Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Natural Bodybuilding

GET_BIGGER's experience

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This is a focus on my training and history more or less.  27 yrs old, 5'11, 225 lbs.

For those of you who actually give a s**t........

A wee bit ironic that Get_Bigger is the mod of a natural board isn't it? ???

Nothing "ironic" about it...... over 11 natural years of lifting I did one cycle a fricken year ago and it didn't do s**t for me.  Not crazy about spending $450 on something that you lose once you get off of it.  I'd rather spend my time and money on supplements that will get me gains that I will keep.

Done deal.       


--- Quote from: GET_BIGGER on January 23, 2006, 09:23:44 AM ---Nothing "ironic" about it...... over 11 natural years of lifting I did one cycle a fricken year ago and it didn't do s**t for me.  Not crazy about spending $450 on something that you lose once you get off of it.  I'd rather spend my time and money on supplements that will get me gains that I will keep.

Done deal.       

--- End quote ---

I just remember you posting on how much you love testosterone shots that is all.

Please let me know of these supplements that are worth money, other than the basics most of them are absolute garbage :P.

Test definitly has benefits.....don't get me wrong, healthy sex life, cured some arthritis in my elbow, did get stronger.......but all that goes away once you finish.  F**k, my strength even went lower then when I started, lost my size, then the side affects:  temper with my girl, acne, being paranoid, and other s**t.   All for what?  A few weeks of bliss that is shattered when you get off of it, and start to lose whatever you gained quicker?  Ahhh, then you get another cycle to sustain that high, to rebuild your confidence because maybe you can't find it in who you are without being freaky big.  So then the abuse starts. 

Not interested, no thanks.   

For me the benefits don't outweigh the cost, which is why I only did one cycle.

As far as supplementation is concerned.  Muscle Milk works great, creatine, and most of all food!!! 

I even started Gakic 2 weeks ago and have noticed an increase in strength......yes, even the first day.  I am getting gains, don't have acne, still have sex (except while cutting), don't snap at the girl, better and healthier life.  Is it worth it, yes.  Are all those "supplements" garbage?  They work for me. 

That is my choice, which I am glad I made because when the topic comes up at the gym, I actually have experienced it and can honestly tell someone why I wouldn't chose that lifestyle. 

Then they can make their own choice.  Thats my take, for what it's worth.


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