Author Topic: Jokes >>>Can you move this to the Lounge please and just kill the girly board?  (Read 73415 times)


  • Getbig V
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  • thank you Ron & Getbig, I've had so much fun
Oh m'lady

I didn't know that I had I gun
and that that was my beautiful girlfriend who ran into the bathroom when she was scared shitless.

Bertha Butt

  • Getbig III
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  • Getbig V
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TEH boob

  • Getbig IV
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fuck....i said "oscarpistosis" so many times, and I still don't get the joke  ???


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4918
  • thank you Ron & Getbig, I've had so much fun
oh darling it's not the words, it's the pic...  anyways it's old news

here's a good one, a clever cartoon?

xLinda in London
                                                                                                                Merry everything and happy always



  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4918
  • thank you Ron & Getbig, I've had so much fun


  • Getbig V
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  • thank you Ron & Getbig, I've had so much fun
What do you give to the person who has everything ?                              >this is a Christmas joke?

A pat on the back



  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4918
  • thank you Ron & Getbig, I've had so much fun
No don't move this to what I thought was your lovely Lounge.  Forget that.  It's all rubbish.

You removed a post I made there on to the sex board.  You moved the entire thread from your "Lounge" to your sex board.  So I deleted my post.  

Ugly behaviour that, please never do that to anyone (especially a woman) again.

Don't you get it?
I will never be on your x y z.  I will never be on your sex board.  

I tried to be nice.  I attempted to be funny.  We tried the Girly Board and it's crap.  

So I tried your "Lounge" and then as soon as I post you go move the entire thread to the S&M board ?

stop it
It's not funny
good night

It used to be fun here Ron, but do not move my posts to your sex board please and thank you?  >>>I have deleted my nice post.
I refuse to be on your nasty down on the bottom shelf horrid threads, so don't ever put me there, ok?  ta.

TEH boob

  • Getbig IV
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  • Getbig V
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  • Hello Hunior
Hi Junior


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4918
  • thank you Ron & Getbig, I've had so much fun

What illness might you get if you were to eat too many Christmas decorations?


I'm not happy by the way that you now suddenly go move a year old thread to the top of the board?  That thread was last Christmas?  What are you on?  Yawn Darling, you've carried on wrecking our Girly Board...

>  You saddo mod.  
Why would you attempt to make this Girly Board look like something it isn't?   You're trying to make it look good?  
That train left yesterday and the airplane crashed and the ferry sank?    

The Police in your country shoot threatening people.

Why would you repost crap from yesteryear?  Toxic Avenger gave up ages ago, he's too clever for this mess you make.  What are you doing, are you resurrecting the best?

I'm feeling inclined to delete my clever posts again, but I haven't time right now.  I shouldn't even be reading your ridiculousness.  I only come here when I'm feeling sad and feel like being beaten up.  This GetBig www is my place to feel pain.  So I don't self harm.  I just log onto your wwwshite and learn

I'll just have another vodka and smile
But what you're doing to this thread board forum is awful

take care
in London England
see you next year


  • Getbig V
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Seeing a guy talking to himself in a board draws some interesting questions.