Author Topic: rize of the womales  (Read 8097 times)


  • Getbig V
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rize of the womales
« on: December 13, 2017, 01:31:37 AM »
how do you explain this number they did on males?
how did they get so much control over males?
is it because males want to have a girl to marry? and agree to compensate for anything the white whore asks for?
is it because they are lured to cum inside them and get them prego thus becoming papas?
is it because females of the 20th century.. generation x was abused by their step papas and fucked in the family so to say by drunk dads that they swore to themselves they would revenge it one day and worked on that revenge early in the 21st century raising their daughters to become a-sexual and only career oriented?
how come fake news is full of neo fascist females everywhere? everywhere you look you see a neo feminist either in host position or analyst they simply take over in all forms of media

are those neo womales a result of Hussein Obama destruction of society and culture.. were they groomed by his police state regime quietly and consistently?

why do they have so much power instead of being treated like the weak beta they truly are.. and put in place.. and take care of the male in the old form of 20th century female? this is the natural way of the female.. it cant be changed no matter what one generation thinks.. it is biologically constant fact of human specie

I cant wait for humanoid females to replace womales.. this is what is going to happen you shall see,, the womales you see now days are the beginning of what I warned many years ago.. UNISEX specie.. this is the beginning of it my friends,,

gh15 approved
lion of Judah
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Re: rize of the womales
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2017, 01:45:19 AM »
with instagram, FB and other social media garbage women have gained advantage over men, big advantage ...betas praising them, filling up their inboxes, putting them on a pedestal etc ...highly undeserved


  • Getbig V
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Re: rize of the womales
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2017, 01:49:33 AM »

correct! correct! corect!

this is major major factor in it,,

gh15 approved
lion of Judah
fallen angel


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Re: rize of the womales
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2017, 01:56:36 AM »
Here in poland females are less sexual

Dumb bitches are missing out on a hardcore assfucking from my thickazz c0ck


  • Getbig V
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Re: rize of the womales
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2017, 08:51:53 AM »
Except for the doofus post above, great shit in this thread.

Very true.


  • Getbig V
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Re: rize of the womales
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2017, 08:59:21 AM »
how do you explain this number they did on males?
how did they get so much control over males?
is it because males want to have a girl to marry? and agree to compensate for anything the white whore asks for?
is it because they are lured to cum inside them and get them prego thus becoming papas?
is it because females of the 20th century.. generation x was abused by their step papas and fucked in the family so to say by drunk dads that they swore to themselves they would revenge it one day and worked on that revenge early in the 21st century raising their daughters to become a-sexual and only career oriented?
how come fake news is full of neo fascist females everywhere? everywhere you look you see a neo feminist either in host position or analyst they simply take over in all forms of media
are those neo womales a result of Hussein Obama destruction of society and culture.. were they groomed by his police state regime quietly and consistently?
why do they have so much power instead of being treated like the weak beta they truly are.. and put in place.. and take care of the male in the old form of 20th century female? this is the natural way of the female.. it cant be changed no matter what one generation thinks.. it is biologically constant fact of human specie
I cant wait for humanoid females to replace womales.. this is what is going to happen you shall see,, the womales you see now days are the beginning of what I warned many years ago.. UNISEX specie.. this is the beginning of it my friends,,
gh15 approved
lion of Judah
bible index

you are like a retard... scrambling around, grabbing puzzle pieces off of the ground... after another retard tossed them into the wind, lol. unfortunately... your odds of connecting the pieces of the puzzle – are zero.


  • Getbig V
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Re: rize of the womales
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2017, 09:16:43 AM »
The internet and social media are one of the worst developments for human civilization.