Author Topic: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread  (Read 586019 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #800 on: June 27, 2017, 05:16:17 AM »
All good.  Tough to get all the work outs's taken 4 weeks to do 2 weeks.

But this works....body comp definitely changed.....taking a step back in running/distance endurance though....building it up differently.

I'm gonna get on Stamina soon. 

What equipment is definately required

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #801 on: June 27, 2017, 05:25:58 AM »
I'm gonna get on Stamina soon. 

What equipment is definately required

I mis typed - 4 weeks to do 3 weeks - haven't slacked that much lol.

For stamina - ideally need a rower, which I don't own so I go to gym....lots of kettle bells.  Need barbell, sand bags, etc...

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #802 on: June 30, 2017, 01:19:39 PM »
I mis typed - 4 weeks to do 3 weeks - haven't slacked that much lol.

For stamina - ideally need a rower, which I don't own so I go to gym....lots of kettle bells.  Need barbell, sand bags, etc...

They are really blowing up. 

Lately have been doing great training wise.   Feel pain free, endurance is great, feel fresh.   

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #803 on: June 30, 2017, 02:52:32 PM »
They are really blowing up. 

If you go to their site, someone orders something every 35 seconds or something.

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #804 on: June 30, 2017, 02:56:29 PM »
If you go to their site, someone orders something every 35 seconds or something.

I ordered that sleep shit.  Hope it works

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #805 on: June 30, 2017, 03:08:49 PM »
I ordered that sleep shit.  Hope it works

Let me know - I've been looking at that stuff.

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #806 on: June 30, 2017, 05:04:44 PM »
10 min jog
Banded good morning 3 x 10
Goblet squat 5/5/1 tempo 3 x 8

OH kettlebell lunge - 3 x 10 per leg
Back squat 3 x 10

Sandbag movement - pick up 60 pound sandbag, put on 40 inch box behind you, rotate other way, put it on ground - that's one rep.....

Continuous non stop set:
20 sandbag movement
50M sandbag carry
15 SBM
100M carry
10 SBM
200M carry
400M carry

Wasn't bad.

Accumulate 4 min plank.

50 hanging leg raise
Accumulate 2 min handstand hold....i got to 40 sec, lol.

Stretch/yoga: NO

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #807 on: June 30, 2017, 05:12:15 PM »
Dudes on that page are a lot of killers and real life snake eaters

10 min jog
Banded good morning 3 x 10
Goblet squat 5/5/1 tempo 3 x 8

OH kettlebell lunge - 3 x 10 per leg
Back squat 3 x 10

Sandbag movement - pick up 60 pound sandbag, put on 40 inch box behind you, rotate other way, put it on ground - that's one rep.....

Continuous non stop set:
20 sandbag movement
50M sandbag carry
15 SBM
100M carry
10 SBM
200M carry
400M carry

Wasn't bad.

Accumulate 4 min plank.

50 hanging leg raise
Accumulate 2 min handstand hold....i got to 40 sec, lol.

Stretch/yoga: NO

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #808 on: June 30, 2017, 09:00:32 PM »
Dudes on that page are a lot of killers and real life snake eaters

Well, some of their workouts are a bit at the end called for a 5 minute accumulation of a hanging L-sit...I can do like 5 seconds at a time....not doing that shit.

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #809 on: July 01, 2017, 04:47:20 PM »
10 min jog
3 sets each
Band series x 10
Scap push up x 10
KB hip hinge x 10

3 x 10 superset
Landmine row
Hammer Curl

Face pull 3 x 10

8 x 200 meter sprint alternate with 8 x 200 meter jog

40 pullups followed by 40 ring rows

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #810 on: July 03, 2017, 10:11:20 AM »
10 min run / row

3 sets
Banded lateral walks x 10
Goblet squats x 10  5/5/1 tempo

3 superset:
10 KB swing / 10 KB high Pull

Stamina - this was brutal
100 single arm KB swings per arm
100 box squat
100 plyo push up on plate

Side laterals / band work

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #811 on: July 03, 2017, 10:13:07 AM »

Good job
10 min run / row

3 sets
Banded lateral walks x 10
Goblet squats x 10  5/5/1 tempo

3 superset:
10 KB swing / 10 KB high Pull

Stamina - this was brutal
100 single arm KB swings per arm
100 box squat
100 plyo push up on plate

Side laterals / band work

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #812 on: July 03, 2017, 10:40:54 AM »
Good job

Thanks - wonder if my shoulder will be fried.

They suggested a 53lb KB for the single arm fuckin way that was happening.  Some of their weights are nuts.

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #813 on: July 04, 2017, 08:48:56 AM »
Short workout but awful.   No idea why so much shoulder stuff the day after 260 KB swings..doesn't really make sense to me.

Mile run @ 6:48

Warmup x 3:
Wall roll
Plank with shoulder tap x 10 per side
Kneeling landmine x 8 per side

3 x 10
Landmine again: NO, can't.

4 consecutive sets timed - 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 reps.
Sandbag thrusters

My time was bad.

Need to eat.

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #814 on: July 06, 2017, 05:29:10 AM »
1 mile run

4 x chin up to failure
3 x 10 DL @ 68%

5 non stop circuit:
25 later run each way
5 pull up
10 KB swings

Standing KB press 3 x 10

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #815 on: July 06, 2017, 05:57:59 AM »
1 mile run

4 x chin up to failure
3 x 10 DL @ 68%

5 non stop circuit:
25 later run each way
5 pull up
10 KB swings

Standing KB press 3 x 10

Are you getting results?

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #816 on: July 06, 2017, 06:56:29 AM »
Are you getting results?

Physically, I've had four different people comment on me over the last 4 weeks.  Just on vascularity and such.....

But the results are more in the context of the program - I can do what they ask - recover quickly than do it again.

But in the context of say, training for a 10+ mile event, I'd have to change other words, I could run 5 miles in 38 minutes before, but I doubt I could now.


Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #817 on: July 06, 2017, 10:27:26 AM »
Physically, I've had four different people comment on me over the last 4 weeks.  Just on vascularity and such.....

But the results are more in the context of the program - I can do what they ask - recover quickly than do it again.

But in the context of say, training for a 10+ mile event, I'd have to change other words, I could run 5 miles in 38 minutes before, but I doubt I could now.

Bigger and Stronger? 

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #818 on: July 06, 2017, 10:51:34 AM »
Bigger and Stronger?  

Stronger in terms of one rep max, no idea....stronger overall, definitely.  I'd like to do a single one arm DB snatch with a 100 pounder in a few months.

Shoulders / quads a bit bigger.....

I'm only in week 5 though, and not eating excessive calories.

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #819 on: July 07, 2017, 08:44:38 PM »
10 min jog
Band pulls
Goblet squats
Monster band walks

One arm DB snatch 4 x 5 per - tried a single with an 80lb DB just for the heck of it.....totally easy...maybe the 100 isn't far off.

Lunge 4 x 5 per with back weight

10 x 200M Sprints / 1 min rest in between....used treadmill at either 10 / 11 / 12 MPH........10 is easy @ 45 sec....11 is taxing.....12mph feels fast

100 diamond push ups

Stretch/Motion work:  Please.  Nope.

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #820 on: July 09, 2017, 05:42:35 PM »
10 minute run
3 super sets:
Kelso shrug x 10
Hanging Leg raise x 6
KB hip hinge x  10

Barbell row from rested position x 10
Wait one minute Power Cleans at 68% max x 10

Banded face pulls x 3

10 x 200 meter sprint with 200 meter jog as "rest"

Chinup x 40
Ring row x 40

Mobility / Stretching:  fuck no

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #821 on: July 10, 2017, 04:11:12 AM »
10 minute run
3 super sets:
Kelso shrug x 10
Hanging Leg raise x 6
KB hip hinge x  10

Barbell row from rested position x 10
Wait one minute Power Cleans at 68% max x 10

Banded face pulls x 3

10 x 200 meter sprint with 200 meter jog as "rest"

Chinup x 40
Ring row x 40

Mobility / Stretching:  fuck no

How long is all this taking per workout roughly? 

Grape Ape

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #822 on: July 10, 2017, 05:00:15 AM »
How long is all this taking per workout roughly? 

It's usually like this:

It's about 20 min per for Warmup / Strength / Stamina give or take 10 that puts an hour and 10-15 minutes.

It's why I skip all the mobility / yoga shit at the end.

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #823 on: July 11, 2017, 04:11:11 AM »
It's usually like this:

It's about 20 min per for Warmup / Strength / Stamina give or take 10 that puts an hour and 10-15 minutes.

It's why I skip all the mobility / yoga shit at the end.

I've been in a sort of lean out phase - feel ridiculously good right now.  Mostly HIIT w core and focus one day upper next day lower third day power movements.    4th day usually a ruck or just cardio and repeat. 

Right now leaner than I have been since did shows way back when. 

That TBNN shit is awesome too. 

Soul Crusher

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Re: GA / occasionally Soulcrusher training thread
« Reply #824 on: July 11, 2017, 04:31:03 AM »
I've been in a sort of lean out phase - feel ridiculously good right now.  Mostly HIIT w core and focus one day upper next day lower third day power movements.    4th day usually a ruck or just cardio and repeat. 

Right now leaner than I have been since did shows way back when. 

That TBNN shit is awesome too. 

Workouts are limited to 60 minutes due to time.  Each exercise is at high rate and output as I can manage. 

10 x 6 minute circuits.   Each circuit for leg day typically as follows:

1.  1 minute jump rope (I'm moving pretty fast w this)

2.  1 minute lunges (At 30 sec I switch to reverse lunges)

3.  1 Minutes squats (I vary it - sometimes do a thruster - other times half reps - sometimes front squats)

4.  1 minute - Stiff Leg Deadlifts and a calf raise

5.  1 minute - Mountain climbers / Abs.   At 30 secs I usually switch.  I get 70 mountain climbers in 30 secs - and then do 20 sit ups

6.  1 Minute Rest.  (Get a little water)