Author Topic: Starting anew, time to lose weight and gain strength  (Read 20428 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Starting anew, time to lose weight and gain strength
« on: November 18, 2014, 10:40:41 AM »
Getting back in business, long term goal is to lose 7-8 kg and get ready for a mountainbike competition this spring.

I train core on basically every workout; hanging leg raises, side raises, static hold, crunches etc.
Currently a big fan of doing the big exercises (deads, squats, cleans, bench) with my bodyweight on the bar for 100 reps.
At the moment I'm getting more enjoyment from this few exercise per muscle group high volume training

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Monday: Swimming 2km (80 lengths á 25m)

Tuesday: Heavy legs, light back - 40 min & 40 min stationary bike
Heavy legs include either cleans or squats
Light back is pull-ups to failure or barbell row

Wednesday: Chest, arms, shoulder & 40 min stationary bike
Bench press or isometric dumbell press,
military press for shoulders, finished off with one exercise for bi's/tri's

Thursday: Heavy back, light legs & 40 min stationary bike
Heavy back always include deadlifts and pull-ups, finishing off with a row exercise to failure (t-bar, barbell, dumbell)
Light legs is usually just a couple of sets of light lunges or lightweight box squats.
This workout is usually finished off with farmers walk

Friday: swimming 2km

Saturday: outdoor XC riding if the weather allows it or chest/arms/shoulders OR resting

Sunday: resting

________________________ ________________________ ________________

Diet: Currently sticking to a bro diet and a couple of hundred kcal deficit, oatmeal and eggs for breakfast, jasmin rice and some stew/chicken etc for lunch, same for dinner. Aiming to lose 0.5kg a week which would translate to approximately 500kcal deficit a day. I'll use the mirror as a reference rather than the scale and adjust my caloric after it.

I will try to update this training log when there is time available.

Any input/tips appreciated!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Starting anew, time to lose weight and gain strength
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2014, 01:41:46 PM »
Tuesdays workout: 40 min spinning as a starter, went on straight to legs aimed for 100 reps squats with my bodyweight on the bar, 20 sets, 5 reps 85kg. Took 20 min and by then I was pretty dead in my quads. Finished off with 5 sets of 15 reps on t-bar row 50kg with emphasis on squeezing the rhomboids.

Wednesday: had to work overtime so no gym, took a 5 km running instead, ~30min can't remember, but pretty low intensity.

Thursday (today): 30 min spinning, still pretty beat up on the quads department, but the hunnit repper was a fun change so I tried another variant this workout. A hunnit reps total in deadlifts, 90kg on the bar, 8 to 6 reps for 15 sets in about 16 minutes. Again, really tired and out of breath by the last set. Really fun change of pace to do these weird gym challenges and it keeps me motivated. Finished off with 1 set of lat pulldowns, but the deadlifts and the intensity was pretty much enough at this stage to make me call it a day.

I will probably do more variations of these "hunnit challenges" as I find them fun, challenging and a good way of breaking the monotony.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Starting anew, time to lose weight and gain strength
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2014, 02:16:32 PM »
Sunday: 50 reps dumbell press total, 5 reps 10 sets of 35kg dumbell press. Tried to pace it as well as I could, I think it took 6 or 8 min. Did some close grip bench press 4 sets 12 reps 60kg for triceps, rounded off with some core exercises.
Warmed up with 30 min of varied intensity spinning.

Monday: did a 2km swimming session, took 40min, decent tempo for me.

Tuesday: Had to work some overtime, was done 9 PM, went straight to bed.

Wednesday (today): squats, worked my way up to 3x130kg, it felt heavy, but not as heavy as I expected. Trying to regain some strength in the joints and tendons. I realise  I have a lot of work cut out for me in the gym. Did half squats, quads parallel to the floor, I'll save the olympic style squats to when I get back into this thing.
12 sets of squats, working my way 60-80-100-120 2 sets on each, 6-8 reps except 120 which had 4 reps each. Warmed up with 25 min spinning, the gym has spd-cleats on their pedals so I'll have plenty of time getting used to clipping in and out. Almost feeling second nature now that I've had 'em for a couple of months, I guess it's the muscle memory getting online.
Finished off with some medium bench press 4 set of 5 reps 85 kg, 3 sets of lying on the floor dumbell press (30 kg) (after tips from a powerlifter friend). Tricep rope pull-downs with 15 kg rounded off the session, 20 reps 5 sets.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Starting anew, time to lose weight and gain strength
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2014, 12:43:52 AM »
Thursday (yesterday): Legs and lower back felt perfect so I ventured to do a deadlift session. Warmup 60-80-100-120 and did a couple of 5 rep work sets on 135 kg. Did pull ups to failure and rounded off with some barbell shoulder press with 50 kg didn't count the reps and some static hold preacher curls. Some static exercises for core as well.
Only 15 minutes of spinning.

Friday (today): 2 km of swimming today scheduled. Might do an update during the weekend.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Starting anew, time to lose weight and gain strength
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2014, 12:03:17 PM »
Saturday(yesterday):  Box squats, squats 85-100 kg working weight. 5-8 reps per set, total 40 reps box squats, 60 reps regular squats.
Dumbell press 35 kg, 10 reps 6 sets.
Rounded off with a superset dumbell flyes, dumbell triceps extension, bicep curls with the same dumbell (12 kg).
30 min spinning.

Lost 1 kg so far, bodyweight has been steady at 84 kg for a couple of days now.

Added a picture for reference, taken recently. Got a couple of kg's to lose yet, starting goal is to get down to 80 kg.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Starting anew, time to lose weight and gain strength
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2014, 01:52:21 AM »

Tuesday: 15 sets, 5 reps each 90 kg squats, didn't watch the clock, but it was with a decent pace. Pull-ups to failure, hanging leg raises to failure and couple of sets of ab crunches.

Wednesday: 6 sets, 8 reps, 40kg dumbell press. Did some inclined dumbell press on low weight, high pace. Close bench and skull crushers for tri's, barbell curls and concentration curls for bi's, hammer curls for forearms.
Finished off with some sets of partial deadlifts (the upper part of the movement) 120-180kg, overhand grip didn't fail once so that was nice.

Thursday: Deadlifts, barbell rows, core exercises and shoulders.

Feeling a bit sore in one knee. I'll probably let the legs rest until it feels good.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Starting anew, time to lose weight and gain strength
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2014, 06:01:44 PM »
Your excerzisE schedule comes off as odd to me mayb 2 complicated for me but good work sounds like a slot of shit accept u got it in kg I have no idea what ur lifting keep it up


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Starting anew, time to lose weight and gain strength
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2014, 01:17:57 PM »
Your excerzisE schedule comes off as odd to me mayb 2 complicated for me but good work sounds like a slot of shit accept u got it in kg I have no idea what ur lifting keep it up

Thanks I guess? :)
1 kg = 2.2 lbs (something like that). The exercise routine is quite weird/unusual, just wanted to try something new, but I'm having a blast.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Starting anew, time to lose weight and gain strength
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2014, 01:42:46 PM »
Bad on updates, everything is going according to plans. Switched to low carb two weeks ago and started to bring tupperware to work with chicken/broccoli/veggies.
Been on the same training schedule, although haven't really made any significant progress in anything so haven't reported. Working out 6 days a week, gym 4 days, cardio 2 days. Usually some 30min of cardio during my gym days as well.

Knee is back on track since a week ago!

This weeks menu:

Tuesday: squats 10 sets, 4 reps 100kg (220 lbs). Moderately high intensity. These squatting marathons have surely helped me on my bike, I've averaged an increase of 5% watt since I started doing this form of leg training. Did some stiff legged deadlifts 90 kg, 6 sets didn't count the reps but had a good burn. Ab crunches to exhaustion. Some core stabilizing exercises. Did some dumbbell rows with 35kg(78lbs) and some chin ups.

Wednesday: Benchpress 10 sets, 5 reps 85 kg (190 lbs) finished off chest with 35 kg(78lbs) inclined dumbell presses. Did some close grip bench press and rope pulldowns for triceps, rope curls and static hold preacher curls for biceps, hammer curls and reversed barbell curls for forearms.

Thursday: Deadlifts, 8 sets 3-5 reps 140 kg (311 lbs). Shifted between chin ups and hanging leg raises to failure, lots of sets, didn't count the reps. Barbell row with very slow negative, 60 kg 5 sets 5 reps. Did some low weight exercises for posterior delts. Did some low weight static hold leg extensions and leg curls. Finished off with a lot of leg mobility exercises (rubber bands, birth.

Friday: 5 km mixed walking/running


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Starting anew, time to lose weight and gain strength
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2015, 08:54:56 AM »
Everything getting better, but I attracted a minor umbilical hernia two weeks ago. Talked to the doctor and it was fine, it was just some visceral fat poking out of the fascia. I can deadlift and squat as much and as heavy as I want according to the doctor.

I will try to keep updating.

81.5 kg bodyweight in this pic