Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Gym/Stores/Industry Business Board

planet fitness beeyatch


like the website.  it would be more effective if you toned it down a bit . . . general public loves humor, but doesn't want muscleheads to be too overbearing.   so unless your site is primarily for muscleheads . . . I'm assuming drawing public sympathy to our side is the goal . . . I'd tone it down.  In other words, we're funny, but we're not mean, even if we drop weights and grunt. 

240 is Back:
www.BoycottPlanetFitness .com


--- Quote from: 240 is Back on November 16, 2006, 12:38:56 AM ---www.BoycottPlanetFitness .com

--- End quote ---

The ESPN article was great! I have not heard  someone call baggy pants ZUBAS in ages.  Classic.

The alarm is way over the top, well, so are Zubas. I hope they realize how lame they are being one day

240 is Back:
interesting to see if this one dies down, or if they get a settlement

240 = teh pimp hand 8)


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