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Hercules: Which one was the right one for the role?

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Louie 2

I think Loui had the best herculian build...

Today?  I would have to say... Gunter!!!  He has a good personality for it too


--- Quote from: aussie_wanna_b_big on August 10, 2005, 03:34:57 PM ---I think Loui had the best herculian build...

Today?  I would have to say... Gunter!!!  He has a good personality for it too

--- End quote ---

i didn't realize hercules was so damn italian looking.  i like reg park.  i kinda agree with the gunter comment too.

even though louis is huge, i think reg suited it best, no offence to louis but he looks to much of a nice guy

arnold looked good has hercules


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