Getbig Misc Discussion Boards > Powerlifting / Strongman

Powerlifting Totals


Pretty excited about my current totals, although I have yet to compete.

Bench - 255 Max but since I continue to cut weight I think I'll probably be able to hit 200 in a meet.

Squat - Today I hit 365 comfortably. Shooting for 405 soon.

Dead - 425 a few weeks ago.

Before anyone says I'm weak, I really am a girl lol so be kind.

Impressive! 8)


--- Quote from: chaos on June 09, 2016, 11:52:52 AM ---Impressive! 8)

--- End quote ---

Thank you!! I failed at 435 on my dead today, I was exhausted. Hoping to hit that glorious 405 on my squat next Wednesday.

I'm consistently cutting weight so my lifts are pretty hit and miss.


--- Quote from: herefortheglitter on June 10, 2016, 08:11:12 PM ---Thank you!! I failed at 435 on my dead today, I was exhausted. Hoping to hit that glorious 405 on my squat next Wednesday.

I'm consistently cutting weight so my lifts are pretty hit and miss.

--- End quote ---

Great poundages, even for a guy...

It's a great workout routine. Impressive!
Keep it up and accomplish your fitness goals.


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