Author Topic: Has anyone tried.............  (Read 4417 times)


  • Getbig V
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Has anyone tried.............
« on: February 23, 2006, 10:51:46 AM »
Prolotherapy.  I mentioned it in another thread and thught about seeing if anyone else has done it.  I love the end results, just the therapy itself is a little painful.  I highly recommend it.  It is really cheap too.

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: Has anyone tried.............
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2006, 03:23:29 PM »
Prolotherapy.  I mentioned it in another thread and thught about seeing if anyone else has done it.  I love the end results, just the therapy itself is a little painful.  I highly recommend it.  It is really cheap too.
What is it?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Has anyone tried.............
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2006, 10:27:03 PM »
I heard of that.  Some guy had it at the gym.  He said it worked better than anything else he tried.  Something about injecting some kind of solution in the joint.  It causes the area to swell.  It supposed to make the area stronger than original.
No Worries 4 me

Arnold jr

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Re: Has anyone tried.............
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2006, 03:10:31 PM »
Can someone give a detailed explanation of this?


  • Getbig I
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Re: Has anyone tried.............
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2006, 10:12:41 PM »
One of my worker's comp patients had it done.  She ended up having to have knee surgery anyway as it didn't work for her.  I haven't seen a whole lot of it being done around here yet but some orthos and PM&R doctors are starting to do the injections.

Arnold, Jr, here's a short description of it from

3. How does the proliferant, or Ongley's Solution, work to heal injured tissues and joints?
For a proliferant to be effective it must be administered by injection to the specific area of damage, and done so Accurately! The accuracy and method of injection are critical to the success of the treatment. Once the proliferant has been introduced, it creates a minor irritation within the injected tissue and the body responds by sending blood to the area. As already mentioned, this is the crux of the body’s natural healing process--the bringing of blood to ordinarily inadequately supplied ligaments and/or tendons as the case may be. Just as a reminder, the blood brings fibroblasts, and these are the essential cell types for new collagen (ligament and tendon material) production and deposition.
In addition to the aforementioned injections, the patient must take an active role in their rehabilitation. A series of exercises to maintain, or improve, their range of motion will be prescribed and expected to be performed faithfully. These exercises are mild yet are specially designed to allow the regeneration to occur without restricting the range of motion of the joint in question. Without these exercises, the joint will not have the characteristics of a joint with a full (normal) range of motion.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Has anyone tried.............
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2006, 04:10:22 PM »
Yes, what the doctor (and almost always chiropractors) does first is inject the joint in different areas with novacaine.  I had my wrist done.  So he injected it on all side.  He puts the needle very deep into the joint.  It hurts like shit.  So then when it gets numb (he asks) he takes another needle filled with whatever it is and starts to inject it into the wrist.  Very deep again.  The needle is literally into the middle of the wrist joint.  He does this all around the wrist.  IN about a few hours my hand and wrist were so big.  My fingers would not bend more than a half an inch or so.  They were just so swollen.  As was  my wrist.  It was very painful for about 3 days then it goes down.  He did this once a week for 6 weeks (maybe 8) can't remember.  He came to my house to do it too.

He did it for me for free because he knew I knew allot of people that could benefit from it if they saw it helped me.  And I did tell everyone about it.  It absolutely fixed me beyond where it was.  My friend I mentioned before did it and swears by it.  He is a very well known person in the health anf fitness industry.  I am pretty sure 100% of the people on here knows who he is.  But, I can't give his name. He had 3 or mor surgeries on his shoulder with nothing.  And then he did this and he said nothing since.  So it works on most people.  It is for soft tissue only.  It does nothing to the bones.  Tendons, muscle, ligaments.

It was verycontroversial because doctors wouldn't give it only chirporactors.  Chiropractors are not allowed to inject drugs into a person.  So many of them lost their license.  But evey one that fought it got there license back.  Cause the solution is not a drug but (i think this s how he put it) they were super vitamins.  All natural.  They mimicked an injury and thus allowed the body to naturally heal itself.  The more solution the more mimicking and thus the more the body would react.  I think this was the expalnation I was given.  I could care less as long as it worked. And it did 100%