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Gossip & Opinions / Re: Does this guy look better than BHANKS?!?
« Last post by joswift on Today at 04:19:32 AM »
They don't put 140lb children on stage to embarrass me

Gossip & Opinions / Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Last post by joswift on Today at 04:18:41 AM »
I have not been in a drug induced stupor since a phish show in college 25 years ago. I have not had a pain killer since last July when prescribed. I don't even drink. I limit myself to one caffeinated beverage a day.  I quit marijuana years ago and only use legal cannabis products which are nowhere near as strong. I also gave up real bacon and sausage in the mornings for turkey bacon and hashbrowns, and I switched from Ribeye to New York as I am reducing my animal fat consumption. I am contest ready now.
Does your "legal cannabis" contain THC?
You have dropped 25lb since your last show three weeks ago?
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Does this guy look better than BHANKS?!?
« Last post by joswift on Today at 04:16:35 AM »

If bhanks looked at the longer term he would continue to diet hard for another 6 weeks at least, then an "offseason" which wouldn't really be "off" much and then a precontest where he attempted to get even leaner. Bhanks knows all this is true but he will think he will simply wither away, and to a certain extent this is true., but it would actually help longer term, and he wouldn't have to pull down that much for a contest if that turned out to be true, but pulling down would help even if not, because you would have moblized those stubborn depots previously. Fat cells are there permanently but can be reduced to "nothing."

the difference between Brian off season weight and stage weight are not being full of food and shit

Hes never dieted in his life, thats why he looks like he does onstage
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Does this guy look better than BHANKS?!?
« Last post by bhank on Today at 04:16:20 AM »
They don't put 140lb children on stage with me
I quit marijuana years ago and only use legal cannabis products which are nowhere near as strong.

I only tried something called HHC-O and that was nearly identical to weed. And I had regular weed at the same time I bought that HHC vape pen. They say delta-8 is basically the same as regular weed as it converts to THC at combustion, so I don't buy that " weaker" claim :D
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Does this guy look better than BHANKS?!?
« Last post by joswift on Today at 04:13:34 AM »
I could have said yes without opening the thread

But Yes, he would destroy hankins onstage, he would probably beat me as well
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Last post by wes on Today at 04:11:40 AM »
Crazy stuff Van.....Vitamin C will aid in recovery.  ;D
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Does this guy look better than BHANKS?!?
« Last post by wes on Today at 04:09:44 AM »
That guys name is Philip Bradfield Van,and of course above is the legendary Bernie Cooper.
You`re not a very smart person after all,not that you haven`t proved that on many occasions, but now you're just being plain old fucking stupid.

Have fun in your next drug induced the meantime,in between time,I`ll be training like a demon and eating like a Spartan.

"They" said Nubain actually helped a lot, at least in the beginning. Made you'd be able to train with a lot more intensity, although Nasser said these people on Nubain trained like granmas, but the pot
ential is there for it to help. In the begining as I said.

Last workout I only did a couple of sets of leg presses and leg extensions each. I got that intense burn you will get when doing high rep leg extensions to failure, and it didn't let up for like 10 minutes, nothing I did helped, standing, sitting down, whatever, it was intense. Would have like to get in the shower to shoot my legs with cold water but I was immobilized. As I was laying on the floor in absolute hell lol, and as my partner asked me if he could help in any way as I was telling him as I complained of intens epain that didn't let up lol, I wondered in my mind if a shot of Nubain preworkout would have helped? Probably not I figured.  My partner had Tramadol and Ibuprofen but I said that would take at least 30 minutes to even start working. Would a shot of Nubain either preworkout or in that very moment help? But the thing is if it DID help I might have pushed myself into rhabdomyolitis or death LOL. There is that possibility even with something like "DADA" or something like that, according to Alex Kikel, I can't find what it refers to. Anyone, maybe bhanks since he has delved into research chems?
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Does this guy look better than BHANKS?!?
« Last post by joswift on Today at 04:04:44 AM »

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