Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A
Rest times between sets
Recently changed this in my workouts. Had the standard 2 minutes for normal work, and 3-5 on things like squats, heavy bench sets, etc. However I switched this over recently from 60-90 seconds (depending on set number...sets one and two usually 60 and three and four 90) and to be honest even though the weights are down some, the feeling of the workout is so much better. I guess though after doing the opposite for so long change is good, but just wondering if the high intensity approach (in terms of rest periods) is the way to go.
--- Quote from: Get Rowdy on June 03, 2009, 04:55:39 AM ---The last two years my rest times were at 1 min for dips, chins, and most exercises.
Usually 45 secs for db lateral raises.
Longer for front squats, SLDL
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shit man id never get a break, after you switch or change the weight youd have to do another set right away.
Get Rowdy:
--- Quote from: tonymctones on June 03, 2009, 10:04:41 PM ---shit man id never get a break, after you switch or change the weight youd have to do another set right away.
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Most of my training was 6x6, 8x8, 10x10, etc. style, so thankfully I didn't have to change weights often.
wild willie:
--- Quote from: tonymctones on June 01, 2009, 06:26:19 PM ---very interesting i usually around 2-4 minutes and thats whats comfortable to me, usually just go off feel when i feel im ready, its cool to see the study though...
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X2......I believe in being fully rested before commencing the next set.
So does Lee Labrada!!! No need to rush into the next set.
wild willie:
you don't want to end the set due to your want to have your muscles get get some rest and let your breathing return to normal. IMHO
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