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Gossip & Opinions / Re: Nasser El Sonbaty - AI Versions
« Last post by Flexacon on Today at 05:20:17 AM »
I'm on a quick break otherwise I'd post that side by side with Hassan Mostafa - looks like him to me!

I don't work so i'm on a permanent break  ;D Found this. Quads are an exact match

Gossip & Opinions / Re: Craig Jones Stack
« Last post by bhank on Today at 05:17:55 AM »
you have elite size genetics stud ;D

i just ordered sust, deca and dbol and 1 ml of sust is 250 mgs of course and 1 ml of deca is 300 mgs and 1 dbol tab is 10 mgs

i'll run .5 ml of sust and deca on tues and fri so 250 sust 300 deca and 20 mgs dbol a day

250 test is my sweet spot for test and 20 mgs dbol is also the optimal dose of that compound for me as 10 mgs doesn't really do much, whereas 20 does quite a bit more and 30 mgs is only slightly better than 20 mgs, so 20 is the sweet spot

i'm curious what the 300 mgs of deca will do on top of that stack

this will be a menzter plus plus stack as he supposedly ran 200 mgs deca every 10 days with 25 mgs dbol and zero test and he got to 210 RIPPED at 5'8 on that stack and yep he had elite size genetics as well

Did you buy any groceries???
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Craig Jones Stack
« Last post by ProudVirgin69 on Today at 05:17:12 AM »
a lot of "anavar" is d-bol these days

It’s not 2009, there’s plenty of real anavar out there

The test & deca doses are what I’d expect but I don’t know how he trains or grapples with that much anavar.  Seems like a recipe for a crippling, cramping pump
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Dorian Yates 1993 B&W - AI Versions
« Last post by IroNat on Today at 05:15:35 AM »
I ran some of his B&W photos through FOOCUS / Stable Diffusion. I composited parts of the original photos over the generated ones, and morphed a little here and there. Also deepfaked his 1992 sunken face over the 1993 versions. The front double biceps pose is all generated with the deepfaked face. His grain groin is lost there, looks more smooth and plastic.
Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Brainless Sheep Cheering
« Last post by IroNat on Today at 05:14:07 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Nasser El Sonbaty - AI Versions
« Last post by Taffin on Today at 05:08:26 AM »
There are so many low resolution photos of the 90s BB contests. Nasser's photos are no exception. Digital cameras really sucked back then. I searched for the 1993 Olympia and they are all shitty resolutions. Somebody must have high resolution photos. Anyway, I used this low resolution photo of Nasser as a starting point and ran some AI models on it.

The goal was not to replicate his body 100% but come up with a morphed version. Some Photoshop work was also done.

I'm on a quick break otherwise I'd post that side by side with Hassan Mostafa - looks like him to me!
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by bhank on Today at 05:08:00 AM »
Nobody would kick sand in his face. That’s for sure.

Exactly these dudes all talk mad shit all day acting like they would just come talk shit to my face bullshit
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by bhank on Today at 05:07:18 AM »
Way to make yourself out to be such a "fighter".   It was so bad you went ahead and did the show knowing that you had an infection that could kill you. really ARE a bad ass.

I am VERY aware that the cause of pharyngitis is more often viral and that the streptococcal cause (least likely) is bacterial.  I also know that the viral resolves on its own and the bacterial does require more expansive treatment.  Which do you have Brian?  Did you get yourself some bio-identical antibiotics? 

You also realize that training hard (ha ha...I actually laughed when associating that with you) will put a compromise on your immune system blunting the ability to fight off whichever version you have.  Hopefully you are gargling with some salt-water....not other salty solutions.

I am well aware training can weaken the immune system as can too much of other things. They tested me for strep negative but gave me penicillin anyway as lots of other bacterial infections going around. However after taking penicillin, I did not get any better so I would surmise it is viral. However we are now at 3 weeks and it is still lingering and now our 12-year-old has a bad sore throat and needs to go to the Dr today. I probably got it from my toddler as they get everything.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Nasser El Sonbaty - AI Versions
« Last post by Rambone on Today at 05:06:12 AM »


AI generated rear delts
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by Rambone on Today at 05:04:58 AM »

Nobody would kick sand in his face. That’s for sure.
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