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Perhaps you missed Illuminati's Youtube video post, but your's is redundant. So, I will take the liberty of repeating my previous response to Illuminati. Here you go:

Biden did not actually say his uncle was eaten by cannibals, he implied that he was. However, Biden's story suggesting his uncle Ambrose J. Finnegan was eaten by cannibals or that his plane was shot down rather than crashed into the ocean off the north coast of New Guinea is an unlikely scenario. This smacks of being the ramblings of an old man based on a story he may have been told about his uncle when President Biden was a kid. President Biden was less than two years old at the time of this event.

Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by Raymondo on Today at 02:32:07 PM »
Give me a year. I am not going to Nationals to sight see. But yeah I plan to have some maintenance and repairs done first. I have other things to focus on the next few months.

I'll give you 10 years, you will look the same or worse.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by Raymondo on Today at 02:29:02 PM »

that photo reminds me of when Sev was bragging about his upcoming show and posting videos of him in the gym looking like he was in shape.

After his pics came out he melted hard and left

He actually did a show  ???
You are seriously waiting for the debate to hear that? Do you expect them to act on every generic hollow promise they make at a debate? The debates now are more about the image and how the candidate behaves. They offer no policies, just punchlines and soundbites.

I just want the debate to be completely unscripted, no teleprompter, no questions or topics given in advance and a decent moderator who is not afraid to tell either candidate to shut up and turn off the microphone if needed.

That Presidential and other political debates are more about image and perception of the candidate's behavior is a shame. And no, I am not so naive as to hold politicians to their campaign promises. Politicians are known to lie or rather tell people what they want to hear in order to get elected.

Your desire for a debate that is completely unscripted, and one where the candidates do not have an idea what will be asked is unrealistic. I agree in more recent debates candidates have gotten out of line and their mikes should be turned off when they exceed the time limits. Having said this, based on the 2020 Presidential debates, which candidate do you think is the most likely to go off topic and which candidate is more likely to go overtime as the Debates Commission said they would do during the 2020 debates of which there were only two between Biden and Trump and I believe one between Pence and Harris who were more civil, if I remember correctly.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by joswift on Today at 02:25:12 PM »
Every Class has a different number of contestants every year. I have no control over who else shows up. If I wanted an easy win there are lots of small contest I can do. Over 45 classic is my class. That is my weight and age. The guy who took first in the class and won his pro card looked pretty awesome to me. I won the biggest show in my state. I am now looking at Nationals not sure what more I am supposed to do. That seems like the logical progression to me.

No it isnt, its heavyweight men over 45s based on your last stage weight
You should really be a middleweight

You do not have a "classic" build.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Bitcoins - about to hit $5,000 per coin today!
« Last post by obsidian on Today at 02:25:00 PM »
^^^^ Post above referenced a 51% ETH attack. It actually needs to be a 66% attack for total control.

Here's another Reddit post:

Both would require billions in fiat, but you're being stupid when thinking about how an attacker would get ASICs. They would build factories to produce them, not buy them from the market.

Lets work out their budget, how much could they spend and still be less than attacking Ethereum? So there is currently about 17 million ether staked. That works out to about $28 billion. To be equivalent to a 51% attack on PoW, an Ethereum attacker would need 2/3rds of the total stake, meaning double the current amount staked... $56 billion (assuming that the price is unchanged despite buying vastly more ether than is liquid anywhere).

For that amount of money you could build 10-20 Tesla gigafactories and still have plenty of billions left for expenses.

It is very silly to build your argument on the idea that ASICs are a limited resource and think that security comes from there not being enough for sale. That is true for ether, an attacker has literally no way to produce their own, they have to buy it from the market. That is not true for ASICs when we're talking about these amounts of money.

And from

Attackers using >=66% of the total stake

An attacker with 66% or more of the total staked ether can finalize their preferred chain without having to coerce any honest validators. The attacker can simply vote for their preferred fork and then finalize it, simply because they can vote with a dishonest supermajority. As the supermajority stakeholder, the attacker would always control the contents of the finalized blocks, with the power to spend, rewind and spend again, censor certain transactions and reorg the chain at will. By purchasing additional ether to control 66% rather than 51%, the attacker is effectively buying the ability to do ex post reorgs and finality reversions (i.e. change the past as well as control the future). The only real defenses here are the enormous cost of 66% of the total staked ether, and the option to fall back to the social layer to coordinate adoption of an alternative fork. We can explore this in more detail in the next section.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Natural Selection
« Last post by BB on Today at 02:24:02 PM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: lil Mabu 🤡
« Last post by visualizeperfection on Today at 02:21:04 PM »
i would suck you off for a living.


Gossip & Opinions / Re: Bitcoins - about to hit $5,000 per coin today!
« Last post by obsidian on Today at 02:19:26 PM »
I agree with this poster (rsa.eth) that ETH is currently massively undervalued. It should be at $10,000 right now relative to the BTC price, if not more. It will cost more to attack ETH right now than BTC. A staker would need 66% of the staked ETH. It would take time to try and buy up 66% of the ETH supply, and the price would go parabolic. There's also a queue to become a staking validator.

A post on Reddit:

You think those Bitcoin mines are impenetrable fortresses? If a government seriously wanted to take down Bitcoin they can send a small military force to the biggest mines and have them taken over within a week. Fairly easy to justify the force with "North Korea and/or Russia is using Bitcoin to sell weapons to Terrorists and we need to stop them".

This would be about 1/100th of the cost of buying up 51% of all ETH.

Ivan talks about ETH in this clip. One note I should make is that ETH has not been deflationary the past week. For the past 7 days the inflation as been 0.171%. Not a huge number though, that inflation is still lower than Bitcoin's current inflation, and lower than almost any other chain out there. I think BNB has a more aggressive burn. And there are efforts to burn a lot of SHIBA. Elon talked about reducing the supply of DOGE as well, or he advocated for whales to vacate some of their holdings.

The only people who mattered said that Mentzer was a dick suckin' 5th.

That would be the promoter of the 1980 Mr Olympia, Paul Graham. Paul Graham also fucked Arnold’s brains out.
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