Alright, I am sooo brutally sore today and this is all I did for legs yesterday. Has my mind spinning and I had to share...I went in with the mindset that weight is not an issue today, form and quality reps are. I wanted to sacrafice weight for PEFECT FORM!
Squats and Hacks were done with ass to the floor, sled hitting making that "tink" sound before coming back up. Belt used, no knee wraps.
-W/U Bike: 7 min
-Foam Roll low back, outer quad, hams, calves
-walk lunge and stretch combo. No weight and careful not to burn out, just stretch.
Bar x 20
135 x 12
225 x 10
275 x 4
(all warm ups, feet slightly wider than shoulder width)
315 x 12
315 x 10
320 x 12
360 x 12
LEG EXTENSIONS: ((Keep in mind I planned on leg press but quads were so blown up, I was walking funny already))
190 x 12
205 x 10
ONLY SIX WORKING SETS!! Was wabbly, pumped and low back a bit tight, wtf??!?!
70 x 12
90 x 10
110 x 5
((all warm ups. Kept bad right under calves, curl to my ass))
125 x 12
125 x 12 (rest paused 8, 2, 2)
((plan here was stiff deads but hams and low back were tight already!!))
((Strict form, no low back swing, slow on the negative))
55 x 12
65 x 10
((Again, wanted to do stiffs but way too tight))
155 x 12
..wanted to do a second set but was trashed!!!
WTF?!?! 5 working sets??Then, planned on barbell walking lunges x 2 sets but was thrashed!!!
This low volume-stict form has me more sore than I have been in a while. All lifts about 20% below most recent poundages used. I was focusing on everything, breathing, core, depth, hand width, feet width, rep speed, not looking at the big tit chick doing lunges behind me, etc. Don't get me wrong, I am not a sloppy trainer by any means and always use good form, but yesterday wanted to be perfect in all areas. Just amazed I am this sore and I am sure tomorrow will be worse!
Ok, now you all can tell me how much of a pussy I am, but had to vent