Author Topic: Shoulder-Pec Tie in ruptured / torn  (Read 10335 times)


  • Getbig II
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Shoulder-Pec Tie in ruptured / torn
« on: August 14, 2009, 08:45:33 AM »
Hi been training for last 7-8 years, competing last 3.  Well I had quit bodybuilding about 2-3 years ago for about 12-18 months because I had shoulder problems in the rotator cuff.  Miraculously, the time off and proper training of that area allowed the rotators to heal and I don't have any problem in my shoulders from that anymore.  However now i have a new problem,  I was moving up in weight on my bench and once I got to 315 when I went down I tore something in my left pec-shoulder tie-in.  At first I thought it was overstretched, so I gave it rest and started again from lower weights and focused on flexibility and range of motion which seemed to help.  In the downward phase there wasn't that strain or pressure but just yesterday I was benching 225 X15 , 245X12 then moved to 275 and while I was lowering the weight the left pec was feeling a lot of pressure in the down position and when i was pushing up i felt a snap and I had to stop my workout.  I woke up today and it hurts in that pec area even when I try to open a bottle.  Any ideas?  does it sound like its torn or ripped or something else?  Think it maybe a ligament or tendon?  Will it heal on it's own if I give a bunch of time off again?  I can't really afford to see a doctor or get any surgery.  I'm starting to think I'm going to have to quit lifting again because I just can't make any more progress with this stupid pec just too depressing to go into the gym and not be able to give 110%

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Re: Shoulder-Pec Tie in ruptured / torn
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2009, 04:41:34 AM »
if you cant afford to be checked out propperly id just leave it until the pain goes away, hopefully it'll just be a small tear,, dont do any upper body work whatso ever...

youve hit the stage of your career where im at now, your goin to be prone to injury... just chill out when u do eventualy get back in the gym, theres no need to be benching over 3 plates, just be happy to get some size back and maintain it in the safest way possible, which for me means pre exhaust and making 2 plates feel like 3 if you know what i mean...

im still waiting for my shoulders to be opperated on, but my 100lb db shoulder press will now have a maximum of 60lb and my 3 plate incline will never be over a 2 plate incline, no matter how light it will feel..

i want to still be training into old age if possible, only 28 now so ive got a long journey yet to go


  • Getbig II
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Re: Shoulder-Pec Tie in ruptured / torn
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2009, 01:42:46 PM »
Thanks for the support and advice.  I was doing the light weight lifts for the last year and just was doing 20-30 seconds rest and higher reps but just wasn't putting on the size I wanted, had to switch it up and do some heavy weights which really was making a difference in my muscle belly fullness but unfortunately I guess body just wasn't made for that kind of weight, no matter how hard I push it.  My pipe dream is starting to fade away.  It's so depressing.  People ask when's your next competition.... Well not training for one because I can't get bigger because stupid body keeps bunking out on me.  Willing to do whatever it takes but tendons and ligaments are all garbage.  Thought all these drugs out here could help overcome genetics... but I guess there are still some limitations that even the best drugs can't fix.  Blahhhhhh  :-\

Thanks again

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Re: Shoulder-Pec Tie in ruptured / torn
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2009, 02:20:56 PM »
yeh, its a right bastard when youve got everyone in the gym asking when your next on stage, then having to tell the same story about how u cant, over and over...

youve just got to be happy and content with having a decent build, and come to terms you wont be 280 or whatever anymore


  • Getbig II
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Re: Shoulder-Pec Tie in ruptured / torn
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2015, 07:53:04 AM »
Sounds like pec tear. I tore mine two months ago.