Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Positive Bodybuilding Discussion & Talk

Van Damme meets lee priest

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I think this is old

He was a nice guy asked me about training him.Then next week he was in rehab but very nice to speak too.

you need to save the pictures on your computer and upload them here instead of hotlinking them or they will come up wrong

Karl Kox:

--- Quote from: Lee_a_priest on January 16, 2006, 06:30:05 AM ---He was a nice guy asked me about training him.Then next week he was in rehab but very nice to speak too.

--- End quote ---
LOL ha ha
how ling ago was that Lee


--- Quote from: Lee_a_priest on January 16, 2006, 06:30:05 AM ---He was a nice guy asked me about training him.Then next week he was in rehab but very nice to speak too.

--- End quote ---

Lee, do you mean Van Damme or Mike Yablonsky?


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