 1.Boyer Coe, Laffayette, La.70½ 2.Chris Dickerson, Jamaica, N. Y.70 3.Ken Waller, St. Louis, Mo.67 4.Bill St. John, Glassboror, N. J.65½ 5.Bill Seno, Nilles, Ill.65½ 6.Robert Moore, Nashville, Tenn.63½ 7.Michael Dayton, Napa, California58 8.Paul Love, Cupertino, California56½ 9.Joseph Sasso, Lynnfield, Mass.56½ 10.Ellington Darden, Tallahassee, Fla.56½ 11.Tommy Johnson, Columbus, Ohio56 12.Tom Muscolino, Chicago, Ill.54 13.Jerome Currin, Indianapolis, Ind.53½ 14.Carl Smith, Richmond, Kentucky53½ 15.Alex McNeil, Jackson, Miss.52½ 16.Willie Johnson, Akron, Ohio52 17.Curtis Haywood, Pataskala, Ohio51½ 18.Melvin Meriweather, Michigan City, Ind.51 19.Paul Devine, Chicago, Ill.50½ 20.Dan Howard, Tulsa, Oklahoma48 21.Harry Brown, Atlanta, Georgia46 22.Willaim Collins, Washington, D. C.44½ 23.Tom Howard, Indianapolis, Ind.42 24.Steve Sakoulos, Chicago, Ill.40
The 1969 Mr. America Contest saw a lineup of superbly built bodybuilders vying for America's top physique crown. The tension was terrific during the final minutes before the posing began. Announcer Len Bosland called the group out into three sections of eight and let the audience see them in a relaxed state under normal lighting. Then the lights were dimmed and Dr. Harry Brown began the posing. He was followed by Boyer Coe, who presented a fantastic display of the ultimate in size and musculature. He finished his routine with an arms overhead stretch pose that brought the house down, and left the stage in a wave of applause. Bill Collins, a personable veteran from Washington followed. Jerome Currin of Indianapolis combined muscularity, excellent abdominals and an excellent posing routine. Ell Darden showed a golden Florida tan, a fine "V" shape and a huge chest. Mike Dayton, of T-A Mr. A fame, showed improved symmetry and size. Paul Devine looked very massive under the bright lights. The audience greeted Chris Dickerson with a warm round of applause and he responded with one of the most masterful posing displays of all time. His physique is classical, and his knowledge of art and sculpture enabled him to display it perfectly. His physique is of a different mold than Coe's, and like Coe, he is at the very head of his class. It was obvious that a very close battle was in store. Curt Haywood showed improved muscularity and symmetry over last year. Daniel Howard represented Tulsa, Oklahoma quite well in this great lineup. Thomas Howard also showed very good possibilities. Tommy Johnson of Texas displayed good arms and a solid midsection. Will Johnson, written up in MD, showed enormous potential, and a really magnificent taper. Paul Love of California showed power and intense muscularity. Melvin Merriweather represented Michigan City, Indiana well. Alex McNeil of "Man of the Month" fame looked very powerful and will be a factor in future contests. Robert Moore presented a spectacular appearance with a golden tan and blonde hair. He is a powerlifter and a good one. Thomas Muscolino showed good muscularity. Steve Sakoulos seems to have worked out a compromise with Father Time. He has lost a little hair, but his physique is still powrful and lithe at 44. Joe Sasso showed massive deltoids. Bill Seno, the Chicagoan's favorite, was massive and muscular. He benches over 450 and his power was obvious Carl Smith of Kentucky has evidently worked quite hard on his leg development. Bill St. John presented a powerfully athletic appearance, with magnificent abdominals and muscularity. he was also a contestant in the Best Back competition. The last contestant was Ken Waller, featured last year in S&H. Ken is powerful and possesses excellent symmetry. His back especially was massive and muscular.

The tension mounted still further as groups of athletes were called to pose for various bodypart awards. When the dust settled, Bill Seno had won Best Chest, Ken Waller had taken Best Back, Bill St. John had copped the Best Abs award, Chris Dickerson had won Best Legs, and Boyer Coe had won Best Arms and Most Muscular. Now there was only the big one left, and the audience was on the edge of their seats. The announcer started at fifth place. Bill Seno walked away with the coveted award. Fourth place went to greatly improved Bill St. John, a deserving winner. Third place went to massive Ken Waller, and the audience held its breath as the deciding envelope was opened. Chris Dickerson was second. Thunderous applause rocked the hall as the last envelope was unnecessarily opened and the reign of Boyer Coe as 1969 Mr. America began. Chris Dickerson had lost by half a point, and is the heir apparent. Seldom has their [sic] been such a close contest, with two men so worthy of the Mr. America crown.

Boyer coe of Lafayette, Louisiana will be a worthy Mr. America. His spectacular physique and rugged good looks will help to bring many converts to the weight game, as will his warm personality and good speaking voice. We know the readers of Strength and Health join us in wishing Boyer Coe a successful and happy year as Mr. America.


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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #512 on: September 23, 2021, 12:17:01 PM »
1970 Mr America - AAU

1     Chris Dickerson
2     Ken Waller
3     Casey Viator
4     Bill St John
5     Charles Amato
6     Anibal Lopez
7     Jim Morris
8     Vic Tanny Jr
9     Robert Holden
10     Charles Collras
11     Ed Corney
12     Bill Grant
13     Joe Tete
14     Alex McNeil
15     Scott Cooper
16     Ellington Darden
17     Wayne Andersen
18     Art Peacock
19     Paul Hill
20     Joe Dodd
21     Clint Beyerle
22     Paul Love
23     Dan Howard
24     Gary Hill
25     Brian Marshall
26     Leonard Huntley
27     Dennis Yaklich
28     Jaime Blancarte
29     Henry Jinks

Most Muscular
1     Chris Dickerson
2     Ken Waller
3     Casey Viator
4     Charles Amato
5     Charles Collras
6     Bill St John
7     Bill Grant
8     Jim Morris
9     Vic Tanny Jr
10     Anibal Lopez



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #513 on: September 23, 2021, 12:17:35 PM »
Muscular Development, Vol 7, No 9, Page 32, September 1970

The Staff and Greg Ward
THE FABULOUS 1970 MR. AMERICA CONTEST was staged in Culver City, California on Sunday June 14th at the Veteran's Memorial Auditorium at 8:00 PM. Twenty-nine muscularly impressive contestants vied for the honor of becoming the 31st Mr. America titleholder. It was the most outstanding array of talent ever. None of this outstanding group was below standard. Each could have been chosen a Mr. America and still made a great contribution to the sport.

The panel of Mr. America judges was headed by able Bob Crist, a hard-working chairman. The judges spent an entire day selecting the man of their choice from this aggregation of impressive champions. The judges for the contest were: Bob Parker, Ramon Garcia, Jerome Weis, Larry Hanneman, Dave Collier, Bob Bendel and Bob Samuels. All of these men know physiques and the essential qualifications that a Mr. America must have, so there was little if any disagreement among them.

1. CHRIS DICKERSON. Los Angeles   383
2. Ken Waller, Cincinnati. Ohio   368
3. Casey Viator. New Iberia, La.   354
4. Bill St. John, Glassboro. N. J.   336
5. Charles Amato, Milwakie, Ore.   333
6. Anibal Lopez, New York City   323
7. James Morris, Pasadena. Cal.   309
8. Vic Tanny. Jr.. Los Angeles, Cal.   307
9. Robert Holden, Washington, D. C.   306
10. Charles Collras. Los Angeles. Cal.   302
11. Eddie Corney, Fremont, Cal.   295
12. William Grant, Orange. N. J.   294
13. Joe Tete, Florence. N. J.   286
14. Alex McNeil. Jackson, Miss.   285
15. Scott Cooper, Tampa. Fla.   274
16. Ell Darden. Tallahassee. Fla.   272
17. Wayne Anderson. Fremont. Cal.   263
18. Art Peacock, Los Angeles. Cal.   258
19. Paul Hill. Hollywood. Cal.   256
20. Joe Dodd, Trenton, N. J.   248
21. Clint Beyerle. Los Angeles. Cal.   247
22. Paul Love. Sunnyvale. Cal.   245
23. Dan Howard, Tulsa. Okla.   242
24. Gary Hill. Fresno. Cal.   236
25. Brian Marshall. Venice. Cal.   203
26. Leonard Huntley. Syracuse. N. Y.   201
27. Dennis Yaklich. Avondale. Colo.   188
28. Jaime Blancarte. Los Angeles, Cal.   178
29. Henry Jinks. East Orange. N. J.   163

Chris Dickerson
Ken Waller
Casey Viator
Charles Amato
Chuck Collras

Casey Viator
Ken Waller
Bill Grant

Casey Viator
Jim Morris
Chris Dickerson

Casey Viator
Charles Amato
Ken Waller &
Chris Dickerson

Chris Dickerson
Casey Viator
Ken Waller

Charles Amato
Charles Collras
Bill St. John
June MD's coverman, Chris Dickerson, continued to make 1970 "his year" as he captured the highest physique honors of the year. . . the Mr. America title. Chris "looked" improved over his 1969 appearance in Chicago last year, where he was a close runner-up. But in the early part of this year, January to be exact, Chris moved to Los Angeles to train under the watchful eye of Bill Pearl. He trained hard and long and certainly this perseverance and dedication paid oft.. He finally reached the goal he had set for himself just a few years ago to be a Mr. America winner.

Besides winning the big title, Chris also annexed the Most Muscular Man title and the Best Legs award. His physique looked muscular and symmetrical and, being very adept at posing, was certainly able to display his muscular body to great advantage. Chris, with his pleasing and friendly personality is definitely a tremendous credit to our game, and we know he will make a very impressive and great Mr. America.

Runner-up was husky Ken Waller of Cincinnati, Ohio. Ken was expected to give Chris the closest competition in this contest. . . which he did. However, Ken moved up one place this year as he placed third in Chicago. This husky specimen is impressive and, if size alone was the determining factor, Ken would undoubtedly be hard to beat. Ken was also runner-up in the Most Muscular Man contest.

The big surprise of the whole contest was teen-ager Casey Viator of New Iberia, Louisiana. Casey placed fifth in last year's Teen-age Mr. America contest in Des Moines, Iowa. But his improvement has been sensational since then. Proof of this can be determined by the number of trophies he won... MORE THAN ANY OTHER CONTEST ANT!

He placed third in the Mr. America line-up, and third in the Most Muscular Man event, but he won the Best Arms, Best Back and Best Chest trophies. This young man trains under last year's Mr. America, Boyer Coe, and undoubtedly, Coe's influence is coming through, for Casey has terrific arms and his posing routine is patterned after Coe's. Casey, it seems, is billed for stardom.

In fourth place was the perennial Bill St. John. Bill was also much improved over his 1969 appearance, but the sensational Casey prevented him from moving up the ladder this year. The Glassboro, N. J. contestant is certainly deserving of his high placing and could become a real threat for the top position anytime.

Charles Amato of Milwakie, Oregon was another "relatively new face" on the scene that had some of the audience guessing. Earlier he appeared in contests, won several along the West Coast and then dropped out only to return this year and create quite an impact. He took the coveted fifth place trophy and just three points behind Bill St. John. But he did beat Bill out for the Best Abdominal award, something that Bill's been winning the past few years. Amato also placed fourth in the Most Muscular contest. So it's obvious, any of these four runners-up could come out the winner in next year's go-around.

The 1971 Mr. America contest is scheduled for Muscletown York, and could be the most hotly contested yet. We can only wait and see who becomes the winner then. Plenty of time yet for improving, and you can bet that every man will be an improved edition of his California appearance in York next year.



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #514 on: September 25, 2021, 08:15:33 AM »
1971 Mr America - AAU

1     Casey Viator
2     Pete Grymkowski
3     Bill St John
4     Ed Corney
5     Carl Smith
6     Anibal Lopez
7     Charles Amato
8     Joe Tete
9     Bob Gallucci
10     Mike Mentzer
11     Michael Dayton
13     Curtis Haywood
14     Ken Covington
15     Kent Kuehn
16     James Handley
17     Joe Dodd
18     Fred Shandor
19     Ron Neff
20     Anthony Pace
21     Bob Birdsong
22     Don Ross
23     Douglas Beaver
24     Ron Gibson
25     Bill Ashpaugh
26     Robert McNeill
27     Thomas Willert
28     Spyros Loukas
29     Sam Stamoulis
30     Ron Thompson
31     Tom Campanaro
32     Tommy Johnson
33     Thomas Crawford

Most Muscular
1     Casey Viator
2     Michael Dayton
3     Bill St John
4     Anthony Pace
5     Pete Grymkowski



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #515 on: September 25, 2021, 08:16:10 AM »
Muscular Development, Vol 8, No 9, Page 8, September 1971

IT WAS A GREAT WEEKEND -- a hot one, but one of the BEST. Contestants and spectators from allover the country converged on York for the important festivities that took place on June II, 12 and the 13th. But of the three days, the 12th was the hottest night when the battle for the honor of being chosen as the 30th Mr. America was staged. And from this great array of contenders, it was the massive and husky Casey Viator that came through as the winner. During the past year he has been unusually successful in winning ALL the contests that he decided to enter. Still a teen-ager, Casey is the youngest ever to achieve this great honor. Quite an achievement for one so young!


1.   Casey Viator
New Iberia, La.   377
2.   Peter Grymkowski   
Rochester, N.Y.   350
3.   Bill St. Joh
Glassboro, N.J.   350
4.   Edward Corney
Freamont, Calif.   337
5.   Carl Smith
Louisville, Ky.   336
6.   Anibal Lopez
New York, N.Y.   335
7.   Charles Amato
Milwaukie, Ore.   334
8.   Joe Tete
Florence, N.J.   326
9.   Bob Gallucci
Hartford, Conn.   323
10.   Michael Mentzer
Ephrata, Pa.   319
11.   Michael Dayton
Napa, Calif.   319
12.   William Grant
Orange, N.J.   311
13.   Curt Haywood
Pataskala, Oh.   304
14.   Ken Covington
Philadelphia, Pa.   296
15.   Kent Huehn
Orlando, Fla.   290
16.   James Handley
York, Pa.   277
17.   Joe Dodd
Trenton, N.J.   270
18.   Frend Shandor
Manville, N.J.   262
19.   Ron Neff
Philadelphia, Pa.   261
20.   Anthongy Pace
Pittsburgh, Pa.   260
21.   Robert Birdsong
Louisville, Ky.   259
22.   Don Ross
Detroit, Mich.   247
23.   Douglas Beaver
Fremont, Oh.   245
24.   Ronald Gibson
Fremont, Oh.   241
25.   Bill Aspaugh
Noblesville, Ind.   239
26.   Robert McNeill
Broomal, Pa.   238
27.   Thomas Willert
Trenton, N.J.   227
28.   Spyros Loukas
Washington, D.C.   226
29.   Sam Stamoulis
Roebling, N.J.   221
30.   Ronald Thompson
Flint, Mich.   217
31.   Tom Campanaro
Fremont, Oh.   199
32.   Thomas Johnson
New Albany, Ind.   185
33.   Thomas Crawford
Greenboro, N.C.   165
JUDGES: Bob Crist, Chairman
(Virginia Assn.), Morton Steuer
(Metropolitan Assn.), Peary Rader
(Midwestern Assn.), Bob Bendel
(Middle Atlantic Assn.), Joe Paul
(Central Assn.), Jack Lipsky
(south Atlantic Assn.), Jerome
Weis (Ohio Assn.), Gordon Andrews
(Michigan Assn.).

SCORERS: Messrs, Bendel, Paul, Weis.

Most Muscular Man

Casey Viator
Michael Dayton
Bill St. John
Anthony Pace
Peter Grymkowski
Best Arms

Casey Viator
Michael Mentzer
William Grnat
Best Back

Casey Viator
Peter Grymkowski
Charles Amato
Best Chest

Casey Viator
Peter Grymkowski
Bob Gallucci
Best Abdominals

Charles Amato
Anthony Pace
Bill St. John
Best Legs

Casey Viator
Michael Mentzer
Bob Gallucci
Little over a year ago Casey entered and won the Teenage Mr. America title here in York, and less than a month ago, in Bay town, Texas on May 16th, Casey took the Junior Mr. America title, along with most of the subdivision awards. . . which he again repeated in the Seniors. A most impressive string of victories for anyone.

Of course the line-up of contestants this year was one of the best, and certainly one of the largest groups in recent years to assemble, though several failed to put in their appearance at the last minute. Unfortunately, Ken Waller, one of the formidable contenders, was disqualified on the grounds that he allowed his picture, knowingly or unknowingly, to appear in a commercial advertisement circulated in a widely distributed magazine. At a special meeting that morning a final vote was taken on the issue, with only two votes given in his favor, while five opposed him. Naturally, this eliminated him from the competition and Casey had it all his way. If Ken Waller was eligible there would have been a much closer battle for the top honors, since Waller is bigger and heavier and apparently was in top shape, against the shorter but more massive Casey Viator. Of course reaching a decision under those circumstances would have given quite a headache to the judges, and the results might have been different than they turned out. At least it's something to speculate about. However, even as things turned out, a tie for second place resulted between Peter Grymkowski and the perennial Bill St. John. On the second voting ballot, Grymkowski scored 137 points over St. John with 132 points, putting Grymkowski ahead of St. John in the contest. However, another tie for 10th place was also broken by a second ballot. In this case the relatively new-comer, Mike Mentzer, forged ahead of Mike Dayton by one point, 128 to 127. But the overall competition was excellent, and most of the contestants looked really great under the lights.

Periodically, it seems, York has been plagued with the heat of Hades during most of the Nationals that are held here, and this year was no exception. However, the weeks and days BEFORE the York weather was pleasantly cool. . . only to soar near the 90s during the championships. Those who sat through this may be a little shocked to know that immediately following the championships the weather got much cooler, so much so that by Tuesday many places here in York had to turn on the heat! Unbelievable? Yes, but nevertheless, true! In fact ever since the Nationals the weather has been pleasant. . . not nearly as warm as it was during the Nationals. Yet in spite of the heat very few people walked out, and those who did went out only to get a drink of water and returned to their seats promptly. Everyone stayed to the bitter end, so you know it was a good contest and interesting enough to keep everyone in his seat. However, once the winners were announced, and the awards presented, the auditorium began clearing out--but not one minute before!

All in all it was a great championship, and although many people didn't mind the heat, a few did complain. . . but even they did not leave until the finish. Matter of fact, portable air conditioning units were considered prior to the event, but inasmuch as the weather was pleasantly cool earlier, there was no reason to suspect that temperatures would rise near the 90s, as it probably did on Saturday evening when the auditorium was filled to overflowing. Every seat was taken; the aisles were filled, the space along the back row of seats, even the lobby was jammed, all trying to get a glimpse of the contestants as they went through their series of poses. This overcrowding contributed to much of the heat in the auditorium, but as mentioned earlier, everyone remained in his seat until the last of the winners was announced. It was a great contest, and it was put over in a big way. Everyone who witnessed this great event seemed to enjoy it immensely.

There was very little grumbling about the selection. A few thought that Grymkowski should have taken the Best Chest award, and Michael Mentzer should have gotten the award for Best Arms, while Tony Pace should have won the Best Legs trophy. But on the whole the majority of spectators agreed with the decision of the judges, consequently no one booed thus making it a unanimous decision.

Among the assembled throng a number of former Mr. Americas showed up, and everyone of these former title holders looked fit and in top shape. Even muscular Sergio Oliva and massive Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Dan Lurie were about, all looking impressively husky. Matter of fact, Sergio and Arnold plan to compete against each other in London this coming September, along with Bill Pearl, Reg Park, Dennis Tinerino and several others. And in the amateur division, a proposed battled between Viator and Waller is pending; not to forget Chris Dickerson who is again flying over to make his bid for the title. Chris gave a very impressive posing display just before the Mr. America contest got underway, and this man still retains a high degree of muscularity and symmetry that should be a threat in any physique competition.

Our thanks to the appointed photographers who covered the event for Us, especially to John Fritshe, Doug White, AI Antuck, Dave Sauer and Achilles Kallos from South Africa, all of whom did a great job:, but unfortunately due to our deadline we had only contact prints to choose from, therefore used them only in their original size. However, we will feature more of the photos in months to come, and in much larger size. So if you missed this contest, keep a watch on MD. You'll be seeing most of the men in some of their finest poses.

Our thanks goes out to all the men who helped to make this a successful affair, and we look forward to next year's event that will be held in the Detroit area. . . hope to see you there!



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #516 on: September 25, 2021, 08:17:02 AM »
1972 Mr America - AAU

1     Steve Michalik
2     Pete Grymkowski
3     Jim Morris
4     Bill St John
5     Ken Covington
6     Paul Hill
7     Ron Thompson
8     Don Ross
9     Phil Stepaniak
10     Bob Birdsong
11     Bill Seno
12     Gene Massey
13     Carl Smith
14     Bob Gallucci
15     Will Whitaker
16     James Allen (2)
17     Joe Tete
18     Fred Shandor
19     Joseph Sasso
20     James Handley
21     Dennis Wood
23     Robert McNeill
24     Spyros Loukas
25     Ron Gibson
26     Dominick DiBetta
27     Bill Ashpaugh
28     Robert Lauda
29     Michael Forgione
30     Juan DeJesus
31     Jan Novak
32     Jim Manion
33     Allen Nickles
34     Dennis Harkai
35     Harold Bakkelund
36     Peter MacDonald

Most Muscular
1     Pete Grymkowski
2     Steve Michalik
3     Jim Morris
4     Ken Covington
5     Bill St John



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #517 on: September 25, 2021, 08:17:38 AM »
Muscular Development, Vol 9, No 9, Page 8, September 1972

CONGRATULATIONS and plaudits to the Michigan AAU Association for the fine staging of the Mr. America and National Weightlifting Championships that were held in Detroit. The fine Masonic Temple was the site of this great event. The auditorium was magnificent; spacious with excellent seating. The stage setting, too, was impressive, contributing to the efficient way the championships breezed along, which reflected the fine cooperation this association enjoys. Those who were involved in helping to make this such a grand event deserve all the credit bestowed upon them, and we of the M D staff extend our heartiest congratulations to one and all for a great championship.

Mr. America Results

Name/Affiliation   Points
1   Steven Michalik
Unattached   370
2   Pete Grymkowski
Rochester Turners B.C.   358
3   James Morris
Bill Pearl's   350
4   Bill St. John
York Barbell Club   342
5   Ken Covington
Unattached   333
6   Paul Hill
Vince's Gym   323
7   Ronald Thompson
Unattached   317
8   Don Ross
Armento's Gym   316
9   Philip Stepaniak
Cincinnati Central Y   316
10   Bob Birdsong
Vince's Gym   315
11   William Seno
Sayre Park WLC   309
12   Eugene Massey
Unattached   308
13   Carl Smith
Unattached   306
14   Bob Gallucci
Central Conn. St. College   294
15   Will Whitaker
Roman Health Spa   285
16   James Allen
Unnattached   285
17   Joe Tete
Unnatached   283
18   Fred Shandor
Win Franklin H. C.   283
19   Joseph Sasso
Unnattached   282
20   James Handley
York Barbell Club   278
21   Dennis Wood
Univ. of Florida   275
22   Robert McNeill
Ryan's Gym   265
23   Spyros Loukas
Unnattached   256
24   Ron Gibson
Unnattached   252
25   Dominick DiBetta
Joseph's Gym & Spa   246
26   Bill Ashpaugh
C.I.W.C   245
27   Robert Lauda
Unattached   239
28   Michael Forgione
Armento's Health Club   231
29   Juan DeJesus
Unattached   229
30   Jan Novak
Unattached   229
31   James Manion
Alleghany Mtn. W/L Team   227
32   Allen Nickles
Columbus YMCA   225
33   Dennis Harkai
Unattached   213
34   Harld Bakkelund
Rockford YMCA   205
35   Peter MacDonald
Unattached   197
Most Muscular Man

Peter Grymkowski
Steven Michalik
James Morris
Ken Covington
Bill St. John

Best Legs - Carl Smith
Best Arms - Jim Morris
Best Back - Jim Morris
Best Abdominals - Jim Morris
Best Chest - William Seno

Although the crowd Saturday evening was good, it seemed a bit dwarfed by the spaciousness of this vast auditorium, with less attendance on Sunday when some truly great lifting took place. This smaller attendance, it's believed, was due to the fact that the finals of the Mr. America contest were made known on Saturday. Whereas greater speculation would have resulted had the Most Muscular Man and subdivision awards been made known on Saturday and holding up the finals of the Mr. America until Sunday. As it was, many people, including the Mr. America competitors, all left once the top five contenders were known. In fact, the Hilton hotel appeared deserted by Sunday evening when compared to the crowd that congested the place on Friday and Saturday. Of course those who failed to stay for the lifting on Sunday missed some truly great lifting, especially the 501¾ clean and jerk by super-heavyweight, Ken Patera. This being the first time a lift of over 500 pounds was made officially by any American, and those who saw it really appreciated the effort.

On the whole this annual event was a great success, even though a number of lifters did not perform as was expected, and the Mr. America contest itself was an upset, with Steve Michalik emerging as the winner after placing second less than a month before. He must be given credit for his persistence, which further proves that a man may be down but never out if he puts forth renewed effort. Naturally, the Jr. Mr. America, Peter Grymkowski, was somewhat disappointed, as were his friends. But we hope he doesn't take it to heart and will continue to train and try again--next year or, perhaps, this coming November when the Mr. World title will be at stake, neither of whom won it as yet, so can be another "battleground" for them.

The prelude to the championships started with meetings and a clinic by Tommy Kono on Friday morning. But the longest meeting took place that evening. It started at 7:00 P.M. and lasted until 2:30 A.M. Unfortunately, some of the officials had to get up early the next day for the weighing-in which began at 7:00 A.M., so some of these officials did not get much sleep, yet in spite of it all, did a fine job. Competition in all classes was very keen, and S&H will feature the full report.

The gathering of the Mr. A. contestants, nearly 40 in all, though some failed to show up so that 35 actually competed. The prejudging started at 9:00 A.M. This was the first time the public was invited to watch. The place of the prejudging was a large ballroom with ample seats and a stage. The men were brought out in several groups to give the audience and the judges a good look at each man without the benefits of any fixed lights. The men faced front, then to the right, full back, then to the opposite side and finally front again, after which they filed off and another group came up, repeating the various turns. After all the contestants appeared before the judges, then each man came out individually and presented his posing routine. During this time the judges appraised each for his muscularity, the various subdivisions and for the Mr. America title. The whole process took at least three hours, and judging 35 men can be quite an ordeal, especially when several of them are closely matched.

During the prejudging it was obvious that the majority of the contestants came prepared, that is, they knew what they were supposed to do, and how they were going to do it, and did just that. So even these men deserve a hand for coming prepared, which helped to make the judging a bit easier. The judges for this contest were: Don Haley, So. Pacific Asso., Dave Mayor, Mid-Atlantic, Ralph Countryman, Northern California, Herb Gowling, Washington, D. C., Robert Szymanski and Len Bosland of New Jersey, and Norman Rauch of Wisconsin.

After the prejudging each man was interviewed that afternoon, and by 5:00 P.M. that Saturday all tabulations were completed and the winners were chosen. Speculation about this time ran high. . . everyone was making guesses or wondering who placed where and how. When the Mr. A. pageant was presented that night, and as each man went through his posing routine after being introduced by Len Bosland, the MC, the final announcement was made. The results seemed to be accepted with mixed emotions.

Of course before the final announcement the various subdivisions and Most Muscular Man awards were presented. Jim Morris took Best Arms, Best Back and Best Abdominals. Carl Smith was awarded the trophy for the Best Legs, and the Best Chest award went to Bill Seno, the powerful bench press champion.

When the award for the Most Muscular Man was announced, the audience then awaited the Mr. America results with some apprehension, as many Mr. A. competitors who win the Most Muscular Man award usually win the Mr. America title with it, but this time, Grymkowski got the Most Muscular title while Steve Michalik took Mr. America. It wasn't hard to guess who the most disappointed person on stage was, and who the most elated one was! So Steve Michalik turned the tables after being beaten in the Jr. Mr. America then came through to take top honors in the biggest physique event of the year--MR. AMERICA!

We hope that those who were disappointed in their line-up will not give up but continue to train and try again next year. After all, there is never a sure winner, and even when one's chances look slim, one might emerge the winner! Michalik did it after being beaten in the Jr. A. only to come back and take top honors . . . so it's possible. Don't forget that!

Here are some pertinent facts about the top-10 in this year's Mr. America contest:

STEVE MICHALIK, the present Mr. America titleholder, lives in Valley Stream, N. Y. He's 24 and married. He won the 1971 Mr. USA title. Has been training for 11 years, and lately has been training only twice a week. Works as a commercial artist. How he trained for this year's Mr. America is told here on page 42 of this issue. His articles will be featured in S&H magazine where he will disclose the secrets of his training success.

PETER GRYMKOWSKI is from Rochester, N. Y. He is 26 years old and recently married. Is the present Jr. Mr. America titleholder. Has been training for six years, and works out about three times a week. In Detroit he also took the Most Muscular Man award. Pete works in real estate development.

JIM MORRIS is a former New Yorker but now resides in Los Angeles. He is 36 years old and has been training for 18 years, and currently works out five times a week. In 1967 he won the Mr. Jr. USA and Mr. NY State titles, and Mr. California in 1970. Is president of S. California W/L Association. Works as a sales representative for the Carnation Company.

BILL ST. JOHN, is from Glassboro, N. J. and has been training for nine years, and more recently working out six days a week. Bill is 28 years of age and is an automobile wholesaler. Repeatedly Bill has won the Best Abdominal award, and has been placing in the top-five for the past few years. His rugged physique is as impressive as it looks.

KEN COVINGTON, Philadelphia, Pa. is a meat cutter by trade and is 23 years old. Has been training for eight years and has been working out on the average of four times a week. Ken has won such titles as: Teen-age Mr. America, Mr. Chesapeake Bay, Mr. Middle Atlantic, Mr. Delaware Valley, Mr. Pennsylvania, Mr. Greater Philadelphia, and Mr. East Coast.

PAUL HILL, Los Angeles, California is 29, married and comes from a family of 10! He works for the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company. Paul also trains six days a week and has started working out seven years ago.

RONALD THOMPSON comes from Flint, Michigan. Ron is 25 years old, married and has two children. Has been training for six years on the average of six times a week. Manages a lumber company. Has a fine physique.

DON ROSS, Detroit, Michigan is 25 years old and is a former Mr. Michigan titleholder. Currently holds the Mr. Eastern States title for 1972. Don is very muscular. Has been training for 10 years, and is now training six times a week. Also participates in Yoga, bicycle racing and wrestling. Great believer in strict adherence to diet and training principles. Is an art student and cartoonist.

PHILIP STEPANIAK, Cincinnati, Ohio is 24 and holds the present Mr. Ohio and Mr. Midwest physique titles. He's been training for five years and works out on the average of six days a week. Is employed as a security investigator for a department store.

ROBERT BIRDSONG is 24 and is formerly from Kentucky. Bob now resides in Los Angeles where he attends the Art Center College of Design. He's been training now for 10 years and works out six times a week. Holds the Mr. Physique USA title for 1972, and recently placed second in the Mr. California contest. (Information supplied by Len Bosland who judged and M.C.'d the Mr. America Contest.)



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #518 on: September 25, 2021, 08:18:19 AM »
1973 Mr America - AAU

1     Jim Morris
2     Pete Grymkowski
3     Anibal Lopez
4     Paul Hill
5     Willie Johnson
6     Fred Shandor
7     Tyrone Youngs
8     Douglas Beaver
9     Joseph Sasso
10     Bill Seno
11     Nathan LeBlanc
12     Mike Besikof
13     James Handley
14     Patrick Ruelle
15     Danny Padilla
16     Ned Drew
17     Gene Massey
18     Floyd Odom
19     Dick Hathaway
20     Charles Loesch
21     Ken DiAngelo
22     Paul Santos
23     Neil Hastey
24     Greg Long
25     Robert Holden
26     George Rumas
27     Herbert Bair
28     Robert McNeill
29     Edward Mayo
30     Dennis Harkai
31     Robert Lauda
32     Harold Bakkelund

Most Muscular
1     Jim Morris
2     Pete Grymkowski
3     Willie Johnson



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #519 on: September 25, 2021, 08:18:53 AM »
Muscular Development, Vol 10, No 9, Page 8, September 1973

By John C. Grimek
IT WAS A WARM AND BEAUTIFUL weekend in Williamsburg for the National Weightlifting Championships and Mr. America contests. The venue, too, was exquisite and befitting the occasion, as was the traditional Southern hospitality. . . up to a point! By that I mean that by the time the contest ended each night, which was eleven or past, all of the eating places were closed or were in the process of locking up! Competitors and spectators alike roamed around trying to find a plaice where they could pacify their hunger and thirst but everything, and I mean everything, was battened down for the night! The only drinks that were available were those found in vending machines, and after one or two of these over-sweetened concoctions, one was thirstier than before . . . and sicker! The water in this area wasn't the most palatable, although when it was iced, it wasn't bad. One group Saturday night after the show decided to drive over to Newport News in hopes of finding something there, but whether they did or not I never found out. Consequently, a lot of people went to bed hungrier than they ever did . . which might have been a good thing. Of course around the corner was a delicatessen store, and the place remained opened and crowded until late. This place probably did more business that weekend than it has done in a long, long time.


1   Jim Morris   369
2   Peter Grymkowski   339
3   Anibal Lopez   337
4   Paul Hill   323
5   Willie Johnson   322
6   Fred Shandor   321
7   Tyrone Youngs   320
8   Doug Beaver   318
9   Joe Sasso   277
10   Bill Seno   264
11   Nathan LeBlanc   261
12   Mike Besikof   261
13   Jim Handley   260
14   Patrick Ruelle   255
15   Daniel Padilla   252
16   Ned Drew   251
17   Gene Massey   250
18   Floyd Odom   249
19   Dick Hathaway   244
20   Charles Loesch   240
21   Ken DiAngelo   232
22   Paul Santos   219
23   Neil Hastey   201
24   Gregory Long   198
25   Robert Holden   198
26   George Rumas   198
27   Herbert Bair   175
28   Robert McNeill   171
29   Edward Mayo   170
30   Denny Harkai   168
31   Robert Lauda   167
32   Harold Bakkelund   138
Subdivision Winners

Best Arms - James Morris
Best Chest - James Morris
Best Abdominals - Anibal Lopez
Best Back Willie Johnson
Best Legs - Peter Grymkowski

Most Muscular Man Winners

James Morris
Peter Grymkowski
Willie Johnson
I've never seen so many sandwiches being made, or just a half pound of this or that meat. . . plus milk, juices and pop being dispensed, except at picnics. I myself didn't mind starving for I knew that any weight I lost there that this would only allow me to eat twice as much when I got home, and better, more nourishing food. However, I must admit that the gnawing sensation in the pit of the stomach wasn't very pleasant, even after drinking several glasses of ice water. . . which only gave me some cramps! The next morning, however, I got up early and chowed up to makeup for the night before. But even after eating lunch and dinner, by midnight the hunger pangs again bothered me. I retired early to forget them! Other than that, Williamsburg was not only the fine, quaint, old historical place one reads about but was very neat and friendly, and those who were there certainly enjoyed their visit.

The whole set up looked like an ideal spot for the championships but some of the lifters, after having lifted, did not like the platform. However, while testing the lights for the physique contest I happened to walk over and stomped upon the platform. It was made up of heavy interlocking rubber sections, and it looked to me like it would be a great thing. However, I failed to consider how it would feel to a lifter when he was handling a heavy weight. Lifters are used to sliding their feet, and this was difficult on this platform, consequently, some of the lifters attributed their misses to the rubber platform. In any case, there was more missing and "bombing out" in this year's championships than ever before. Maybe it was the platform, then again, maybe some of the men weren't in the peak condition they thought they were, It's really hard to say.

Many spectators, and some of the competitors, in the past complained about the enervating heat that predominated over some of the National Championships, and many felt that if the environment was more comfortable, air conditioned, the men would do better and lift much more, while the spectators would enjoy the proceedings better. So this year Bob Crist, the meet director and sponsor of these championships, tried to please everyone. He selected a venue that was fully air conditioned that made it a great pleasure to sit there and watch the action. Some of the lifters, however, thought it was too cold but only because, I think, they came into the vast auditorium from the warm-up area that was not air conditioned, so the striking difference made itself felt. Some, on the other hand, seemed so intensely involved in their lifting that they were unaware of the temperature difference until it was all over. The audience, nevertheless, was very receptive and applauded every valiant attempt any lifter made, and this in spite of the fact that very few records were attempted, much less made!

In the physique competition 36 entries were mailed in but 32 showed up for the actual competition. The prejudging took place in a specially assigned room just for this purpose, with a seating capacity for 200 people to watch, The contestants were asked to report for the prejudging by 9:30 Sunday morning. I wanted to get in on this preview, so rose rather early and went out for breakfast, not knowing when I will have time to eat again. Breakfast, however, took longer than expected and when I arrived the men were already going through their poses. . . I had missed them as they came out in groups for comparison, which is the usual procedure.

The place looked filled, at least up front but I managed to squeeze into a spot and watched the men go through their posing display. When this was completed, which took about two hours, the people were asked to vacate the room in preparation for the interview, but first the competition for the various subdivisions took place. A few of the men were called out again and again while the judges studied them before making their final selection. This was followed by the interview. When this was finished it was well into the afternoon, I heard a couple of the contestants complain about being famished from the ordeal--and who wouldn't be?

It was quite obvious that most of the audience who observed the preliminary judging seemed to agree that this was going to be a good, close contest, judging by the way certain individuals were being called out again and again, yet when the final scoring was announced to the audience that night, the whole thing didn't jive. A total of 30 points separated the winner from the runner-up, after which less than 10 points separated the next six men. How was this possible? Unless there was an error in the final tabulation, but otherwise it's virtually impossible for any man to be that far ahead of others in today's competition. Such a man would have to rate a near-perfect score, while the runners-up would have to fall far behind. Yet it happened. Consequently, when the scores were announced it was at this point that the assembled throng started booing, something that has not been in vogue lately, and when it was, it was merely an isolated incident. But this time the booing verberated strongly throughout the huge auditorium and took some time before it died down. That evening, and the next day, many people were asking one another whether they agreed with the decision.

When the question was asked of me, my usual reply was that I had nothing to do with it, and if this was the decision of the judges, we will abide by it. We did this with others, so why not this time? The winner didn't give himself all those points, so he cannot be blamed, but the total seemed excessive, particularly since the contest seemed so tight and close.

I personally felt that the winner, whomever he might be, would not outclass his opponents by more than five points at the best, and possibly not more than two or three. But 30 is excessive, and in today's competition no man is capable of outclassing any opponent regardless who he is, or whom his competitors are. The men are too closely matched in today's contests, and no one seems to outperform the other, so how can he rate higher than a few points above his rivals, much less 30? But then study the points the third place man got, the fourth, fifth, etc. and you'll see there is only a point or two difference, which is closer to the usual scoring, although the discrepancy may possibly lie in the actual tabulation. This will not alter the places of any of the men even if there was an error in the final tabulation but simply make the scoring more on par.

In the Most Muscular Man contest, the scoring was more even as was all the subdivisions. The fact is, the top five this year shared all the trophies. . . that's what you call "keeping it ALL TOGETHER!"

So another contest came and went and, next year another one will be up for grabs again. Can anyone foretell the winner? Not on your life, although anyone can hint who it might be. But who can say about a newcomer who might jump into the limelight and fool everybody. It can happen, and does--occasionally!

The following are some pertinent facts about each man as supplied by Len Boseland, the MC for the evening. The men are listed in the order they appeared on stage and not in the way they placed.

Herbert Bair, Chesilhurst, N.J. is 38 years old, married and has two children. Is a supervisor and has been training 10 years.

Harold Bakkelund, Rockford, Ill. is 48 years old and started training when he was 40. Is bricklayer by trade.

Douglas Beaver, Fremont, Ohio is 30 and a college student. In the Jr. Mr. America contest Doug made quite a hit with the crowd by winning the Best Abdominals and Best Arms awards, while placing high in the Most Muscular contest, too. He's been training 10 years.

Mike Besikof, Van Nuys, California is married and 32 years of age. Has three children and is an attorney. He's been training 15 years.

Ken DiAngelo, Pennsauken, N.J. is 25 years old, married with three children and is a salesman. Ken's been training for 10 years and was inspired by his father, a former physique champion.

Ned Drew, Gaithersburg, Md. is 32 years old, is single and has been training for 10 years. Is a 3M market analyst.

Peter Grymkowski, Rochester, N. Y is 27 years old, has been training for seven years, is married and is a co-owner of a building maintenance company. He's placed second for three straight years!

Jim Handley, Baltimore, Md. is 27 years old, married with one child and is a fireman. He's been training for 11 years.

Denny Harkai, Cleveland, Ohio has been training for 10½ years. Married with two children and is a salesman.

Neal Hastey, New Britain, Conn. is 28 and single. Is a restaurant manager. He's been training for five years.

Dick Hathaway, Overland Park, Kansas is 30 years old, married and a salesman. Training for four years.

Paul Hill, Los Angeles, California is 30 years old, married and has been training for six years. He works for the telephone company.

Robert Holden, Cockeysville, Md. is 30 years old, married and has been training for 14 years. Has doctorate in business.

Willie Johnson, Akron, Ohio is 29, married with three children and has been training for seven years. Works in manufacturing truck tires. In recent Jr. Mr. America took several subdivisions and won Most Muscular Man title. Has improved a lot over the past two years.

Robert Lauda, Pittsburgh, Pa. is 28 years old, training for eight and is in wholesale meats.

Nathan LeBlanc, Hayward, California is 29 years old, single and is a butcher by trade. Has been training for seven years.

Charles Loesh, Minneapolis, Minn. is 25, single and is a paramedic emergency medical technician.

Gregory Long, Philadelphia, Pa is 24 years old, single and an iron worker. Training for eight years.

Anibal Lopez, New York, N.Y. is 30, married with two children, and works for the N. Y .C. transit authority. Been training eight years.

Eugene Massey, Mira Mar, Fla. is 24, training 11 years, is single and has a health food store.

Edward Mayo, Canton, Ohio is 26, single and been training seven and a half years. Is electronic technician.

Robert McNeil, Philadelphia, Pa. is 39 years old, married, two children and a private investigator. Been training between 12 and 14 years.

James Morris, Los Angeles, California. Jim won the Mr. America title this year. He's 37 years old and been training for 19 years. Is sales representative.

Floyd Odom, Longview, Texas is 33 years old, married and is a car dealer in Texas. Been training only two years.

Dan Padilla, Rochester, N.Y. is 22 years old and has been training six years. Operates grocery store.

Patrick Ruelle. Pontiac, Mich. is 24, single and a college student. Training for six years.

George Rumas. Chicago, Ill. is 22, single and a machinist. Training for seven years.

Paul Santos. Hartford, Conn. is 21, single and works as a carpenter. Training for five years.

Joe Sasso. Lynfield, Mass is 33, married and has four children. Has been training for 16 years and is an insurance salesman.

William. Sena. Western Springs, Ill. is 34 years old, married with two children and is a teacher. He's been training 14 years.

Fred Shandor, Manville, N.J. is 29 and engaged to be married. Has been training for nine years. Is a probation officer.

Tyrone Youngs. San Diego, California is 25, single and works for a truck corporation. Been training five years.



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #520 on: September 25, 2021, 08:19:38 AM »
1974 Mr America - AAU

1     Ron Thompson
2     Paul Hill
3     Douglas Beaver
4     Willie Johnson
5     Ralph Kroger
6     Dave Johns
7     Sammie Willis
8     Anibal Lopez
9     Lawrence Samuel
10     Michael Dayton
11     Joe Means
12     Bill St John
13     Fred Shandor
14     John Boos
15     Joseph Sasso
16     Eddie Love
17     Nathan LeBlanc
18     Danny Padilla
19     Chuck R Carlson
20     Joe Dodd
21     Tommy Richards
22     Sam Sanchez
23     Mike Kowach
24     Ron Gibson
25     James Friedel
26     James Handley
27     Robert Rogers
28     William Chapoton
29     Cliff Ford
30     Homer Gassett
31     James Karas
32     Patrick Ruelle
33     Robert Lauda
34     Hugh Huggins
35     Harold Bakkelund



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #521 on: September 25, 2021, 08:20:16 AM »
Muscular Development, Vol 11, No 7, Page 34, September 1974

Behind The Scenes Of The
By John C Grimek
EVERY BODYBUILDER who trains with any regularity has his sights set to win the Mr. America some day, and with this goal in mind he keeps training and plugging along hoping that someday he will become "the champ of the year !"

Obviously, only on the rarest occasions does any man win this title the first time around but then, sometimes the unexpected happens. It happened this year. No one, not even the champion himself, Ron Thompson, expected to win the crown this year but he surprised everyone, including himself, and became the "man of the hour."


Best Abdominals

Sammie Willis
Dave Johns (Tie)
Doug Beaver (Tie)
Best Arms

Doug Beaver
Dave Johns
Larry Sammuel
Best Back

Willie Johnson
Doug Beaver
Dave Johns
Best Chest

Ralph Kroger
Willie Johnson
Doug Beaver
Best Legs

Ralph Kroger
Ron Thompson
Paul Hill
Most Muscular Man

Doug Beaver
Willie Johnson
Ron Thompson
Paul Hill
Ralph Kroger
Over the past months certain men dominated the physique field, so quite naturally it was expected that one of these, a most logical conclusion, would take the title. Such stalwart specimens as Paul Hill, Willie Johnson, Doug Beaver, Mike Dayton, Anibal Lopez, Dave Johns are just a few to mention, have been upon the scene for some time and most followers of the game expected one of them to "walk away" with the title, . . but it just didn't happen that way, and certainly no one expected that the quiet and unassuming Thompson would get it . . . at least not this year, So Ron does deserve credit for this great achievement.

For example, last year in the Juniors he placed among the top-10 but didn't even bother to enter the Senior Championships. He did, however, compete in the Mr, USA contest in Scranton last September where he placed among the winners. This past May he sprung another surprise by taking the Junior title in Virginia, but even winning this, the second most important title in physique contests was not enough to give him the edge over the other contestants, since others have won the Junior title yet failed to repeat in the Seniors, Peter Grymkowski is a good example, although there have been others. But obviously in Ron's case this was just the victory he needed to spur him on to the top, and he did just that and came through with flying colors.

However, let's go behind the scenes a moment, just prior to the prejudging. It was Sunday morning and the contestants assembled in the dressing room of the York gym. Already some were warming up, others were going through their posing routines, a few were just flexing muscles here and there, and because the dressing room's air-conditioning wasn't working efficiently, it didn't take much pumping to bring out the sweat. Most looked terrific, muscles pumped up and striated and bodies glistening with perspiration. They were ready for the action.

Ron Thompson was among this group. This was the first I saw of him since Scranton. He looked very good and went about warming up in his usual quiet manner. He was one of those I casually questioned about his training, etc. I even congratulated him on his Jr. victory of a month ago, and even asked if he got a good transparency of himself for use on our cover. Ever since he won the Mr. World title, nearly two years ago, we've been trying to get a good transparency that would do him justice. Those we had on hand were fair but they certainly failed to justify his development. Now as I conversed with him, not realizing that he would be "the man," nor did he indicate this in any way that he had a better chance that the others, replied in the same quiet manner, expressing the hope that he would get some good pictures this time. . . and he did. The cover shot was taken that day.

As I quickly scanned the mass of muscles bouncing around I couldn't help but wonder who would be the winner this time. At this point I certainly would not venture any guess. To may way of thinking, every man there trained just as hard as the next one. . . but when the results would be announced, only ONE man will be the winner--and he was in this group.

As I stood around talking I could hear the coordinator telling the men to get ready to file out for the prejudging. The men, very cooperative, began walking out into the gym and lined up in a semi-circle. . . all 30-odd contestants. This was the first time in York that the public was invited to view the prejudging, and the place was over-jammed. The air-condition unit worked at full blast but it failed to do much good, and I could see that the judges had their task cut out for them, a most difficult one.

Prejudging of this sort was started in London at the Mr. Universe contest, and people were invited then to watch proceedings. It gave them a chance to match their views with the judges and see just how close their selection matched the judges. In most cases the people's choice tallied with that of the judges so that everyone was happier.

However, in judging the men in the York gym the task looked even more difficult, and trying to select just one man out of this group wasn't going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination. Many of the entries were OUTSTANDING and no one exhibited a clear-cut victory. At this point a few seemed to agree that Ron Thompson showed fine leg development, had a clean-cut abdomen, a fine back spread with an overall impressive physique, but no one even hinted that he had the best chance. For one thing, his approach was less dynamic and though he presented himself exceedingly well, it failed to match some of the others in the contest!

Ron, whom I thought was more muscular this time than in the past, came through to take third in the Most Muscular Man contest. He also placed in the Best Legs category but outside of these he got nothing, while others were getting these awards left and right. This made his chances even slimmer, at least from the public's viewpoint.

Among the entries this year were a few newcomers who were making their debut. . . and very impressively too. One fellow had a massive pair of arms and the consensus of many was that he would take the Big Arms trophy. He got second. His arms were big but I heard they lacked the full shape and muscularity that was needed. Sammie Willis, the young lad that won the Teen-age title a couple years ago, won the Best Abdominal award--and deserved it. He also placed 7th in the overall competition. Doug Beaver, who was called out more often than any of the other contenders, looked improved and very muscular, and apparently the judges felt the same way because they gave him the Most Muscular title, beating out Willie Johnson, the man who has won it several times before. Now in second place it must have made him wonder whether he over-bulked himself and lost much of his unusual muscularity this year.

This year there were several surprises, and this is why it's so hard today to predict the winner beforehand. This is impossible unless the contests were "fixed" . . . something's that highly improbable while these contests are under the AAU jurisdiction.

The prejuding lasted about a couple hours after which the men were interviewed. This part of the contest is conducted to help the judges evaluate the contestant's personality and decide whether the winner has the best qualifications to represent the title. However, many of the contestants do not like this part of the contest anymore than they appreciated the athletic ability test, which in recent years has been eliminated. However, the interview does provide the judges with an opportunity to a better insight about the individual and thus help them to evaluate the men better. This is the reason why some of the judges are often asked to serve again and again simply because they know the men better and very little escapes them.

After the interview had been completed the men laid around, sunbathed, although a couple took a fast workout. A few who found the ordeal too demanding just rested and waited for the time they would have to get ready for their final appearances. Shortly before the lifting finished the men were backstage preparing for the last stage of the show.

The contest got started around 8:00 PM, only slightly behind schedule, due to the outstanding lifting that took place. Those who are interested in this report should read the complete account about it in the August-September S&H magazine. The report is very fascinating and should provide those, who missed this outstanding event, with an excellent in-depth account.

Now after the lifting awards were presented, the auditorium was packed to near capacity with interested spectators who came to see the Mr. America display.

Before the contest started one could see people mopping their brows, and this in spite of the fact that the air-conditioning was running full blast. Obviously, tension mounted. MC Len Bosland made his appearance and mentioned that the contest was about to start. Just then the huge stage curtains parted revealing the large group of men who came to vie for the title. MC Bosland made a fine introductory speech as the curtains began to close. The house lights were already dimmed as Len called up the first man, giving him full credit for his previous accomplishments.

As the man approached the center of the pedestal the strong overhead spots accentuated his muscular details, and some looked truly outstanding. Each was called until the entire 30-odd entries had their chance to go through their posing display, all of which was fascinating and interesting to the audience. The audience responded with a fine round of applause for every man who appeared, and when all had "done their thing," the awards for the Most Muscular and subdivisions were presented, then things began to get more exciting. Doug Beaver not only got the M M title, one of the first upsets of the contest, but he was called out in almost every other category for a place. For a while it looked as if HE WOULD BE THE MAN.

Ralph Kroger, a man who has been out of competition for a couple years, was in this one and making amazing headway. In the Juniors, just a month before, he entered and placed in the top-five and won the Best Chest and Legs trophies. This too surprised a few.

After these awards came the nomination for the top-10. It would be from this group that the winner and four runners-up would be selected. Now as these men stood on stage, sweating, nervous and partially flexed, the M C called out the man for the 5th place-Ralph Kroger. In 4th place was Willie Johnson. Doug Beaver, the man who placed in most of the subdivisions and whom many thought might be the man, got 3rd. In 2nd place was one of the top favorites, Paul Hill, whom many thought had the best chance with his rugged, muscular development. But now that most of the favorites were already on deck in their respective places, the top man was yet to be called. Standing on stage were still some good men. There was Sammie Willis, Anibal Lopez, Ron Thompson, Larry Samuel, Dave Johns and Mike Dayton, who was in the top-10 but didn't even bother to take his place on stage.

Maybe the MC stalled at this point on purpose before announcing the name of the winner, and by now the tension was near its peak, as everyone anxiously awaited the winner's name. It was puzzling trying to figure out which of the five still on stage, it might be. The men themselves stood somewhat nervously. Then slowly, almost teasingly, the announcement came and the name of Ron Thompson echoed throughout the auditorium. A hush settled over the auditorium for a moment as if they didn't believe their ears, but as Ron approached and took his place upon the rostrum, the applause mounted. Ron's wife, a lovely girl, forced her way up on stage to her husband's side and was one of the first to congratulate him after he received his trophy --a very beautiful thing.

The applause continued with a note of mixed emotion, not really knowing how it all happened. Then as the men stood for pictures, and cameras flashed from every corner of the stage and auditorium, Ron glowed in his moment of triumph--just as everyone else does when he hits the jackpot. But even he looked perplexed and may have been partly shocked over this great, unexpected victory. The mild mayhem continued even as the crowd started tiling out of the auditorium, talking and discussing the events of the day. A few disgruntled remarks could be heard, which is expected under these conditions, though there were some who gave the winner due credit for having the tenacity of "getting in there" when the odds seemed stacked against him.

Thus concluded another great contest and a very oustanding one it was. The one noticable thing was that evervbody was very cordial and seemed to get along well-everywhere. Even lifters, some of whom failed to do as well as they expected, were cheerful and helped those against whom they competed. The Mr. A contestants were equally as pleasant and exchanged ideas about their training, posing and relative details. Some even helped the newcomers and gave help to anyone who sought it. Actually, the whole affair turned out to be one of the nicest gatherings we've seen in a long time. It's the kind of fellowship that is hard to find today but it does happen--occasionally.

Many visitors said that such championships are great for getting together. It's the only time that they can see and meet the men they have read and heard about... and to see them in action. . . well, that was something else!

A few of the old-timers also made the trip and had quite a pow-wow as they reminisced about their era. Men like Milo Steinborn, Ottley Coulter, Bob Snyder, Robert Knodle and Ed Zercher are from another generation, yet all who saw and talked to these men were convinced that the "barbell way of life" must be the best and these men prove that.

Ottley Coulter, of course, had some tough luck a few years ago when he fell and broke his hip. It never healed properly and, as a result, developed arthritis. Naturally this condition makes walking for him a great problem, yet he comes to every show we hold in York and is always welcomed, as are all other old-timers.

Milo, however, had to leave almost before he got settled. An urgent call from home made it necessary that he repack his bags and return home. His son Dick, however, stayed on and took numerous pictures, and plans to attend these affairs more regularly.

York was loaded with barbell men and enthusiasts that weekend, even John Decola, whom we haven't seen or heard anything from for some time, was here and looking great. And Ted Keppler, his wife and several elderly citizens, a real enthusiastic group, that come down for every big contest we hold. They are always a welcome sight. They exhibit so much vitality that one wonders where they get it. Ted of course is the springboard of this group. Now in his 60s he still remains a real dynamo. He has been instrumental in starting many youngsters in sensible weight training, and has interested older people in caring better for their health, some of whom accompany him to our shows. These senior citizens may be old in years but are young in spirit, which may be the reason for their youthful appearance, and that may be the real "secret" of staying young.

Ted's claim to fame, however, is that fact that he was a contestant in the first Mr. America contest (1938) even before it was sponsored by the AAU, and today he still manages to keep himself in fine shape by remaining active.

The fact that all good things must end sometime the events of that memorable weekend came to a close, and naturally, went by faster than many others. Of course a good deal of thanks must be given to the efforts of John Terlazzo who arranged the details for this gala affair and, hopefully, we will have many more to cement other friendships and better sportsmanship!



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #522 on: September 25, 2021, 08:21:06 AM »
1975 Mr America - AAU

1     Dale Adrian
2     Clint Beyerle
3     Pat Neve
4     Michael Dayton
5     Robby Robinson
6     Scott Wilson
7     Charles Amato
8     Sammie Willis
9     Paul Hill
10     Willie Johnson
11     Tyrone Youngs
12     Anibal Lopez
13     Floyd Odom
14     Dave Johns
15     Mike Kowach

1     Clint Beyerle
2     Michael Dayton
3     Willie Johnson
4     Paul Hill
5     Floyd Odom
6     Steve O'Neil
7     Dan Tobol
8     Rod Koontz
9     Edward Mayo

1     Dale Adrian
2     Robby Robinson
3     Scott Wilson
4     Charles Amato
5     Tyrone Youngs
6     Dave Johns
7     Paul Love
8     William Chapoton
9     Mike Besikof
10     Tom James
11     Patrick Ruelle
12     Joe Means
13     James Allen (2)
14     C F Smith
15     Cameron Douthitt
16     Gene Cameron
17     Greg Long

1     Pat Neve
2     Sammie Willis
3     Anibal Lopez
4     Mike Kowach
5     Errol Coke
6     Ron Hutchinson
7     Bob May
8     John Burkholder
9     Dominick DiBetta
10     Henry Jinks

Most Muscular
1     Robby Robinson
2     Clint Beyerle
3     Pat Neve



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #523 on: September 25, 2021, 08:21:49 AM »
Muscle Builder, Vol 16, Num 7, Page 12, November 1975

by Gene Mozee
The Culver City Veterans Memorial Auditorium was the scene of one of the greatest AAU Mr. America contests ever. The caliber of competition was so outstanding that any one of the Height Class winners would have made a worthy Mr. America.
In the year 1939, a young, muscular, unknown named Bert Goodrich won the first Mr. America contest in Amsterdam, New York. Thirty-six years later, on June 19, 1975, another relatively unknown bodybuilder named Dale Adrian won the most recent AAU Mr. America title. Coincidently, both Goodrich and Adrian presently live in Canoga Park, California, which is barely further than a Brian Oldfield shot put toss from the home of Weider International and the editorial offices of Muscle Builder Magazine.

Short Class:

Pat Neve
Sammie Willis
Anibal Lopez
Medium Class:

Dale Adrian
Robin Robinson
Scott Wilson
Tall Class

Clint Beyerle
Mike Dayton
Willie Johnson
Overall Winners

Dale Adrian
Clint Beyerle
Pat Neve
Mike Dayton
Robin Robinson
Subdivision Winners:

Best Arms: Pat Neve
Best Chest: Pate Neve
Best Back: Willie Johnson
Best Abdominals: Chuck Amato
Best Legs: Dale Adrian
Most Muscular Man:

Robin Robinson
Clint Beyerle
Pat Neve
Mike Dayton
Sammie Willis
The new AAU Mr. America reminds one facially of Larry Scott with a dash of Robert Redford thrown in. Dale stands 5'7½" tall (the same as Scott) and weighs 198 pounds.

Dale possesses a near-perfect blend of ingredients that comprise the AAU Mr. America's standards of excellence. He is an outstanding athlete, has a degree in Health Sciences, works two jobs, trains seven days a week and still manages to find time for an occasional game of tennis and some swimming. In short, he is intelligent, hard working and dedicated. His outstanding muscular development, combined with his other accomplishments, make him an ideal representative of the sport of bodybuilding and a worthy Mr. America winner.

In a daring departure from tradition, the AAU boldly held the contest in height divisions--something the IFBB adopted more than ten years ago. It was popular with the contestants and audience alike. It opened up the event and allowed more men to receive recognition for their accomplishments.

The caliber of competition was outstanding. As the curtains opened, thirty-nine well developed athletes were lined up by height classes--Short Class in front, Medium in the middle, and Tall in the rear. It was impressive.

Pre-contest favorites Paul Hill (last year's second place winner) and Willie Johnson ('75 AAU Jr. Mr. America) failed to impress the judges. Hill finished out of the money in the Tall Class and Johnson has to settle for third in the same division.

The man who got most of the applause and the least of the trophies was the sensational Robin Robinson, a former college football and track star from Tallahasse. Florida. Until Robin mounted the podium, the audience had been responding with only moderate applause. But when Robin flashed his front double-biceps pose, the crowd suddenly came alive with an explosive ovation that lasted for a full minute after he left the stage!


Short Class

Pat Neve, former world bench press record holder (468-lbs. in the 181 lb. class), completely dominated this division. Neve has a dynamite upperbody loaded with mass, shape and razor-etched definition. If his lower body matched his upper, he just might be able to dump Pierre van den Steen! Sammie Willis finished a distant second. Although Sammie is very symmetrical, with good size and shape, he just couldn't overcome Neve's additional twenty-five pounds of muscle (Pat weights 180, Sammie is 155). Anibal Lopez posed well and placed third. Ron Hutchinson and Michael Kowach were the best of the rest.

Medium Class

This was the most hotly contested division, featuring nineteen competitors. Dale Adrian's excellent proportions, quality muscle and fine stage presentation was the margin of victory. Many in the audience thought that second place winner Robin Robinson should have taken both the Medium Class and the overall title. Third place was captured by Scott Wilson who also looked terrific. Unplaced but deserving recognition for their outstanding physiques were Chuck Amato, Mike Besikof, William Chapaton, David Johns, Joe Means and Tyrone Youngs. Most of the men in this class were good. It must have been an agonizing decision for the judges to narrow it down to just the top three.

Tall Class

Clint Beyerle was a clear-cut winner. He had his share of supporters who thought he should have taken the overall title. No one in the contest possessed as much vascularity as Clint. The veins in his delts and biceps resembled telephone cables! His posing routine is reminiscent of Chet "The Jet" Yorton's. Second spot went to the highly defined Mike Dayton. With more size, Mike could be dangerous next year. Willie Johnson, who's back looked half-as-wide as the stage, placed third. Rod Koontz, Floyd Odom, Steve O'Neil and Dan Tobollooked promising. Paul Hill appeared overtrained.

Summarizing the contest, it was well organized and featured an outstanding cast of competitors. They were all good. The contest was pre-judged in flat lighting in a marathon session that took the judges almost eight hours to arrive at their final verdicts. The presence of a television film crew (the event was aired on CBS's Sunday Sports Spectacular on July 27) and their bright flood lights, tended to washout the stage somewhat and diminish the impressiveness of the men under the posing light.

Although the contest started thirty-five minutes late (due to the weightlifting--which preceded it--running overtime), the sellout crowd of 2800 thoroughly enjoyed the event. It may well have been the best AAU Mr. America contest ever.



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Re: AAU Mister America - Discuss the AAU History
« Reply #524 on: September 25, 2021, 08:22:29 AM »
Muscular Development, Vol 12, No 5, Page 32, September 1975

By Bill Reynolds
THE ANNUAL AAU Mr. America contest is the thing that bodybuilding dreams are made of and it seemed appropriate that Culver City's Veterans Memorial Auditorium stands right across from MGM's movie studios. And Sunday, June 22nd the dream came true for an unheralded young bodybuilder from nearby Canoga Park, California named Dale Adrian. But let's start from the beginning. . .

On Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. the giants started arriving for the prejudging. As they trotted in, each was carefully measured for stature because 1975 would be the first year for height classes in the "Mr. A."

Mr. America Top-Five

Dale Adrian
Clinton Beyerle
Pat Neve
Mike Dayton
Robert Robinson
Most Muscular Man Winners

Robert Robinson
Clinton Beyerle
Pat Neve
Mike Dayton
Sammie Willis
Short Class Winners

Pat Neve
Sammie Willis
Anibal Lopez
Medium Class Winners

Dale Adrian
Robert Robinson
Scott Wilson
Tall Class Winners

Clinton Beyerle
Mike Dayton
Willie Johnson
Subdivisions Winners

Best Abdominals - Charles Amato
Best Arms - Pat Neve
Best Back - Willie Johnson
Best Chest - Pat Neve
Best Legs - Dale Adrian

At about 9:30 Ralph Countryman, National Physique Chairman, briefed the assembled contestants stressing the impending thoroughness of the judging process. Arbiters included Clarence Bass of New Mexico, Don Dumo of Michigan, Oregon's Gerald Dunn, Howard Miller of Kentucky, Bob Packer from the host state, Ken Peterson of New Jersey and Mabel Rader from Nebraska--six men and one woman, all extremely experienced in judging national meets and a very good geographic sample.

Dressed in street clothing and with most in suits, the contestants filed individually and in alphabetical order before the judges for the interview section of their evaluation. The main interrogator was Len Bosland, the show's able Master of Ceremonies, but during each four to six-minute interview, individual judges had pet "tricky" questions designed to assess each man's ability to cope with the public. After all, Mr. America can't run around in posing trunks for an entire year and should be able to talk impressively and intelligently with the public. For the most part, the top men had fine interviews. From Dale Adrian to Ty Youngs this process took a bit over three hours. Immediately following interviews, the short class appeared before the judges ready to pose. Of the 40 contestants only David Brazil and Charles Loesch failed to show, and of the remaining 38, 10 were in the short class of men up to 5'6". Immediate standouts were Pat Neve, Sammy Willis, Anibal Lopez and Mike Kowach. Semi-relaxed comparisons were made front, side and back so the judges could begin sorting out the super from the merely stupendous. Flexed comparisons were then made and finally individual posing on a raised platform but under flat and ordinary room light. Via this exhaustive process the judges were able to arrive at place ratings in each height class. The medi um class was the largest of the contest with 18 competitors and it was this class in which the overall (more) winner, Dale Adrian, competed. Other standouts here were Most Muscular Man Robert Robinson, veteran Chuck Amato, Dave Johns, Scott Wilson and Ty Youngs. They were eventually sorted out and the tall class Came on, including giants like Clinton Beyerle, Mike Dayton, Paul Hill, Willie Johnson and Floyd adorn. They, too, were placed by each of the seven judges. Then the high and low scores were crossed off, the remaining places added up, and the man in each class with the lowest total was declared the winner, wit h the second-lowest second, etc.

During height class judging, each member of the panel had marked his/her body part favorites and these men were brought back for additional comparisons to choose each best bodypart winner. And finally, the top five men in each height class were assembled and ranked to decide Mr. America and his runner-up. It might be noted that from this procedure there may have been men in sixth or seventh in one height class better than fifth or fourth in another, and who would have been in the top 15 if all 38 had been judged as one unit.

As Len Bosland remarked to me, the overall quality of physiques among finalists was so great t hat judges at this level began to look for faults instead of strengths, the man with the fewest weak points being declared the winner. In smaller contests a man with one or two startling areas can win, but on the national level the top man always has fewer faults. Unfortunately many in the audience misunderstood this exha ustive process and vented their discourtesy by booing halfofthe final placings. Itseemed little reward for the nine hours of meticulous work put in by seven fine and experienced judges.

After a two-hour break the show went on with the public presentation. All 37 men (Kevin Mirich got lost in the shuffle between prejudging and public show) were presented to the audience as a group and then each height class posed individually. And what an absolutely incredible lineu p it was, including two former Mr. USA winners and four Mr. Californias. I n order of presentation they stacked up as follows:

Short Man's Class

JOHN BURKHOLDER, the current Mr. Washington is single, a teacher, 25, 5'3" and 175 pounds. He sported 17½" arms and is credited with a 400 bench and a 525 squat. John was very massive and fairly cut up but could have had more skin tone.

ERROL COKE from Indianapolis is married with one child and is a postal employee, 5'3½", 155 pounds 17½" arms and 450 squat. Errol had a light physique with pleasing lines.

RON HUTCHINSON is from LaMesa, California. He's 31,5'5½" 165 pounds, has done a 450 squat and is a former Mr. Western America. Ron's married and is intent on furthering God's work. He had a nicely defined physique but should get more sIze.

HENRY JINKS is from Orange, New Jersey where he is the assistant physical director at the local YMCA. He is 34, 5'3", 140 pounds and has curled 195. His hobby is ornithology.

MICHAEL KOWACH is from Warren, Ohio. He's 30, 5'6", 185 pounds and is the current Mr. Ohio. Married and with two sons, Mike is a millwright. He curls 215, benches 395 and deadlifts 600. His fine and symmetrical physique has won him high national placings in the past, but he appeared to be a bi t overtrained here.

ANIBAL LOPEZ comes from Puerto Rico via Hollis, New York. He is 32, 5'5½" 160 pounds and works for the transit authority. He has won virtually every title in the East and has placed very high nationally. He has a nicely sym metrica I physique with a fine abdominal formation that probably came to him as a result of gymnastics, which is his hobby.

BOB MAY from Los Angeles is a former Mr. New Jersey, single, 29, 5'6" and 170 pounds. He works as a physical fitness director and has deadlifted 500. Bob has a light, very defined body and posed well.

PAT NEVE traveled from Phoenix, Arizona and was the overall third-place winner, as well as third in Most Muscular. He's 28, 5'6", 185 pounds of rock-hard muscle. Pat is married with one child and works as a physical therapist. He holds the 1974 Mr. USA title, is a former high school all-state wrestler, and has even held the world bench press record. An extremely dense upper body and improving legs make him one of America's best. I was particularly impressed with Pat's warm and open personality.

SAMMY WILLIS' powerful physique can only be described as incredible. He's from Indianapolis, only 21, 5'3" and 165 pounds. He is a single plumber and has squatted 515. His super dense physique has won him TeenAge Mr. America and second in the Junior Mr. America. Sammy's the quiet type, but his muscles do all the talking necessary.

Medium Class

DALE ADRIAN was the first man to come out in the medium class and is the new Mr. America. His story was in the July/August issue of M D so he should be no stranger to bodybuilding fans. He has a very symmetrical and shapely physique with enough size and cuts to suit anyone. Except for his legs, he had no body part especially overpowering, but presented instead a harmonious whole body that no other contestant could match. Dale is the current Mr. California and the first since Bill Pearl in 1953 to take both the California and America titles the same year, as well as the first since Pearl to win the Mr. America in his first national contest. As a group the judges were very impressed with Adrian and nobody on the panel ranked him lower than fifth place.

JIM ALLEN flew in from Middleton, Ohio. He is 27, 5'8", 203 pounds, single and works at a health club. He is a graduate of Miami University and is a former Mr. Ohio. He squats with 550 and his 19" arms can muscle up a 300 standing press.

CHUCK AMATO from Portland, Oregon was one of the more seasoned competitors and returned after a several-years' absence from Mr. America competition. Chuck's 33, 5'9", 180 pounds, married and works as a recreation director. He is a former Mr. Pacific Coast and presents a light, but proportionate and muscular physique. He's a very pleasant individual and a dramatic poser.

MIKE BESIKOF from Woodland Hills, California is 34, 5'9" and 195 pounds of hard muscle. He's a married attorney with three children and is a former Mr. California. He squats with 550 and his 50" chest tapers down to a 31" waist. Despite coming off a recent bout with the flu, Mike presented a fine physique with deep muscularity. His legs could use more cuts, however.

GENE CAMERON is a very symmetrical 27-year-old bodybuilder from Phoenix. He is single, 5'9", 185 pounds and is a former Mr. Arizona. He's squatted with 525 and with more work for size he could be very good.

WILLIAM CHAPOTON at 34 was one of the older contestants. He's 5'9", 195, married with two daughters and hails from Detroit where he works as a police officer. A former Mr. Mid-West, Bill has benched 480 and showed a fine muscular physique.

CAMERON DOUTHITT is a college professor from Friendswood, Texas. He is 32, 5'9", 188, married with two children and is the current Mr. Texas. Cameron showed a fine set of legs and overall symmetrical development.

TOM JAMES is a young fellow of 24 from Portland. Tom is single, 5'8", 180 and has curled 205 with his fine 18½" arms. He's a former Mr. Pacific Northwest with plenty of future potential. Tom owns his own body shop (cars, not people), specializing in fiberglass repair and painting.

DAVE JOHNS is one of the bigger names in bodybuilding by virtue of several past high places in national meets. He's 28, 5'8½", 205 pounds, married and from North Hollywood. Dave works as a probation officer and was Jr. Mr. USA last year. He was finely drawn, but was overtrained. If he keeps training though, Johns will soon climb to the top.

GREG LONG flew in from Philadelphia. He is an iron worker (what else could a bodybuilder be?), is 27, 5'8", 190 pounds and single. Greg was a bit smooth, but should put it all together in a couple of years with a better contest diet.

PAUL LOVE is 35 and from San Jose. At 5'8½" and 193, Paul has won Mr. California and Mr. Pacific Coast. He's married with two children and sports 19¼" arms. He looked good and had an especially fine back. Paul's recently been powerlifting with an official 550 squat. Paul was a very pleasant man to talk with and is very knowledgeable about the weight game. (See his story on page 24 of this issue.) JOE MEANS traveled from Columbia, South Carolina and had many of the women in the audience in a flutter. Joe's a police officer, 24, 5'9", 195 and single. A former Mr. All South, he was fairly symmetrical and shows plenty of promise.

KEVIN MIRICH is a 21-year-old bodybuilder from Merriville, Indiana. He's a police officer and at 5'8", 188 pounds has just scratched the surface of his potential.

ROBERT ROBINSON of Tallahassee, Florida was absolutely astounding and a popular choice for the Most Muscular Man title. He's 24, 5'7½" and 195 pounds of rock-hard ebony muscle. Robert is married with three children and works as a commercial artist. A Mr. Florida, he has benched 400 and squatted with 600. He was rated high for Best Chest, Arms and Back, but lost a better overall placing due to lack of thigh cuts and calf size. He has nonetheless an astounding body that will take him far. I personally got the impression that he should have posed twice as long!

PATRICK RUELLE comes from Pontiac, Michigan and he wore his long blond hair in a neat bun at the back of his head. The hair was easily explained, though, as it helps give him respect in his job as a drug abuse counselor. Pat is 26, 5'8" and 185 pounds. He has won the Mr. Michigan title and looked very good.

C. F. SMITH was a new M.D. from Tennessee. He's married, 25, 5'8½", 185 and a former Mr. Eastern USA. "CF" presented a Zane-type build and was an Associated Press Little All-American football player in 1970.

SCOTT WILSON was very massive and impressive. He's 24, 5'8½", 205, married and a full-time student on the GI Bill (USMC for three years). Scott was last year's Mr. California and when he hits a most muscular pose people really sit up and take notice. Scott's definitely future Mr. America material.

TY YOUNGS from San Diego is also a former Mr. California and has copped the Mr. Pacific Coast title as we]l. Ty is single, a carpenter, 27, 5'8" and weighs 208. His torso was incredibly thick and no doubt built by exercises like Ty's 495 bench press.

Tall Class

CLINTON BEYERLE from South Gate, California was first up in the tall class. He was also second both in Most Muscular and overall. Clint has made fantastic progress in the last four or five months, possessing now a borderline superstar body with startling vascularity. Clinton is married and a student of chiropractics. He's 26, 5'10", 205 pounds with a 52" chest, a miniscule 29½" waist and strength enough to squat with 600 and standing press 300. For my money, Beyerle is the favorite for next year.

MIKE DAYTON of Concord, California surprised a few people by placing fourth in both Most Muscular and Mr. America. He's 26, 5'10" and 198 pounds of symmetrical muscularity. Mike's a UCLA grad and works as a moving company executive. Mike has won Teen-Age Mr. America and Mr. Pacific Coast. He's benched 470 and is a former high school state wrestling champion.

PAUL HILL of Houston, Texas was the favorite going into the contest but he showed up looking a bit smooth. He's 32, 5'10", 205 and was Mr. USA in 1973. Paul works as a repair foreman for South Western Bell.

WILLIE JOHNSON is the current Jr. Mr. America from Akron, Ohio where he works for a tire company. Willie won Best Back but he appeared a bit past his peak. He is 30, 5'10", 219 pounds and married with three children.

ROD KOONTZ is a computer operator from Torrance, California. He's married, 23, 5'11", 205 pounds and the current Jr. Mr. Southern California Rod likes karate and with more hardness to go with his fine proportions will soon be a big winner.

EDWARD MAYO is single, a lab technician from Canton, Ohio and he's 28, 5'11" and 205 pounds. An army veteran, Ed shows promise and has won the Mr. Lake Erie title.

FLOYD ODOM came from Longview, Texas with a very massive and defined physique. He is 35, 6'0", 220 pounds and married. Floyd is a former Arkansas powerlifting champ and squats with 630. His posing was jerky and with improvement could really help him place higher.

STEVE O'NEILL was another Texan from Humble. He works as a health club salesman. Mr. Texas is single, 23, 5'10", 200 pounds and looked very good. With a little better muscularity, Steve will win a lot of titles.

DAN TOBOL from Houston was the final contestant and was last year's Teen-Age Mr America. He's still only 19, and weighs 230 pounds at 6'1". He's single and works as a gym instructor. As a high school basketball player, Dan was on two state championship teams. Tobol needs more shaping up but he appears to have unlimited potential.

After each height class posed, trophies were presented to that class' top three men. In Short, Neve took first, Willis second and Lopez third. Medium had Adrian in the top spot with Robinson and Wilson second and third. And Beyerle copped the Tall class followed by Dayton and Johnson.. Ralph Countryman presented trophies to Short class winners, Dennis Tinerino (Mr. America-Mr. Universe) took care of the Medium class and the great Bill Pearl passed out hardware to the Tall class. Pearl got a five-minute ovation from the appreciative SRO crowd of over 3500.

Bodypart winners were Neve for Chest and Arms, Adrian for Legs, Johnson for Back and Amato for Abdominals. The popular choice for Most Muscular was Robinson, followed in order by Beyerle, Neve, Dayton and Willis.

And finally the big moment had come. Robert Robinson was announced as fifth place for Mr. America. Mike Dayton was surprised to win fourth and Pat Neve was happy to take third. Clint Beyerle was a solid. second. And finally, after building up as much suspense as possible, MC Len Bosland (one of the contestants called him the Howard Cosell of bodybuilding) announced symmetrical Dale Adrian as the 1975 Mr. America. The winner's trophy was donated by Perry Rader.

Dale is going to make a fine Mr. America. He is a great person and has a great physique and will be making himself available for posing exhibitions anywhere. He plans to enter the Mr. Universe this fall in London and will be writing a very informative series of articles in M D and S&H. Look for them soon.