Shall we all post the results of our parents' demise? Please tell us of your Mum PL? Tell us now, it'll help...
I've had the Cancer Nurse (MacMillan Marie Curie Cancer Care Charity) call me and got through that conversation sort of.
Mumsy has all of a sudden gotten all sweet and funny and nice (at least she doesn't have dementia)... She is totally in the moment and as lucid as all get out. I realise I must not talk to her of myself unless it's a short story and only positive. What I must do is listen to all the end results (sorry, it's bowel cancer) and all the "what the doctor said" stuff. I must just be at the end of the phone for her. I must listen to what she needs to say. In fact she's developing a mad sense of humour, she's helping me cope.
We only live 200 miles away from each other but she's still won't let me come up to visit her. She says she must "put her affairs in order" first. She's not that sick yet, only just had the diagnosis.
Me dad died ten years ago (of bowel cancer) and I've still not grieved properly about that. He died in Vancouver and I was in London, I simply wasn't there and it happened fast.
So then I start stressing about myself? As you do....
Oh waaa two parents with bowel cancer? Gotta find out about that. Do I eat right? Do I? I've never had any problems in that department. So: no more red meat? Don't want to google it, it scares me shitless.....
thanks so much for all your kind words. No doubt this thread will get trolled and I'll get mad male posters saying that they wish I'd die, but we'll deal with that and carry on...