Author Topic: The Natural Profiles  (Read 83956 times)


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The Natural Profiles
« on: February 04, 2007, 02:51:08 AM »
I would like a thread where natties could talk about why they got into bodybuilding and how long they have stayed natural and their choices for being natural. And it is interesting to get to know a bit about our fellow naturals.

If people would contribute that would be cool, as their story could inspire others to 'keep clean' as well  ;D

I got into bodybuilding because my father was a bodybuilder. He was a big dude, 5'9 230 pounds (lifetime natural), and he got me started doing bench presses in the garage when I was 15. A year later he signed me up to the gym and from there on I was hooked.

18-19 have been my best years strength wise. My best lifts were bench press: 315 for 2, but squats I was naturally strong, I think because my father got me doing very strict technique from the beginning. 315x17 and 405x6 were my best at that age.

Sadly, because of injuries and other commitments I haven't been able to get my strength back to that point. But I still continue to train and am not far off there.

I have been training on and off for 8 years having done 5 comps during that time and competed in a federation where 'users' flourish, as the shows are untested. It was good motivation know I would be up against guys who were juicing and I could hold my own against them.

I've stayed nattie because I don't see the attraction of injecting myself and possibly getting an infection, gyno, or risk harming my body in  any way.

OK so thats me, I'm sure there are others with very cool backrounds that would make for Sim interesting reading.... So lets hear ya stories!!!


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2007, 06:50:04 AM »
Hey mate, good story!!

im not sure how long iv been seriously lifting as every day month year i try and get more and more serious (if u know what i mean), i guess about3 years. Im 22, and kinda started lifting in my garage wen i was 16 just trying to learn the form on bench rows etc.

Like urself my dad got me in2 it, he used to lift weights for rugby, and as i play he got me doing it aswell.

I think i decided to take it a bit more seriously wen i read 'hardcore bodybuilding' with tom platz on the front. Old school book with old school routine/exercsie explanations and pics/and diet tips. Great book and seeing those guys made me want to lift.

+ I was a small guy, ripped but small.

I did and still want to be as strong and as big as possible. Idont do it to compete, i do it b/c i love to train, i love managing a new and heavier weight than i did last week, or meeting/beating a rep target i have etc, i just love seeing my strength go up and knowing that i am getting stronger and bigger.
Lifting is something i do for me, its al down to me to make progress, and i love pushing myself, and trying to push myself further and harder every session.

It isn't the mountains ah


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2007, 01:38:01 PM »
I got into bodybuilding because i quit hockey at 18 and ballooned up from my constant 80kg to 114 , was miserable and fat , my thighs would chafe when id walk cause i was so fat

bought a 12.5kg dumbbell , did what i could with it , did situps , walking , and skipping with a piece of rope and lost 20 kg's in the 1st month

my diet was diet coke , grain waves , celery sticks and grapefruit juice ( didnt have a clue )

and eventually evolved from there and bought a home bench etc and basically started properly 3 years ago and keep within 80-85 kg (lots of muscle gained and the leanest ive been ever)

now i have a bad back from squatting too heavy and poor deadlifts , my calves are not genetically good enough to ever be a 'pro' and don't see the point in drugs if you dont have the potential to be the best...which just means u juice because your insecure , ive got better things to spend my money on and health is important to me as ive decided to get back into hockey again and am aiming for the new zealand team , will not quit weight training tho

would like to be a dietician one day too

...........still awake?  ;)


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2007, 01:47:46 PM »
That's a bloody great story Dave & NZMM..

Mine goes something like this..

I started training to bulk up for rugby union when I was 15 as I was to go on a tour to NZ with the school squad..

I really got into it early as I responded to natural fairly quickly. My weight went fronm 70kgs to 85kg within 12 months.

I trained for two years before entering and winning my first local BB comp.. 12 months later I entered & won a teen state title.

I decided to take some time off to concentrate on gaining size to enter the Junior (under 21) division then at the age of 20 whilst preparing for a show, I was hit by a car while crossing the road (thankfully the car when it hit wasn't travelling too fast) and done some major damage to my left knee that required surgery.

Whilst in recovery, I dabbled for the first time in AAS (basic sust and anavar cycle) 2 months... My nutrition was poor and I didn't capitalise on the gains despite a 40lb initial gain.

I stopped training shortly there after for  approx 2 years then, when I went back at the age of 23, I went back on the gear again, poor nutrition and zero PCT resulted in minimal retained gains.

Whilst that time, I injured/cracked my sternum (soft tissue damage) by doing parallel bar dips and that put me out for a further year..

I came back to the gym again at the age of 25 (now 33) and have been training consistantly and drug free since 2000.

I am six foot even at a healthy 270lb (& between 15-20% BF).. I am not particularly strong (I look alot stronger than I actually am  ;D ).. I train for the most part at home in my fully set up free weight gym.

I am now training for the long term goal of entering some masters (over 35) comps in a coulpe of years and am in no rush for quick gains.

Fortunately or unfortunately depending on your perspective, I wasn't a huge responder to AAS and the reality of being a pro wasn't on the cards. So I have maintained drug free training which I will maintain for as long as  I can get out of bed  ;D .


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2007, 02:27:48 PM »
Hey mate, good story!!

im not sure how long iv been seriously lifting as every day month year i try and get more and more serious (if u know what i mean), i guess about3 years. Im 22, and kinda started lifting in my garage wen i was 16 just trying to learn the form on bench rows etc.

Like urself my dad got me in2 it, he used to lift weights for rugby, and as i play he got me doing it aswell.

I think i decided to take it a bit more seriously wen i read 'hardcore bodybuilding' with tom platz on the front. Old school book with old school routine/exercsie explanations and pics/and diet tips. Great book and seeing those guys made me want to lift.

+ I was a small guy, ripped but small.

I did and still want to be as strong and as big as possible. Idont do it to compete, i do it b/c i love to train, i love managing a new and heavier weight than i did last week, or meeting/beating a rep target i have etc, i just love seeing my strength go up and knowing that i am getting stronger and bigger.
Lifting is something i do for me, its al down to me to make progress, and i love pushing myself, and trying to push myself further and harder every session.


Great story! Thats so bizzare, I had the Hardcore Bodybuilding book as well.... extremely motivational, there were some great shots of Mentzer and Serge in there, but the picture of Sergio doing a front double bi on the inside cover was amazing  :o Robert Kennedy is a great author. I also had 'Mass!' by him as well.


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2007, 02:42:50 PM »
The Robert Kennedy books of the late 80's/early 90's were great.


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2007, 02:48:42 PM »
2 years and 6 months ago while on vacation in northern california by lassen park; i stopped at a safeway out in the middle of nowhere with my parents. this was my first trip with my parents where i was the only kid...up untill then i had my brothr and sister with me as well; both of whom have now moved out.  so i walk into the store looking for something to keep my entertained because i had already watched all of my dvds i brought for the car....i picked up an md....and ever since then i have been hooked.   when i first started workming out; i was 15 years old..and about 40% bf.   now im 17, 11% bf...about 200 lbs.

ill fill in the blanks i have to go to work now. but stay tuned!!
d[-_-]b actin all cool


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2007, 03:02:32 PM »
The Robert Kennedy books of the late 80's/early 90's were great.

Hell yeah!!!

And your 270 pounds  :o  :o

Cool story, so juicing in your early 20's didnt screw you up too much and your still making good gains as a nattie from the sounds of things.


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2007, 03:31:43 PM »
Hell yeah!!!

And your 270 pounds  :o  :o

Cool story, so juicing in your early 20's didnt screw you up too much and your still making good gains as a nattie from the sounds of things.

Thanks NZMM,
Honestly besides a bit of gyno, (thankfully) the sides were minimal, I spent a decent time off the gear..

The gains as a nattie are not huge & I don't rely on the scale to look for improvements.. I am finding that my condition progressively gets better whilst my weight is the same & I am quite happy with that.

As you get older you learn to train smarter particularly when drug free. Natural training for me has never been something seen as a short term fix rather a lifestyle meaning I don't go overboard with the weights and the same applies to dieting.


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2007, 12:41:21 PM »
2 years and 6 months ago while on vacation in northern california by lassen park; i stopped at a safeway out in the middle of nowhere with my parents. this was my first trip with my parents where i was the only kid...up untill then i had my brothr and sister with me as well; both of whom have now moved out.  so i walk into the store looking for something to keep my entertained because i had already watched all of my dvds i brought for the car....i picked up an md....and ever since then i have been hooked.   when i first started workming out; i was 15 years old..and about 40% bf.   now im 17, 11% bf...about 200 lbs.

ill fill in the blanks i have to go to work now. but stay tuned!!
that first MD was the issue with melvin anthony on the cover, and had branch warrens first feature article inside. it was called "new leg freak" or somethng like that....the title doesnt matter, what matters is i had never seen anyone look like branch did in those pictures.  he loked like an nfl football player in pads and cowboy collar and leg pads ..but they were his muscles..     fucking savage .    in the issue, i read many referances to ronnie coleman; but i had no idea who he was. all i knew was that everyone said he was a fucking beast, i wanted to see someone bigger than branch.  that night in the trailer, i went and actually surveyed my body composition for the first time...and wondered to myself why a kid soo smart could not shape his body into something lean, mean and attractive through will power, when these big dumb meat heads could do it.     i went for a run voluntarily(first tme i had ever did that) and did an old arnold circuit training method i had read about after wards.   i got a slight pump...and it was fantastic. for about the ext two months, i continued doing body weight exercises, but did little to no cardio...but the hwole time i was buying every magazine i coud find and reading all the material and research on the human body and how it reacted with food and training.   then i got a gym membership; my brothers actually.  i went every day, even weekends, but my routine was a little bit off. then i switched gyms to train with oneof my moms clients who was a competitive bodybuilder.  he gave me two old weider tapes, and taught me what he knew...he moved to oregon about tw  eeks later, but i got a membership at this more hardcore gym...and cine then; its been non stop lifting 45 mins to  an hour every day even weekends. i do a five day  repeating split.  after a year and a half, i was a 260lb  five foot 10 fucking ogre of a kid. i had been lifting right, been trainaing all my muscles, and been taking in all the right mass bulidng suuplements(protein, creatine, l glutamine), but i ate everything i saw ( i read an article from jonie jackson early in my lifting days where he said "i strongly believe in carbs as a bodybuilder. i dont see how you can recover without them"..and i used that quote as my mental excuse to eat every thing i wanted), and i nevr once did cardio.   so this last july, after doing some rigorous research on the best way to drop fat and maintain muscle mass, i started cutting.        in july i weighed 260 and im guesing i was between 30 and 40 percent body fat, now; february, i weigh 190 and am at 10 percent body fat, while gaining a few pounds oon some lifts, and keeping strength on all the rest.   
d[-_-]b actin all cool

benjamin pearson

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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2007, 02:11:58 PM »
I would like a thread where natties could talk about why they got into bodybuilding and how long they have stayed natural and their choices for being natural. And it is interesting to get to know a bit about our fellow naturals.

If people would contribute that would be cool, as their story could inspire others to 'keep clean' as well  ;D

I got into bodybuilding because my father was a bodybuilder. He was a big dude, 5'9 230 pounds (lifetime natural), and he got me started doing bench presses in the garage when I was 15. A year later he signed me up to the gym and from there on I was hooked.

18-19 have been my best years strength wise. My best lifts were bench press: 315 for 2, but squats I was naturally strong, I think because my father got me doing very strict technique from the beginning. 315x17 and 405x6 were my best at that age.

Sadly, because of injuries and other commitments I haven't been able to get my strength back to that point. But I still continue to train and am not far off there.

I have been training on and off for 8 years having done 5 comps during that time and competed in a federation where 'users' flourish, as the shows are untested. It was good motivation know I would be up against guys who were juicing and I could hold my own against them.

I've stayed nattie because I don't see the attraction of injecting myself and possibly getting an infection, gyno, or risk harming my body in  any way.

OK so thats me, I'm sure there are others with very cool backrounds that would make for Sim interesting reading.... So lets hear ya stories!!!

Good story man keep up the good work


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2007, 09:54:45 AM »
im going on ten years of training ive started at 16 and im gonna be 26 in a few weeks. my only breaks from training were basic training field time in the military and injuries..
my brother inspired me to workout, we are simliar in genetics. i was very very skinny with a fast metablisom when i started working out but i have good tone and shape. i was very short and still am i was only 5-1 when i start lifting and about 119 pounds.. by the time i graduated i was not much taller only 5-3 my current hieght.. and i wieghed about 150 with 16 arms and could do 235-8 reps on flat.. i did one powerlifting comp before i graduated but didnt know what iw as doing i only selected 250 for bench and 340 on deads. two months after highschool i left for the military. only basic trained stopped my training . by age 19 i was about 160 and ripped and i met a guy who was alot older huge powerlifter 6-5 300, he asked me if i wanted to do some pl shows and i agreed that it would be cool. i always train to get stronger but not as a pl.. so i start doing some powerlifting shows on the weekand so the first show was cool i only tried 280 felt like air.
the second one i was wieghed in 160 and benched 300 and 405 dead nothing great but for 19 raw i won the teenage. that winter i got up to about 170 but becuase i got in trouble in the spring i had to work after work and wasnt aloud out the barrick but for work or to the chowhall. we went to do the military nationals i becuase of the extra work and not being able to eat i lost 9 pounds so i was 161 and hit 310. won that bench class next pl com was next summer i wieghed at 168 and got 320 easy raw. that was the last powerlifting comp i did i got alot stronger but didnt compete again. from there i got up to 180 by age 20-21 still being 5-3 lol luckily i was able to gain wieght year after year without adding fat. after that year i went over seas by age 22 i added another 10 pounds i was 190 i stayed that wieght for a few years. then in 2004 i decided to compete in a bb contest so i always hear the common trend is to diet for 12 weeks so i did 13. after about 6-7 weeks i was looking awsome but by the time of the contest i was way over dieted i wieghed in at 143 i couldnt beileve that was possible so i placed last and was really devasted. after the show as the wieght came back on i start looking really ripped and was like why would i go past this point. so i got back up to 180 and decided that was a good wieght. and i stay that way up to the spring of 2006 when i started getting ready for a natrual show in june 2006 this time i dieted 9 weeks. unfortanly my scale was broken and i thought i was wieghing more than i did. two weeks out i got on and found out i was in the low 150s i was like wtf so i added a bit more carbs and food back in and i wieghed in at 150 i was about ten pounds lighter than i wanted to be but i was training hard so it wasnt that bad. i took second in the novice division i lost to a guy who was taller and wieghed less with no more defition but oh well. so since then ive been eating and training hard and heavy i am competing twice this summer june 16 and june 30th will start my contest prep on may 7. this time i will have the right diet  heavy training and ill make sure i dont lose to much wieght.  my real goals are to finish school to be a teacher and im gonna be the natrual world champ no doubt in my mind.  good size and supieror shape will be my winning sucess...

lol ok i wont bore any of you guys anymore


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2007, 07:58:31 PM »
great story buffbong.. goodluck at the show!


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2007, 01:42:25 PM »
Great stories all.  When I was 11 years old or so, I remember writing a letter to the editor that made it into Muscle and Fitness (whatever it was called back then) which basically was anti-steroid and said what was the point of bodybuilding with drugs.  A quarter century later I still feel the same way and admire those that do it the harder way.


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2007, 01:48:22 PM »
A lot of cool stories coming out.... I knew there were a lot of proud natties lurking around! Makes for some very good reading.

buffbong - see you at the Natural Champs one day  8)


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2007, 01:49:35 PM »
Great stories all.  When I was 11 years old or so, I remeber writing a letter to the editor that made it into Muscle and Fitness (whatever it was called back then) which basically was anti-steroid and said what was the point of bodybuilding with drugs.  A quarter century later I still feel the same way and admire those that do it the harder way.

That's awesome! did you keep a copy of the mag?? (that shit I'd be framing).


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2007, 01:54:50 PM »
That's awesome! did you keep a copy of the mag?? (that shit I'd be framing).

Unfortunately not. My Dad made the mistake that his father did to him of throwing away your kid's stuff.  I'll try to avoid carrying that tradition on to another generation with my sons.


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2007, 02:02:08 PM »
Unfortunately not. My Dad made the mistake that his father did to him of throwing away your kid's stuff.  I'll try to avoid carrying that tradition on to another generation with my sons.

IF I WERE YOU.. I'd contact Scribbler (he's the Creative director of FLEX & MF) he posts on getbig, explain to him about your letter and it being published and its subsequent loss.. There's a chance they may have the story/edition archived!


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2007, 02:11:38 PM »
IF I WERE YOU.. I'd contact Scribbler (he's the Creative director of FLEX & MF) he posts on getbig, explain to him about your letter and it being published and its subsequent loss.. There's a chance they may have the story/edition archived!

Thanks for the advice.  I would like to track it down now that you mention it.


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2007, 02:21:39 PM »
Thanks for the advice.  I would like to track it down now that you mention it.

No problem (happy to help).

Scribbler is a really good guy, if you give him the details I am sure he'll try help.. (let me know how you go?)


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #20 on: April 14, 2007, 06:52:29 PM »
  i started lifting freshman year of high school for football,  i was a fat kid, there is no way around it.  i played lineman so i had no intention of trying to lose a ton of weight, i just wanted to get strong. and i did pretty well for 9 months of lifting, after freshman year i didn't have a coach worth playing for, he drove our team into the ground and i had no reason to roast in the arizona for two hours a day to lose every game come friday night.  i didnt get  weight lifting my second year and was too poor to join a gym, plus i had no way to get there even if i could have.  i tried again my third year and did pretty well under the circumstances, i worked after school till late and worked nights on the weekends, plus i graduated early so i had a ton of homework after all of that.  i rarely got more then 5 houres of sleep, but i was still able to go from a 190lb bench to a 280lb bench and 325lb dead to a 520lb dead lift but was still fat probably around 33-35%, i was 6'1'' and weighed 255.  the end of the year i started dating a beautiful little brunett, but i never wanted to take my shirt off around her.  at the end of the summer i decided to do something about it, i joined the local ymca and started doing circuit training and cardio.  i had lost most of the strength i had from high school so it just sucked starting out, but i didnt want to end up like the rest of my family(oh yeah all but one person in my family is obese, and that one person is still overweight).  i worked out everyday, sometimes twice a day and cut out all sugar and most fat from my diet.  i went from 255 to 208 in about 2 months all the while doing all the research i could on lifting, training, diet and nutrition.  i learned alot but didnt actually stick to one program,  or even idea of taining, i would work out to bulk up but woudnt eat enough to support growth.  i joined the army about 9 months later, i still remember telling the recruiter he was out of his mind when he said they ran 3-5 miles a few times a week.  i started running and joined a golds gymabout two months before leaving, there i met john. john was 52 and put me through the hardest workout i had ever been through he put up 315 8 times naturally.  we just started talking one day and it was a chest day for both of us and he asked if i wanted to work out with him.  he told me about the different phases(bulking and cutting) and told me i would have to stick to one or the other to get drastic results.  i went to basic and dropped down to 198 which really wasnt good.  but in ait(job training) i started lifting again.  i got onto a combatives team and started lifting with DS. Oliver, he was huge and also natural, he pushed us farther then i thought i could have gone.  after i got back i stared going to a local collage for nutrition and excersise science, i had some great teachers there too but i got deployed a month before the semester finished.  i got a little lazy for a while but am back on again, I am currently 220 and about 15-17 % body fat.  i would like to compete one day just to try but for the most part i really just dont want to end up like the rest of my family.

sorry, that was longer then i thought it was going to be, hope i didnt bore anyone.

ps. both my sisters started working out and my dad has lost 40+lbs since i dropped weight after high school, and they all thank me for showing them that they can, that was the best part for me.
you suck at life...


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2007, 06:59:01 PM »
  i started lifting freshman year of high school for football,  i was a fat kid, there is no way around it.  i played lineman so i had no intention of trying to lose a ton of weight, i just wanted to get strong. and i did pretty well for 9 months of lifting, after freshman year i didn't have a coach worth playing for, he drove our team into the ground and i had no reason to roast in the arizona for two hours a day to lose every game come friday night.  i didnt get  weight lifting my second year and was too poor to join a gym, plus i had no way to get there even if i could have.  i tried again my third year and did pretty well under the circumstances, i worked after school till late and worked nights on the weekends, plus i graduated early so i had a ton of homework after all of that.  i rarely got more then 5 houres of sleep, but i was still able to go from a 190lb bench to a 280lb bench and 325lb dead to a 520lb dead lift but was still fat probably around 33-35%, i was 6'1'' and weighed 255.  the end of the year i started dating a beautiful little brunett, but i never wanted to take my shirt off around her.  at the end of the summer i decided to do something about it, i joined the local ymca and started doing circuit training and cardio.  i had lost most of the strength i had from high school so it just sucked starting out, but i didnt want to end up like the rest of my family(oh yeah all but one person in my family is obese, and that one person is still overweight).  i worked out everyday, sometimes twice a day and cut out all sugar and most fat from my diet.  i went from 255 to 208 in about 2 months all the while doing all the research i could on lifting, training, diet and nutrition.  i learned alot but didnt actually stick to one program,  or even idea of taining, i would work out to bulk up but woudnt eat enough to support growth.  i joined the army about 9 months later, i still remember telling the recruiter he was out of his mind when he said they ran 3-5 miles a few times a week.  i started running and joined a golds gymabout two months before leaving, there i met john. john was 52 and put me through the hardest workout i had ever been through he put up 315 8 times naturally.  we just started talking one day and it was a chest day for both of us and he asked if i wanted to work out with him.  he told me about the different phases(bulking and cutting) and told me i would have to stick to one or the other to get drastic results.  i went to basic and dropped down to 198 which really wasnt good.  but in ait(job training) i started lifting again.  i got onto a combatives team and started lifting with DS. Oliver, he was huge and also natural, he pushed us farther then i thought i could have gone.  after i got back i stared going to a local collage for nutrition and excersise science, i had some great teachers there too but i got deployed a month before the semester finished.  i got a little lazy for a while but am back on again, I am currently 220 and about 15-17 % body fat.  i would like to compete one day just to try but for the most part i really just dont want to end up like the rest of my family.

sorry, that was longer then i thought it was going to be, hope i didnt bore anyone.

ps. both my sisters started working out and my dad has lost 40+lbs since i dropped weight after high school, and they all thank me for showing them that they can, that was the best part for me.

Thanks Bro. Good info.


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2007, 01:32:10 PM »
hey good thread and good stories. i'll share some of mine.

well when i was 13 i got into weightlifting however i couldn't afford any equipment so i wasn't able to start if that makes sense. i had one 40 pnd dumbell that i couldn't do anything with sadly enough. when i was about 14 is when i got into it a little more i had bought 85 pnds of weight at a yard sale for ten bucks i could only bench 75 pnds for 8 reps at the time and i weighed about 130 tops and that was 18-19 percent bodyfat my arms were seriously 12 inches. so i started benching with that using milk crates and a blanket for a bench. the next week i did it for 13 reps. about 3 months later we moved and i bought a pair of dumbell handles with a few more weights. i could bench 115-120 for 3 reps at this time curling 35 for 3. couple months later i got a ton more equipment which i'm still using.

why i started lifting well partially because i'd seen my old brother do it who weighed a good 210 with a six pack and natural at like age 22. partially because i got picked on a lot i knew how to fight and could hold my own even at the time but didn't like having to fight so i figured if ppl feared just looking at me i wouldnt have to worry about it. also partially cuz well i always wanted to look good at the beach or at work and have the girls check me out. a lot of these things have come through ppl don't mess with me girls check me out but i still don't weigh 210.

what keeps me going is when i come here and post pictures and you guys compliment on how well i look for 15 and natural, the pump and excitement of benching a heck of a lot more than any guy my age around here, yea granted i still like the way girls look in that lustful innocent OMG way. but hey what teen doesn't.

where i want be eventually weighing a good 195 maybe a little more ya know 17" arms and a few more inches on my chest. i might shoot for a little bigger but who knows. i'd also like to bench 400 even if its only for one rep currently i can only do about 280.


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Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2007, 02:59:26 PM »
hey good thread and good stories. i'll share some of mine.

well when i was 13 i got into weightlifting however i couldn't afford any equipment so i wasn't able to start if that makes sense. i had one 40 pnd dumbell that i couldn't do anything with sadly enough. when i was about 14 is when i got into it a little more i had bought 85 pnds of weight at a yard sale for ten bucks i could only bench 75 pnds for 8 reps at the time and i weighed about 130 tops and that was 18-19 percent bodyfat my arms were seriously 12 inches. so i started benching with that using milk crates and a blanket for a bench. the next week i did it for 13 reps. about 3 months later we moved and i bought a pair of dumbell handles with a few more weights. i could bench 115-120 for 3 reps at this time curling 35 for 3. couple months later i got a ton more equipment which i'm still using.

why i started lifting well partially because i'd seen my old brother do it who weighed a good 210 with a six pack and natural at like age 22. partially because i got picked on a lot i knew how to fight and could hold my own even at the time but didn't like having to fight so i figured if ppl feared just looking at me i wouldnt have to worry about it. also partially cuz well i always wanted to look good at the beach or at work and have the girls check me out. a lot of these things have come through ppl don't mess with me girls check me out but i still don't weigh 210.

what keeps me going is when i come here and post pictures and you guys compliment on how well i look for 15 and natural, the pump and excitement of benching a heck of a lot more than any guy my age around here, yea granted i still like the way girls look in that lustful innocent OMG way. but hey what teen doesn't.

where i want be eventually weighing a good 195 maybe a little more ya know 17" arms and a few more inches on my chest. i might shoot for a little bigger but who knows. i'd also like to bench 400 even if its only for one rep currently i can only do about 280.

welcome to the board bro. Another great story 8)


  • Getbig I
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  • Posts: 14
Re: The Natural Profiles
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2007, 02:37:53 PM »
i started lifting weights when i was 13. i was in the same bedroom with my bro and he lifted weights so i gave them a try. i only did 30 reps per excercise only did 5 excercies. did that on and off till i was about 15 then i joined a gym that my bro was in. in the gym there were alot of foreigners (romanians, polish, croations) and these guys were all huge so it got me more into bodybuilding. i got the new encyclopedia of bb by arnold and the pics of the bb's in it motivated me to keep doin more and more. i got to love lifting weights around the other huge guys in my gym cause they gave me loads of motivation. i love trying to go heavier everytime i come into the gym even if its only 1.25kg it makes me feel way better.

after a year in that gym i moved to larger one that had more equipment etc. i like it but i still prefer the people in my old gym. i trained about 4 or 5 times a week and began to eat alot. my training became regular and so when i met TheLuke he gave me a programme that was excelent. .my peak time was when i was 17 last year. in about 2 months i gained 8-10 kg's and my max bench was 120kg, squat 120kg and deadlift 120kg and weighed 75kg's at 5 foot 9,(i know thats pretty wierd all 120kg). but i had surgery on my toe and it all stopped. spent 2 months sitting around eating chocolate and getin fat. now its nearly healed im startin back runnin and fitness to build it up for my future job in army. so once im in i will get back into lifting again.

its been brilliant that i am natural and have done so well (i think i have) and i have had people asking me am i takin juice. i'd like to finish with this

Lifting is something i do for me, its al down to me to make progress, and i love pushing myself, and trying to push myself further and harder every session.

i completely agree davie.