Author Topic: Looking for BB Trainer/Mentor  (Read 6500 times)


  • Getbig I
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  • Posts: 12
Looking for BB Trainer/Mentor
« on: February 21, 2018, 03:23:18 PM »
Hey All, Ive been a member for a long time, occasionally checking out whats going on, and seeing what you all are up to. I've been an on and off again lifter. I was more of a partier than ever really being into taking my physique seriously. So now at the age of 45, almost 46, and has given up drinking for the most part. Id really like to focus, on getting a physique, note I didnt say strong or big thats obvious. I want a nice looking body, and I really need some guidance. I dont need help with working out, as I believe every time Im in the gym I need to lift 2lbs more today than yesterday, so I'm pretty intense, but just want to hone in on nutrition, workout routines for back, supplements, not a trainer I'll be talking to every day or even every week, but a mentor type. Give me the tools, and come back and see what Ive built type. I'm in the Ventura County, thousand Oaks, area, and I need a face to face. Reading doesn't do it for me. I need to have things explained because I have questions and if they don't get answered I shut down. I cant accept something, " just because".

So shoot me anyone you folks might know, or ideas how I can get what I'm looking for.. Thanks..


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 16
Re: Looking for BB Trainer/Mentor
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2019, 06:36:37 AM »
Finding career mentors may actually be easier than you think but asking someone you don't know to be your mentor can be intimidating. The providing training and frameworks for solution focused mentor training in schools community groups i will look at issues from a more positive futuristic point of view. Our mentor training programme was utilized by liverpool city council as a part of their summer splash positive activities scheme and by walsall borough council as a part of their summer reloaded scheme providing resources for both age group.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Looking for BB Trainer/Mentor
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2019, 07:16:43 AM »
Eat less.

That will be $50.

Pay on your way out.