Author Topic: What would you do?  (Read 10724 times)


  • Getbig II
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What would you do?
« on: June 15, 2014, 01:45:11 AM »
A second tendon surgery has not worked and a mass of scar tissue is developing on the tear again.

Would you keep training, let it build up and hope they operate again or call it quits? I'm in two minds.


  • Getbig II
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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2014, 01:46:36 PM »
I know this a hard question to answer, I am struggling with it.  Im thinking, yeah keep training, let it continue to scar up and the tendon can be debrided again and then Im thinking this is silly just give it up and try yoga or some shit lol.

The thing is it is such a tiny tear, but it just wont heal properly.  I am just after people thoughts on what what they do if they found themselves in this kind of situation?

wild willie

  • Getbig V
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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2014, 09:09:54 PM »
A second tendon surgery has not worked and a mass of scar tissue is developing on the tear again.

Would you keep training, let it build up and hope they operate again or call it quits? I'm in two minds.
keep training......don't give up.......and get plenty of massage therapy.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2014, 08:58:41 AM »
First I would question the abilities of the doctor(s) who did the somewhat common surgery and the rehab center you went to after the surgery. If the second surgery was by the same doctor and the same rehab center was used for recovery...than you may have a serious medical malpractice or rehab procedure problem.  Was it laser surgery, I wonder? Did you layoff long enough for the tendon to heal 110%? Tear at the lower or  upper inserts of the triceps? How long ago was the last operation and how long the rehab?

Far as weight training goes, might suggest not doing any direct pressing exercises. If, or when, returning to workouts, keep the triceps area warm with long sleeves, stick on heat pads, etc.. Also apply a heating element, like lotions, rubs, etc. Might also avoid and extreme stretching, like pullovers, pulldowns, etc.

Just use caution and common sense when going through a recovery stage.  Caution & common sense, qualities lost on many BB'ers after any kind of surgery. In some cases, very minor tears have been knows to heals themselves naturally. Yours seems to be not the case.

Good Luck.



  • Getbig V
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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2014, 09:35:26 AM »
Some injuries just don't get fixed. Deal with it.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2014, 11:59:23 AM »
In a way Falco is right, some injuries just do not go away but seem to hang on forever. The less serious can usually be worked around. The other's..not so much. Think your healed, than that same thing pop's up again. Things might be going great for weeks & months in training than, unexpected, there it is again. A genetic weakness, or imbalance, in that specific area may have a lot to do with lingering injuries also.

There are sports rehab centers that work with muscle imbalance, targeting a weaker muscle and the imbalance it may cause to sports performance. Nerve pathways that are damaged and misalined  can be readjusted somewhat through deep tissue massage, electric impulse stimulation, etc.. Even imagining/visualization training for better muscle memory. leading to better performance to avoid injury. No sure bet any of the above will work 100%.

That tricep injury may be just one of those things that can linger on & on.  Hopefully not.


  • Getbig V
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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2014, 07:20:08 AM »
Go to a different orthopedic surgeon who only specializes from the shoulder down. The worse orthopedic surgeons are the ones who think they have the expertise to fix every joint. They are dangerous hacks.

Partial tears can become complete ruptures. I wouldn't push it until you get the okay from a top shelf otho guy. Some injuries can't be fixed. Especially if it's a tear that hasn't been addressed. When I completely tore my bicep off my surgeon told me after about 5 days tendon attachment is problematic because of dead tissue. Then grafts have to be used and it will never work the same. I got operated on day 5 and I thought my arm would never work right but it's near perfect.

Your partial tear as opposed to a full rupture I would think would be a relatively easy fix. After the operation you have to let it heal and not be premature about trying to lift. It took me 6 months to get my arm back to where it was. I know guys with partial tears that come back way quicker. If it turns out your doctor gives you the okay to lift after the repair and your arm still isn't right just do what you can. If an exercise hurts don't do it. If the arm is weak just do what you can.  I assume you are not getting paid to pose in a speedo.  Maybe light to moderate weights in really good form with volume will be a new road to go down.

Lastly when my bicep tore off and it rolled up to my shoulder I thought lifting was over. During my recovery from the operation I turned to running. I got into amazing if I say so myself cardio shape. It wasn't lifting but I was fat free and felt great. I had the best possible outcome and I wish you the same. 


  • Getbig II
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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2014, 02:44:26 PM »
Ha ha cheers Falco.

I did not use my arm properly for nearly a year as I knew it was not right.  They gave me an MRI and said there is nothing further they can do. After this I thought I can't live without using it so started using it again - working out etc and this lump of scar tissue has started developing again.

The doc suggested a CT scan but I'm sure that's more for bone. I'm sure if this lump got big enough they would have to recognise it. The thing is it's not just about training, the lump gets a little bigger even through repetitive daily things i.e. changing gears in the car over a long journey, getting in and out of the bath etc.

I'm left thinking I have 3 options not to use my arm properly, use it little and let the scaring develop over time or keep training let it develop quickly and hope it gets sorted.