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Washington DC, Presidents, Bankers and The Occult Dollar Bill
Get paper and pencil and prepare to take lots of notes. To get an understanding of your government, it policies and its must understand how it is all tied to the Occult and those like Aleister Crowley, Albert Pike, Manly P Hall and even Anton Levay who took occultism to new levels of which his followers )politicians) adhere to until this day
--- Quote from: SAMSON123 on October 28, 2010, 11:31:12 AM ---Get paper and pencil and prepare to take lots of notes. To get an understanding of your government, it policies and its must understand how it is all tied to the Occult and those like Aleister Crowley, Albert Pike, Manly P Hall and even Anton Levay who took occultism to new levels of which his followers )politicians) adhere to until this day
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I once heard LeVay credits the near decapitation of Jayne Mansfield to a bit of carelessness on his part during one of his satanic rituals. He was cutting a picture in a magazine with a pair of scissors during one of his rituals and hadn't realized Mansfield's picture was on the reverse side. Seems he cut off her head unknowingly. Immediately thereafter, ...she was almost decapitated. :-X
--- Quote from: 24KT on October 29, 2010, 05:39:16 PM ---I once heard LeVay credits the near decapitation of Jayne Mansfield to a bit of carelessness on his part during one of his satanic rituals. He was cutting a picture in a magazine with a pair of scissors during one of his rituals and hadn't realized Mansfield's picture was on the reverse side. Seems he cut off her head unknowingly. Immediately thereafter, ...she was almost decapitated. :-X
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I am sure it was just a (Eh hem) COINCIDENCE...right?
This guy Anton LeVay was quite active in his life. He was involved in the script for the movie THE DEVILS RAIN as well as played SATAN in the movie Rosemary's Baby..Let's not forget he was the founder of the CHURCH OF SATAN as well as developed the notorious El Diablo hand sign so that members of the church of Satan could acknowledge one another.
Isn't there picks of other presidents doing this?
--- Quote from: OzmO on October 30, 2010, 08:51:29 AM ---Isn't there picks of other presidents doing this?
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A whole lot of people are involved in SATANISM
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