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Limit cardio on cycle

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Steroids make your heart grow.

Pretty common for drug users to get enlarged hearts.

      I'm finding some interesting research about the Frank Starling curve regarding contractile force of muscle cells, which applies to the heart and skeletal muscle. Whether the heart or skeletal muscle, muscles "stretch" based on the load placed on them. So when a heart enlarges too much from too much stress, contractile force of the individual muscle cells of the heart decreases, resulting in a reduced ejection fraction. So marathon runners frequently have a low ejection fraction and an enlarged heart. The individual heart muscle cells are getting weaker despite the amazing aerobics.
     High intensity aerobics stretches the heart beyond the ideal stretching point, the heart enlarges but the contractile force of the actual muscle cells of the heart decreases.  If you add anabolic hormones, which also enlarge the heart, to high intensity aerobics, you are doubling down on the lowering of ejection fraction and enlargement of the heart. So it's key to limit cardio while on anabolic hormones.

     It's interesting to note that since the Frank Starling curve applies to ALL muscle, it is likely that the contractile force of each bicep cell get WEAKER as the muscle gets bigger, and the increase in skeletal muscle size from HEAVY weight training is actually from satellite cell recruitment, not from individual contractile force in the muscle cells themselves. So the actual mechanism of growth for your biceps from muscular to HUGE,  is that as you place an extreme load on the muscle, the force stretches the muscle and it grows satellite cells, but each muscle cell actually gets a bit weaker.

I'm still researching this.


       Through my research on this I may have stumbled upon a way to unlimited muscle growth and heart health. Injected satellite cells. They obviously don't want bodybuilders to know about it, but in Muscular Dystrophy and other muscle wasting diseases, they are building and regenerating muscle by isolating and injecting satellite cells into the actual muscle cells of patients. Like a spot injection. More importantly, it could regenerate other cells such as heart cells in heart failure.  Or even aging in general. The research is still developing.

     As I mentioned, the growth in muscle from lifting is not from increased contractile strength, its from satellite cell recruitment, then the satellite cells proliferate and differentiate, and then hypertrophy of the satellite cell occurs as the individual cells start to swell and store glycogen. With steroids and proper training you repeat this process of creating new satellite cells then swelling them up but there comes a limit. Things like Myostatin just won't let it go further.

     But if you just injected satellite cells, you wouldn't really have to ask the body's permission to grow. While satellite cells come from steroids and training, what if one could just inject them in and they graft and start growing? I'm not saying this is possible or even practical but they definitely are putting a lot of money and research into stem cell muscle injections for muscle wasting diseases. I linked some research. The last article is called HEART REPAIR GETS NEW MUSCLE. And it's about satellite cells growing muscle.

    Findings from in vivo human studies suggest that satellite cells play a key role in skeletal muscle fiber repair/remodeling in response to exercise. Mounting evidence indicates that aging has a profound impact on the regulation of satellite cells in human skeletal muscle. Yet, the precise role of satellite cells in the development of muscle fiber atrophy with age remains unresolved. This review seeks to integrate recent results from in vivo human studies on satellite cell function in muscle fiber repair/remodeling in the wider context of satellite cell biology whose literature is largely based on animal and cell models.

 Recent work has shown that freshly isolated satellite cells from adult muscle contain a stem cell-like population that exhibits more efficient engraftment and self-renewal activity in regenerating muscle.

Old school guys didn’t do cardio because they lifted with intensity.

Keep your heart fit and healthy, plenty of cardio is great for you in and out of bed. Don't live in fear and paranoia. Professional cycling is to the extreme. Don't get vaxxed.


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