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Soros a terrorist - should be arrested immediately and assets confiscated

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Evil, corrupt individuals.

Playing with peoples's lives. Whole nations' cultures and history.

It is all so staggering in scope.

Humanity needs a gigantic purge. We need the new "Hitler".


Soros is probably the most malignant, evil human being alive today. 

Russia sees it.  They've issued an arrest warrant for Soros.  Too bad the US won't extradite.

The True Adonis:

--- Quote from: TheShape. on September 25, 2016, 06:04:25 PM ---No one can win against these international bankers and media elites. If the third reich couldn't do it, nobody can. They control everything we do, and we just wouldn't have enough people on our side to do anything about it.

--- End quote ---
How do we know you aren't controlled?


--- Quote from: Fortress on September 25, 2016, 08:32:32 PM ---Evil, corrupt individuals.

Playing with peoples's lives. Whole nations' cultures and history.

It is all so staggering in scope.

Humanity needs a gigantic purge. We need the new "Hitler".


--- End quote ---

You need medical help, sir.


--- Quote from: The True Adonis on September 25, 2016, 08:54:24 PM ---How do we know you aren't controlled?

--- End quote ---
Never said I wasn't I'm just aware of it. We're pretty dependent on the system.


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