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Holy shit! Did a missile hit WTC6?

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240 is Back:

--- Quote from: Cavalier22 on February 19, 2007, 11:40:53 AM ---I have a hard time believing the govt could pull this off so well.   I would think there are much easier, less complicated, and less labor intensive ways to accomplish a self-inflicted terror attack to stir the populace.

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dude, people are still scared of planes.  we were all scared shitless that day.  5.5 years later, can't we remember it like it was yesterday?  Keep in mind, every building in the World trade complex was destroyed that day. 1 thru 7.  that's seven steel framed buildings demolished in public eye, with only 6 weeks.  Since 3-6 were planned to be levels in the smoke and not extravagant demolitions like 1/2, why not hit em with something fast?  obviously very few noticed

i would bet that 90% of the population doesnt know any other building besides the towers went down.

240 is Back:

--- Quote from: Cavalier22 on February 19, 2007, 12:22:32 PM ---i would bet that 90% of the population doesnt know any other building besides the towers went down.

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Probably 95%!

Incredibly, every building was fine (even the financial center right next to the south tower which was hit by a piece of building twice the size of a plane) EXCEPT the seven owned by Larry Silverstein.

This is probably the undoing of the inside job story.  If only the towers had fallen, people might not have noticed.  But the destruction went around buildings to completely destroy every property he had there.

He paid $14 million down on the entire complex, agreed to pay the rest later.  They were going to be evac'd in early 2002 by order of the city of New York because of the asbestos violations.  People were curious why he had no plans for fixing the asbetos.  After all, you can't just snap your fingers and have 220 stories completely stripped and redone.  It takes months or longer.  Plus there was corrosive damage, diagnosed in 1989, which was getting serious.

And yeah, he got close to ten BILLION dollars in insurance money for the buildings.  Not a bad return on 14 million bucks, eh?  All seven of his buildings were destroyed.  The WTC 3/4 were mighty fishy too.  One blew up early - that huge white pillar of smoke came from it, before either 1 or 2 fell.  South tower was dropped quickly after that.  And the other one (4) had a giant ass hole in the middle, perfectly round like an explosion crater. 

Then we have this object striking 6.  Despite the hate here, NO ONE has told me what that object is yet.

Here's the series of small ones which would be slamming into wtc 3/4:

here's the big fcker which would be hitting wtc6:

240 claimed he would stop this redundant 9/11 drivel months ago. Someone this disengenuous isn't qualified to speak about or be taken seriously on this subject. Hint: no one's listening.

240 is Back:

--- Quote from: pumpster on February 19, 2007, 01:57:19 PM ---240 claimed he would stop this redundant 9/11 drivel months ago. Someone this disengenuous isn't qualified to speak about or be taken seriously on this subject. Hint: no one's listening.

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Hey, I only bring it up when news comes out about it, or when responding to someone else's thread (like cap's thread last night).  it turned into a bashfest, so I started threads instead.

Stop bringing it up, and you'll hear way less.  Every other day there's another "I am so tired of CT threads" thread.  Kinda a self-fulfilling prophesy, oh genuous one.


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