Cold water throw off all your instincts all over the place.
I will attempt a harder one next year and see how I survive.
Something tells me you'll be fine......
But, if you're interested - this kind of workout helps - this is from up to a minute with the 25lb DB....going to do this again today and start over. I used the "seconds" time app on my iPhone, and just printed this out and followed it.
Get a huge ass timer clock in front of you that counts seconds, minutes, hour, etc.
Grab 25, 35 lbs dumbbells and go near a pull up bar
Do any of the following for one minute, followed by 15 seconds rest. Have to keep eye on the clock for precision.
Ill do something like this knowing what I can get in one minute time wo killing myself -
1. w 35 lbs db's - 10 Manmakers
2. w 35lbs dbs 8 squats - 12 bent over row - 20 toe raise - 6 curl and press
3. w one 35 lbs dumbbell - each arm - 8 squat / upright row - 7 swinging db raise
4. 1 minute plank hold
5. 35 sit ups
6. 120-130 flutter kicks
7. 1 minute cycle - if near me or walking lunges
8. 12 8 count bodybuilders
9. 10 burpee / Pull ups
10. 12 walkout push ups
11. 1 minute plank hold
12. 40 leg raises
13 1 minute cycle
14. w 35 lbs db's - 10 Manmakers
15. w 35lbs dbs 8 squats - 12 bent over row - 20 toe raise - 6 curl and press
16. w one 35 lbs dumbbell - each arm - 8 squat / upright row - 7 swinging db raise
17. 35 sit ups
18. 120 flutter kicks
19, 35-40 flat press w 35lbs dumbbells
20. 50-60 yards bear crawl / crab walk
21. 12 Burpee plus standing long jump
22. 1 minute cycle
23. 30-40 standing squat
24. 12 walk out pushups
25. 1 minute plank
26. w 35 lbs - 10-12 clean & press
27. 12-15 - row and push ups w 35lbs
28. 8 squat / 10 bent over row / 20 toe raise / 5-6 curl and press w 35lbs
29. 1 minute cycle
30. 1 minute plank
31. 35 sit ups
32. 120 flutter kicks
33. 10 burpee / pull ups
34. 30-40 walking lunges
35. 50-60 yards bear crawl / crab walk
36. 12 8 count Bodybuilders
37. 1 minute cycle
38. 8 squat / 10 bent over row / 20 toe raise / 6 curl and press w 35lbs dumbbells
39. each arm - 8 squat / upright row 7 dumbbell swings
40. 12-15 manmakers w 35lbs dumbbells
41. 1 minute plank
42. 35 sit ups
43. 1 minute cycle
44. 20 pop ups
45. 12 walk out push ups
15 seconds rest between each set - usually works out to an hour almost exactly. Then I wait 15-30 minutes and go for ruck