Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Gym/Stores/Industry Business Board
How many hours - TOTAL - do you work per week?
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Me - probably 50. Spaced evenly over the 7 days, I think.
My official hours are 42 1/2 per week.
But when over time kicks in I can easily double that.
I'm supposed to work 40, but with 2 hour lunch breaks and constant absenteeism, I'd say I do around 25-30.
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferriss
Considering the fact that I am now actively running four different businesses, I've had to step up my working hours, it's up to about 10 hours a week now, but I can do it from anytime from any location as long as I have a phone and an internet connection. I can do my 10 hours a week from anywhere....
...on the beach...
...even in the pool...
{sigh} life can be tough sometimes. :P
ps: I am planning to cut back my workload in the new year though. There's a lot of travelling I wanna do.
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