Author Topic: Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?  (Read 6262 times)


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Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?
« on: March 05, 2006, 10:27:54 AM »
I did Monday on my 45th birthday no less. I was doing deadlifts at the gym. I crumpled over and just balled up in a ball. The pain just can't be described in words. Pinched nerves in my neck, lumbar sciatica, collarbone popping out through my skin when I crashed on my motorcycle. Nothing I ever experienced before could compare with the pain from rupturing a disc. The EMT's came to the gym to get me. I couldn't be moved it hurt so bad. They called my general practitioner and got permission to shoot me up with morphine. Then after it took effect they loaded me on a stretcher and took me to the hospital where I later had x-rays and an MRI. Now a week later I am still so fucking stiff. I am on Percosets, Ibuprofen, Valium, and some steriod shit which I can't pronounce. It makes life tolerable for now. I hope none of you guys ever have to go through this. It sucks.
The House that Ruth built


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Re: Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2006, 02:37:16 PM »
I was in a head on collision with a garbage truck.  We were both doing 70, he flipped over.  I broke 19 bones, on life support for 3.5 weeks and in a coma for 5.5 weeks.  L-5-4-3 Compression fractures, discs destroyed.  upper spine with scoliosis shattered 2 cervical vertebrae with a shattered transverse process.  Closed head injury.  Many, many internal injuries.It took me a couple of months to get back and I was in a wheel chair on a old universal machine, when I started,do you remember the ones with all the cables.  Pure hell.  But after a few years I finally came back.  That was 10 years ago this April and if you look at me you would never know it.  Listen to your body and what ever the PT's say, take it with a grain of salt.


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Re: Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2006, 05:21:19 AM »
I was in a head on collision with a garbage truck.  We were both doing 70, he flipped over.  I broke 19 bones, on life support for 3.5 weeks and in a coma for 5.5 weeks.  L-5-4-3 Compression fractures, discs destroyed.  upper spine with scoliosis shattered 2 cervical vertebrae with a shattered transverse process.  Closed head injury.  Many, many internal injuries.It took me a couple of months to get back and I was in a wheel chair on a old universal machine, when I started,do you remember the ones with all the cables.  Pure hell.  But after a few years I finally came back.  That was 10 years ago this April and if you look at me you would never know it.  Listen to your body and what ever the PT's say, take it with a grain of salt.

Fuck, thank god for the health you have now!
The House that Ruth built


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Re: Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2006, 05:50:20 AM »
I had the same thing, I can remember many times crumpling to the floor and having to wait for the spasms to stop.  almost 10 years later I still have numbness in my toes.  Recently had a few discs in my neck go, bad bad spasms, numbness down the arms, couldnt sleep.  had a nucleoplasty done to my neck and now i can sleep at least. much less numbness.  Stick with the muscle relaxers.  once the spasms are controlled it is way better.  I left the pain killers on the shelf and stuck with the anti inflammatories and muscle relaxers.,  making it to the bathroom, kitchen etc took me 15 mins for a 10 foot walk, the spasms are the worst.  Good luck and I agree, i wouldnt wish it on anyone, welllll, almost no one.  loosen up the hamstrings, stretch the hell out of em when you can, it helps HUGELY..............


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Re: Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2006, 01:53:13 PM »
I had the same thing, I can remember many times crumpling to the floor and having to wait for the spasms to stop.  almost 10 years later I still have numbness in my toes.  Recently had a few discs in my neck go, bad bad spasms, numbness down the arms, couldnt sleep.  had a nucleoplasty done to my neck and now i can sleep at least. much less numbness.  Stick with the muscle relaxers.  once the spasms are controlled it is way better.  I left the pain killers on the shelf and stuck with the anti inflammatories and muscle relaxers.,  making it to the bathroom, kitchen etc took me 15 mins for a 10 foot walk, the spasms are the worst.  Good luck and I agree, i wouldnt wish it on anyone, welllll, almost no one.  loosen up the hamstrings, stretch the hell out of em when you can, it helps HUGELY..............

Man, I can't believe how that mirrors exactly how I feel. Before this I would get the lumbar area sciatica and my legs felt dead. Other times the pinched nerve in my neck made it so I couln't turn my head and my left arm felt dead. I know lifting brought all this on me. This though was by far the worst. I know doing deadlifts brought it about. I hadn't done them in years. I had my collarbone pop through the skin when I cracked up on my motorcycle in 2002 and this pain made that feel like I stubbed my toe.
The House that Ruth built


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Re: Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2006, 03:11:25 PM »
It's funny how the Dr's are always wanting to try new drugs on you for this and that.  Seems like pills are always the answer with some of these guys.  The newer ones are better, but much, more expensive. I have had 12 surgeries in the past 10 years so training is always interrupted so I can heal. 
   What makes matters worse is that here in the State of Texas the insurance companies are protected.  If you suffer an injury and it is under $ 100,000 the insurance companies have to pay the bills.  If it is over $100,000, as in my case, like close to $400,000 and still counting, the insurance company has a right to recover loses.  The garbage truck company went out of business and I was considered an unsecured creditor.  Which means, I have to pay the bills, even though I was not at fault.  I am unable to work, so things get tough.  My point is this, train what you can, when you can.  You can always train something.  Stay focused and try to stay positive.  Easier said that done, but I'm one that is actually doing it, so you can too.



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Re: Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2006, 01:00:42 AM »
I ruptured my L4 and L5 back in 83 from squatting.  To this day still hurts every once in awhile.  But it used to hurt more and when it does I am on the ground.  I have been stuck in my car not being able to reach the door handle cause when I would reach it would just be so painful.  I used to all of a sudden be walking in a store and my back would tighten up and pull me to the ground.  On many occassions this happened in stores, restaurants even elevators.  People look at me and I just explain my back just went out.  There is no pain like it.  Absoultely the worse.  I feel for you man.


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Re: Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2006, 09:17:05 AM »
I ruptured my L4 and L5 back in 83 from squatting.  To this day still hurts every once in awhile.  But it used to hurt more and when it does I am on the ground.  I have been stuck in my car not being able to reach the door handle cause when I would reach it would just be so painful.  I used to all of a sudden be walking in a store and my back would tighten up and pull me to the ground.  On many occassions this happened in stores, restaurants even elevators.  People look at me and I just explain my back just went out.  There is no pain like it.  Absoultely the worse.  I feel for you man.

Keith how about in bed when you have to roll off the bed because you can't sit up to get out of bed? And you can barely roll over at that. Or you can't even put on your shoes and socks? Or how you can't even turn your head and its dangerous to drive? Or you look in the mirror and your posture is shaped like an S? Or you couldn't touch your chin to you chest cause it hurts so bad? You couldn't even touch your knees with your hands let alone your toes. Makes you feel as weak as a newborn. Ever sneeze or even just turn your head wrong and the muscle spasms start? I have been hurt bad in two motorcycle accidents. Broke bones including my nose. Been stabbed in the hand. Nothing compares to the ruptured disc. Its the only time I gobbled up every pill they gave me!
The House that Ruth built


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Re: Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2006, 04:11:48 AM »
WOW!  nothing like reading a post that sounds like your life.  I had the exact same back injury and spend 6 months on Percosets where I took 2 for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and felt like I was always in a trance.  It was the only way to get through the day.  The numbness was from my back to the bottom of my feet and just never stopped.  Every morning I rolled out of bed on to the floor trying to straighten out while heading right to a hot shower.  The next big challange was getting on a pair of boxer on as I couldn't bend (this is still a challange).  And yes getting shoes on.  I still have to sit on my stairs as that is the only way to reach down to tie shoelaces.  I had my surgery over 5/6 years ago and I am still in pain everyday.  I workout 4 days a week but there are so many things in the gym I just can't do, but its still better than the 3 years that I was out of the gym totally!

Mr Anabolic

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Re: Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2006, 06:57:59 PM »
My back is hurting just reading this thread.  Back and neck pain is certainly the most agonizing pain a person can have.

I've injured my back many times, but never to the extent of the OP or others in this thread.  Training balls to the wall is important for gains/growth, but you gotta know your limits.  You're only as strong as your weakest link. 

Over the last couple of years I've learned that living pain free is 1000 times more important than having a fantastic physique.


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Re: Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2006, 04:23:36 PM »
I have a herniated disc. I still rep out with 315 on reverse grip barbell rows and 160lbs on one arm dumbell rows. I have nearly zero symptoms anymore. God healed me.

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Re: Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2006, 06:42:42 PM »
I did Monday on my 45th birthday no less. I was doing deadlifts at the gym. I crumpled over and just balled up in a ball. The pain just can't be described in words. Pinched nerves in my neck, lumbar sciatica, collarbone popping out through my skin when I crashed on my motorcycle. Nothing I ever experienced before could compare with the pain from rupturing a disc. The EMT's came to the gym to get me. I couldn't be moved it hurt so bad. They called my general practitioner and got permission to shoot me up with morphine. Then after it took effect they loaded me on a stretcher and took me to the hospital where I later had x-rays and an MRI. Now a week later I am still so fucking stiff. I am on Percosets, Ibuprofen, Valium, and some steriod shit which I can't pronounce. It makes life tolerable for now. I hope none of you guys ever have to go through this. It sucks.

Seems to be a common bodybuilding injury. My L4-5 is blown out as well and a know what you mean by the pain. It has been a little over 5 years now and the last two have been much better due to spinal nerve block injections. I have had a total of 5 in the last 3 years. The first two were not alot of help but then I went to another doctor who treats mainly athletes and it has been great. I had had no major issues in the last 6 months so I thank the Lord for that.


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Re: Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2006, 11:15:27 PM »
This is why we don't do deadlifts and squats.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2006, 01:26:13 PM »
I ruptured my L4-L5 in '01 and was in bed for a week.  The pain was so severe that I didn't sleep for the first 3 nights and had to go to the emergency room to get an IV injection of painkillers.  The rupture resulted in a pinched nerve and permanent atrophy in my left calf and numbness & weakness in my toes.  Can no longer do deadlifts, back squats, or cleans.


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Re: Anyone ever rupture a spinal disc?
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2006, 09:32:10 AM »
While we're sharing memories...

Injuring my back playing sports of course, led to many wonderful experiences.

Walking like a human S until the chiro literally straightened me out.

Fearing a caugh or sneeze more than anything else.

Waking up in bed rock solid straight without being able to move anything and having my idiot ex wife grab me by the back of the neck and sit me upright through my screams.  Thanks for that hunny ::)

Spending the rest of that night in the emergency room getting doped out of my mind on meds.

Having to hold onto walls for support while walking, measuring each step.

Not being able to sit down to take a shit and then when you finally do, not being able to get back up off the toilet.

Sitting through meetings and presentations with nothing else on my mind other than pain and trying to act like all is ok.

Rehabbing for a year just to go back out and play again and find within the first 10 minutes that your playing days are truly over.

Fearing that I will never ever be pain free...And then years later still dealing with back pain at least 2x a year since the initial injury.

Always having a sickening feeling/memory in the back of my mind of the pain brought on by the injury.

Yay Team :P

BKS - Guardian of Truth