Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Positive Bodybuilding Discussion & Talk => Natural Bodybuilding => Topic started by: ASJChaotic on July 08, 2008, 07:42:39 PM

Title: .
Post by: ASJChaotic on July 08, 2008, 07:42:39 PM
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: El_Pajero on July 09, 2008, 08:36:29 AM
A splendid physique if I may say so.
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: El_Pajero on July 09, 2008, 10:24:47 AM
Triple Meltdown.  ;D
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: MONSTER_TRICEPS on July 09, 2008, 10:28:55 AM
Hahahahahahahaha 585 squats, not in this world buddy.  ::)

Fuckin bullshitters.

Post a vid mr toothpick legs.
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: _bruce_ on July 09, 2008, 11:36:50 AM
Pretty good physique..
Work on your face.
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: MONSTER_TRICEPS on July 09, 2008, 12:54:26 PM

dude, why would I lie to you? six 45s on each side of the bar, sets, plus my legs are 28 inches, if i was shorter they would be bigger, because the shorter you are, the bigger your measurements are, ask Lee Priest He'll tell ha, cause your muscles aren't that long, more compact

Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: The Luke on July 09, 2008, 02:24:07 PM

My legs measure 27'' and I'm only 5'5'' (although we're about the same weight) yet I struggle to do one set with 315 for 10ish reps. Similarly, I can barely row 150 lbs... and I've been training for 18 years on and off.

Perhaps you should post a video to dispel the doubts... otherwise you're close to setting of the Troll Alarm.

The Luke
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: The Luke on July 09, 2008, 04:41:40 PM
If you can do sets with 585 for reps... then you might well be the strongest man in the world, or possibly a troll.

I reckon you're a gimmick... all the less competent trolls try out their new gimmicks on the Natural board for some reason.

But I'd still like to see a video of that squatting.

The Luke 
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: MONSTER_TRICEPS on July 10, 2008, 02:33:51 AM
well Lukester, you got a right to doubt lol, hell, I'd even call BS if I didn't see myself doing them but who cares it's bodybuilding not powerlifting
, its not like I do rock bottom squats, that would be crazy, no one could do that I go near parallel, the way you are suppose to do it to work the quads not the hamstrings or the ASS  ;D, NO I'm not a "gimmick" my friends tell me I should go to strongman competitions, I got a lot of my leg strength from when I used to be a sprinter........yes I was a damn big and fast sprinter  ;D, and what the hell is a "troll" someone explain LMAO I see you have lots of juicers on the natural boards for some reason too, I think if I wanted I could be the world natural bodybuilding champion in a couple of years............and I'm not even joking
wow, this is starting to feel a lot like when people come up to me and ask me if I use steroids, I smile and say "No, but thanks for the compliment"
omg don't you guys have genetic experts cause I think I have the genes to do this, I think I can be to natural-bodybuilding what Arnold was to Pro-bodybuilding, then again maybe I'll just become a stock broker, and travel the world with my beautiful girlfriend, who just happens to be a model, again I swear I'm not bullshitting you

The Terminator ;D

Translation: you go down for only 3 inches. :D

I bet you couldn't even hit 315 on a full squat.
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: MONSTER_TRICEPS on July 11, 2008, 02:26:38 AM
wow, everybody on these boards are jealous queers

No, we just hate bullshitters like yourself.  :D
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: musclehedz on July 11, 2008, 01:17:09 PM
wow, everybody on these boards are jealous queers

Sorry but by judging the photo's i don't even see you as someone who trains.
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: Dragon on July 11, 2008, 04:42:51 PM
hey man, good physique you seem to be one of those strong samoan type of guys
are you samoan? keep lifting hard, filling out that 6'6frame will be one hell of a fight but at least your strong bro
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: The Luke on July 11, 2008, 05:55:20 PM
Anyone happen to know who's gimmick this is...?

I know Ron is doing isp checks these days (when necessary) but I'd rather not burden him with something so obvious and pathetic.

The Luke
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: andreisdaman on July 11, 2008, 07:17:44 PM
Dude, I respect your work ethic and your determination to get better no matter the price...but honestly, and I'm not bashing you at all so don't take it personal,you are massively, epically, over-trained...believe it or not you would be even bigger if you trained every two or three days instead of every day...I admire you for posting pics of yourself because a lot guys on here talk a lot of smack and never post anything..but your body looks tired and your muscles are flat..they don't have that "pop" must cut back your training and seriously eat better..I agree with you that people over-emphasize eating clean, but eatng junk everyday is not the way to go...hope this helps..seriously...
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: The Luke on July 11, 2008, 07:18:50 PM
wtf? I'm not a gimmick, look there "The Luke" just because you can't row 150 pounds after 18 years of training doesn't mean you can go around bashing people who look better than you and haven't been training for a fraction the time you have  ;) ::)

...dude, I'm twice the size you are.

You are either delusional or full of shit... the question is whether or not you are so full of shit that you must obviously be a gimmick account of one of the attention-whore trolls infesting this site.

Of course, you could simply post a video of some of your strength feats...

I'll do a deal with you: post a video of you squatting 585 lbs to "just above parallel" for just one rep (you claim to do sets with this weight)... and I'll give you my mod status on the Natural board.

The Luke
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: Kwon on July 11, 2008, 09:51:23 PM
some more...... ;D

Some more what?
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: MONSTER_TRICEPS on July 12, 2008, 02:22:28 AM
it was sepose to be pictures of me but I took them down since chaos started busting my balls  ;D and everyone was being a dick cause they were jealous ;D

I take it that's a "no" on the vid of your squats, "big" guy? ::)
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: webcake on July 12, 2008, 03:16:28 AM
585lbs squats  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: The Luke on July 12, 2008, 12:22:43 PM
nope, you are still gonna see me do the 585 pound squat as promised, stay tuned  ;D

...yawning with anticipation.

The Luke
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: haider on July 12, 2008, 01:00:51 PM
...yawning with anticipation.

The Luke
you can't row 150 pounds? Do you have monkey arms or what?
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: The Luke on July 12, 2008, 03:06:39 PM

you can't row 150 pounds? Do you have monkey arms or what?

No... because I row properly. Watch "Pumping Iron" closely (the 25th anniversary documentary "Raw Iron" might be better) and you'll see a 240 lb Arnold struggling to squat 315 and struggling to row 225.

But his form is pretty good...

One of the negative side effects of GH and insulin use in modern bodybuilding is the "shrug-row". It started with Dorian Yates, he developed a pretty severe 'roid gut which necessitated him rowing in an almost standing posture and using a curl-grip (naturally, this reverse grip eventually lead to a bicep tear).

Everyone attributed Dorian's spectacular back development to this form of rowing... not the arched-back slow and deliberate Nautilus pullovers... not the tightly arched back that allows the lats to fully contract... not the fact that he rowed to his pelvis bone with an arched back.

Then Ronnie comes along and makes hardcore training videos including the same semi-upright bent over rows... again, this posture is more due to a distended roid gut than anything else.

The result of this is every gym in the world filled with weak-ass morons shrugging 400 lbs with a head-nod thinking they are doing bent-over rows. Not a decent pair of lats anywhere...

Don't even get me started on the barbell-pointed-into-corner close-grip sumo-deadlifts that pass for T-bar rows these days...

So yes... I'm proud to admit that I can only row 150ish lbs... but I'm more proud of the fact that the plates nearly touch the ground; that my arched lower back never rises above parallel; and that I pull the bar to my upper thighs when I do so.

The Luke
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: The Luke on July 12, 2008, 05:14:54 PM
So yes... I'm proud to admit that I can only row 150ish lbs... but I'm more proud of the fact that the plates nearly touch the ground; that my arched lower back never rises above parallel; and that I pull the bar to my upper thighs when I do so.

...learn to read.

I agree many people do perform the T-bar rows, with horrible form, like leaning backwards, doing shrugs lol I only do it with me leaning forward, it only allows me to use 5, 45lb plates for sets but my form doesn't suffer and I hit my mid back instead of my traps lol

...most people here will need to see a video of this too before believing it. That's more weight than anyone under 300 lbs could use with proper form.

Could someone else please chime in here... is it just me or this seem like a really lame gimmick to anyone else?

The Luke
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: haider on July 12, 2008, 09:08:38 PM

No... because I row properly. Watch "Pumping Iron" closely (the 25th anniversary documentary "Raw Iron" might be better) and you'll see a 240 lb Arnold struggling to squat 315 and struggling to row 225.

But his form is pretty good...

One of the negative side effects of GH and insulin use in modern bodybuilding is the "shrug-row". It started with Dorian Yates, he developed a pretty severe 'roid gut which necessitated him rowing in an almost standing posture and using a curl-grip (naturally, this reverse grip eventually lead to a bicep tear).

Everyone attributed Dorian's spectacular back development to this form of rowing... not the arched-back slow and deliberate Nautilus pullovers... not the tightly arched back that allows the lats to fully contract... not the fact that he rowed to his pelvis bone with an arched back.

Then Ronnie comes along and makes hardcore training videos including the same semi-upright bent over rows... again, this posture is more due to a distended roid gut than anything else.

The result of this is every gym in the world filled with weak-ass morons shrugging 400 lbs with a head-nod thinking they are doing bent-over rows. Not a decent pair of lats anywhere...

Don't even get me started on the barbell-pointed-into-corner close-grip sumo-deadlifts that pass for T-bar rows these days...

So yes... I'm proud to admit that I can only row 150ish lbs... but I'm more proud of the fact that the plates nearly touch the ground; that my arched lower back never rises above parallel; and that I pull the bar to my upper thighs when I do so.

The Luke

Whats your exact form on Rows? (be truthful :P)
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: Montague on July 12, 2008, 09:57:49 PM
....dude I don't know why you just can't believe that some people are just stronger than otherssome people are meant to be big and strong, some are meant to be small and weak, I'm a mesomorph, it's genetics, it's what bodybuilding is based on  ;D (I still bust my ass in the gym don't get me wrong)

I believe it, and I’m also looking very forward to seeing the video that proves it.

Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: The Luke on July 13, 2008, 11:38:28 AM
;D good cause I don't care if you believe me or not, doesn't matter to me if you think I can squat 60 or 600 pounds really, you are just guys over the internet  ::) I don't plan on doing a feast of strenght any time soon and risk nerve damage in my back, I have changed all of my training and everything, lets see where this takes me
Gimmick status confirmed!

The Luke
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: The Luke on July 13, 2008, 05:05:06 PM
Let's set up a poll...

Let people vote which they would rather see... a video of me struggling to squat 315 lbs or a video of some boastful delusionite squatting 585 lbs for easy reps?

To quote the late Carl Sagan: "Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof"

The Luke
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: haider on July 13, 2008, 06:14:07 PM
I think The Luke should require this guy to take a pic with hsi getbig screenname in hand to prove he's not a gimmick. Otherwise he gets banned  :D
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: haider on July 13, 2008, 06:14:51 PM
Let's set up a poll...

Let people vote which they would rather see... a video of me struggling to squat 315 lbs or a video of some boastful delusionite squatting 585 lbs for easy reps?

To quote the late Carl Sagan: "Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof"

The Luke
I'd rather see you struggle with 150 lb Rows  ;)
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: chaos on July 13, 2008, 07:38:52 PM
trained a bodypart with high volume every 2-3 days without stopping for months and now I'm royally SCREWED, I thought I'd get bigger but damn it, wtf is Jay Cutler talking about with his high volume crap? it destroyed me
Jay is huge, you must have been doing something wrong.

Where are the pics of you holding your screen name?
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: Montague on July 13, 2008, 07:59:04 PM
...I just took measurements and I've lost 3-4 inches on all of my body parts...

For your girlfriend’s sake, I sincerely hope that’s not true.
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: chaos on July 13, 2008, 08:09:41 PM
I think volume training works best for people on the gear, I did do something wrong, I WASN'T JUICING  :'(

why would I need to hold my screen name?
I have used the volume method in the past, I didn't lose anything off any part, you must be doing it wrong.

Hold your name in a picture to prove you are not a gimmick, you know this.
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: The Luke on July 14, 2008, 04:43:10 AM
Worst...   ...gimmick...   ...ever!

The Luke
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: andreisdaman on July 14, 2008, 08:16:09 PM
what do you mean by flat muscles?, and I feel fine right now, and not over trained, arny trained 4 hours a day 6 days a week ;D

Again let me start off by saying that I am not critcizing fact I admire your determination, and your consistency..I am jealous of your work ethic because I have tried to train as consistently as you and I can't do it...but  in looking at your pics, as I said, you just don't have that "pop" in the muscles..they aren't big and engorged like muscles should be...they are just "there"...visible and developed, but just flat and unimpressive...muscles should be look more like a gymnast...which is fine...what I'm trying to say is that a guy working out 4 hours a day plus cardio...that's insane...your body looks like it's crying out for wants you to stop hitting it so hard..natural guys aren't meant to be able to take on that kind of stress on the body...and would be HUGE if you cut back to training every two or three days..your body would be able to recover better and grow larger...your body doesn't have time to grow because it is constantly in a state of repair and recovery. not to be too dramatic, you are actually killing yourself are epically over-trained...and TIRED!
Title: Re: Bodybuilding Genetics
Post by: Montague on July 14, 2008, 08:22:57 PM
Worst...   ...gimmick...   ...ever!

The Luke

Or the "best" depending on how you look at things.