Author Topic: Spartan Races  (Read 49399 times)


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Re: I'm Ashamed to Admit......AROOOOOOO
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2014, 08:33:04 AM »
Nothing beta about these races.  They stress teamwork, camaraderie, fun.  On the last one we did, there was a group that had a friend in a wheel chair, and they got him through the whole course.  It was cool to see them carrying the chair up hills of mud, etc.

Did the Great American Northeast TM last week.  10 miles....did it no problem, all obstacles included.  Took a little more than two hours with a buddy of mine.

BUT, the one I did last year was on a mountain, was 13 miles, and had 6 ascents/descents up/down black diamond ski slopes and I needed help on two of the obstacles. That one was brutal and took over 4 hours.

Of course the know nothing general getbig masses will say people are playing pretend army, etc....but it's nothing like that at all.

That's HARD.

I was shattered in all honesty after doing this one and it was a sprint, I finished comfortably but I have a good fitness base and lifted my whole life and I am about the right weight and height hence body to weight strength ratio is good, my weekly training always involves dips, pulls up...etc.

13 mile is a tough one....I would definitely need to do some focused training for this one mainly on the cardio and conditioning front.

I will do some more, there's one in November over here, but I don't fancy doing this is freezing cold weather.

Grape Ape

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Re: I'm Ashamed to Admit......AROOOOOOO
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2014, 08:40:12 AM »
That's HARD.

I was shattered in all honesty after doing this one and it was a sprint, I finished comfortably but I have a good fitness base and lifted my whole life and I am about the right weight and height hence body to weight strength ratio is good, my weekly training always involves dips, pulls up...etc.

13 mile is a tough one....I would definitely need to do some focused training for this one mainly on the cardio and conditioning front.

I will do some more, there's one in November over here, but I don't fancy doing this is freezing cold weather.

There's an obstacle where you have to jump into 30-35 degree ice water, go under water to get under an obstacle, then walk the remaining 20 feet out neck deep.  I can't imagine doing that one in the cold.

People get pulled out of it all the time, because the communication between the mind and the body slows a bit, and people stop moving.

I followed Soul Crusher's work outs to prepare, plus just did tons of running/sprinting......worked very well.


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Re: I'm Ashamed to Admit......AROOOOOOO
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2014, 09:08:10 AM »
Cold water throw off all your instincts all over the place.

I will attempt a harder one next year and see how I survive.

Grape Ape

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Re: I'm Ashamed to Admit......AROOOOOOO
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2014, 09:43:27 AM »
Cold water throw off all your instincts all over the place.

I will attempt a harder one next year and see how I survive.

Something tells me you'll be fine......

But, if you're interested - this kind of workout helps - this is from up to a minute with the 25lb DB....going to do this again today and start over.  I used the "seconds" time app on my iPhone, and just printed this out and followed it.

Get a huge ass timer clock in front of you that counts seconds, minutes, hour, etc.  

Grab 25, 35 lbs dumbbells and go near a pull up bar

Do any of the following for one minute, followed by 15 seconds rest.  Have to keep eye on the clock for precision.

Ill do something like this knowing what I can get in one minute time wo killing myself -

1.  w 35 lbs db's  -  10 Manmakers

2.  w 35lbs dbs 8 squats - 12 bent over row - 20 toe raise - 6 curl and press

3.  w one 35 lbs dumbbell - each arm - 8 squat / upright row   -  7 swinging db raise

4.  1 minute plank hold

5.  35 sit ups

6.  120-130 flutter kicks

7.  1 minute cycle - if near me or walking lunges

8.  12   8 count bodybuilders

9.   10 burpee / Pull ups

10.  12 walkout push ups

11.  1 minute plank hold

12.  40 leg raises  

13  1 minute cycle

14.  w 35 lbs db's  -  10 Manmakers

15.  w 35lbs dbs 8 squats - 12 bent over row - 20 toe raise - 6 curl and press

16.  w one 35 lbs dumbbell - each arm - 8 squat / upright row   -  7 swinging db raise
17.  35 sit ups  

18.  120 flutter kicks

19,  35-40 flat press w 35lbs dumbbells

20.  50-60 yards bear crawl / crab walk

21.  12 Burpee plus standing long jump

22.  1 minute cycle

23.  30-40 standing squat

24.  12 walk out pushups

25.  1 minute plank

26.  w 35 lbs - 10-12 clean & press

27.  12-15  - row and push ups w 35lbs

28.  8 squat / 10 bent over row / 20 toe raise / 5-6 curl and press w 35lbs

29.  1 minute cycle

30.  1 minute plank

31.  35 sit ups

32.  120 flutter kicks

33.  10 burpee / pull ups

34.  30-40 walking lunges

35.  50-60 yards bear crawl / crab walk

36.  12 8 count Bodybuilders

37.  1 minute cycle

38.  8 squat / 10 bent over row / 20 toe raise / 6 curl and press w 35lbs dumbbells

39.  each arm -  8 squat / upright row    7 dumbbell swings  

40.  12-15 manmakers w 35lbs dumbbells

41.  1 minute plank

42.  35 sit ups

43.  1 minute cycle

44.  20 pop ups

45.  12 walk out push ups

15 seconds rest between each set - usually works out to an hour almost exactly.  Then I wait 15-30 minutes and go for ruck


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Re: I'm Ashamed to Admit......AROOOOOOO
« Reply #29 on: September 01, 2014, 09:53:31 AM »
Thanks bud will try it out.

I'm gona throw in plenty of cardio into my routine....I slacked big time this year.

Grape Ape

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Re: I'm Ashamed to Admit......AROOOOOOO
« Reply #30 on: September 01, 2014, 09:57:42 AM »
Thanks bud will try it out.

I'm gona throw in plenty of cardio into my routine....I slacked big time this year.

I do the races because they force me to workout out of fear of failure on the race.

It makes me do cardio at 9 or 9:30 once the day settles instead of sitting in front of the PC.


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Re: I'm Ashamed to Admit......AROOOOOOO
« Reply #31 on: September 01, 2014, 03:43:26 PM »
Thanks bud will try it out.

I'm gona throw in plenty of cardio into my routine....I slacked big time this year.
If there wasn't an ocean of water separating us, I would be your workout buddy.


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Re: I'm Ashamed to Admit......AROOOOOOO
« Reply #32 on: September 02, 2014, 12:49:42 AM »
Nothing beta about these races.  They stress teamwork, camaraderie, fun.  On the last one we did, there was a group that had a friend in a wheel chair, and they got him through the whole course.  It was cool to see them carrying the chair up hills of mud, etc.

Yup, I did note.

Even the group of people I was with girls and guys said the same, they also did some triathlons/spectated last year. Tri's have a bit of a snobby feel about them, everyone is kitted out with expensive wet suits, bikes that cost more than cars...etc and pulling pouty faces through their oakleys, if someone is fast its like "move out of my way peasant" sort of air they give.



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Re: I'm Ashamed to Admit......AROOOOOOO
« Reply #33 on: September 02, 2014, 01:47:35 AM »
Good stuff grape Ape wrote it´s a lot of team work. Satisfying too. i´ve not done a proper assault course since my Army Days but i remember you soon learn Technique too. the best way to get over obstacles. A good thread Lads... ;)

Grape Ape

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Re: I'm Ashamed to Admit......AROOOOOOO
« Reply #34 on: May 22, 2015, 06:34:27 PM »


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Re: I'm Ashamed to Admit......AROOOOOOO
« Reply #35 on: May 22, 2015, 06:45:15 PM »
when I move this year, I'M gonna advertise it as some crossfit competition to get these idiots to move my shit for free. Will even charge them. hahaha!!!!


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Re: I'm Ashamed to Admit......AROOOOOOO
« Reply #36 on: May 23, 2015, 09:49:47 AM »

I have a race in Denmark booked for August...tough murder type. Any training tips?

Grape Ape

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Re: I'm Ashamed to Admit......AROOOOOOO
« Reply #37 on: June 01, 2015, 05:22:12 PM »
I have a race in Denmark booked for August...tough murder type. Any training tips?

Run, run, run some more.  Wouldn't worry about footcare, since you're not carrying weight.

Mix in running/sprinting with pushups/pullpus, and other weight exercises:

This is what I did the other day.  Have a 10 mile obstacle course in 3 weeks:

One mile run in 6:37

1/8 mile walk with 1/4 sprint:  1.18 / 1.25

Speed ruck 1 mile:  11:20 (fasted yet) 38lb pack

Kept ruck on for:

30 sets of 45 sec with 30 sec rest:  Various exercises - planks, sandbag carries, bleacher steps, flutter kicks, sandbag chain pulls, box squats.....

You could do something like that without the rucksack.  Or look back a few post to the workout I posted previously.

If you get to a point where you're running 5-6 miles easily, you'll be fine.


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Re: I'm Ashamed to Admit......AROOOOOOO
« Reply #38 on: June 04, 2015, 08:51:23 AM »

Weather's nicer now and on weekends when in dk I have lots of running space even off road. Pull ups and what not I'm not worried about...I'm strong upper body wise and grip is solid, but will make sure I throw in some exercises for it to keep it up.


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Re: Spartan Races
« Reply #39 on: June 04, 2015, 04:31:06 PM »
how about swimming from one beach to the next along the coast against the tide?


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Re: Spartan Races
« Reply #40 on: June 05, 2015, 03:04:31 AM »
how about swimming from one beach to the next along the coast against the tide?

Used to do a lot of open water swimming when I prepped for triathlons....mostly lakes though. Swimming is the toughest cardio out there.


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Re: Spartan Races
« Reply #41 on: June 05, 2015, 12:29:06 PM »
Used to do a lot of open water swimming when I prepped for triathlons....mostly lakes though. Swimming is the toughest cardio out there.

but you dont freak out as there is no tide pulling you about


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Re: Spartan Races
« Reply #42 on: June 05, 2015, 04:29:34 PM »
but you dont freak out as there is no tide pulling you about's like a pool virtually when in a lake, but the dark green waters beneath you can be daunting if you're not used to open water swimming. Then again I always swam in a wet suit which gives a fair bit of literally float when you lie on your back.

I've not done any Tris in sea but will do one day.


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Re: Spartan Races
« Reply #43 on: June 06, 2015, 01:37:02 AM »'s like a pool virtually when in a lake, but the dark green waters beneath you can be daunting if you're not used to open water swimming. Then again I always swam in a wet suit which gives a fair bit of literally float when you lie on your back.

I've not done any Tris in sea but will do one day.

I don't like murky water either. But in the UK if u come across a porbeagle you just punch them on the nose.


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Spartan Races
« Reply #44 on: November 02, 2016, 01:12:09 AM »
Hello all,

Im looking at scratchbulding a Land raider spartan, but I have been unable to find dimensions of the forge world model. Would anyone happen to know what they are?


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Re: Spartan Races
« Reply #45 on: November 04, 2016, 03:26:21 PM »
Hello all,

Im looking at scratchbulding a Land raider spartan, but I have been unable to find dimensions of the forge world model. Would anyone happen to know what they are?

happy first post