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AAS & Hair Loss
--- Quote from: balzac on October 16, 2011, 09:29:28 AM ---dutasteride is excellent against hairloss and for nice skin
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I was looking big int it before myself. But even on saw palmetto the herbal it effects my libido and many others to. It seems maybe on cycle could use a systematic dht inhibitor. But really the topicals work just as good. Without side effects.
people don't see as good results because like I said they use creams or nizral for 5 minue showers. Whoop dedoo. It clears the dht filled sebum off your scalp for 5 mins. Leaving it on over night like in the japenese study simply works amazing. There are pictures with the studies and the results were outstanding. And I believe it for what its done to me as well.
--- Quote from: lyquid on October 14, 2011, 08:33:10 PM ---most all steroids increase of oily skin. And oily hair. What does this do? Oil in the hair called sebum which is around the foicle not only thought to produce dht but always has a abdunance of dht. Nizorl anti fungal and cleaning shampoo is made to get rid of sebum. That's how it also works as a anti androgen dht blocker on the scalp. Most don't use it properly for steroid use. Its use on the bottle to leave on during shower is for dandruff control. The japanese study if you googled it was left on over night with amazing results. Almost total regrowth all over along with stopping shedding.
reason to leave it on overnight is it'll stop the sebum from forming leaving ur hair dht free so it has time to live healthly and regrow..
during daytime if hairloss is sevre use spironlactone cream a dht blocker and total androgen blocker. Anf some emu oil. A dht blocket and increases skin thickness by 2.5 the amount of nornal persons skin.
how does tht help you may ask? Mpb paitents in studies all had very thin skin on the scalp. Not a healthy environment for hair growth and ur hair folcile. Along with much more dht receptors but I won't get into that. So emu oil blocking dht and increasing skin thickness is another angle. Along with emu oil only product proven to increase skin and hair dna sysnthesis by 20 percent. So a proven anti ageing cream as well.
so there I a few angles but many steroid users leaving nizoral on is enuff for stopping hair loss. If you are a sever baldy consider the other products.
much more but I don't wanna be here all night.
take zinc supplement multi vitamin and extra b compex. B vitamins are needed for hair growth and biton is one of them.
bad fats are proven to increase scalp dht. The american diet has many bald men while pre world war 2 showed chinese n japanese men with no baldess super rare and now there jsust as bad from taking on the american diet. There's studies on that to google it.
so with all those in factor use deca alone high doses for good gains ull be fine. If you wanna use test add finasteride if you want on cycle. But all those that I mentioned for topicals will always stop hairloss try it ull see.
but deca alone with topicals even test can't fuxk you up with the items I pointed out. Since dht is completly blunted topivally. And remember a protocol without nizoral is pointless. Thts why finasteride on its own never fully works or has good regrowth. Its proven but not talked about how sebeum and oily scalp eith dht goes hand in hand. Block dht and block n keep sebum cleared and hairloss is blocked.
also azelaic acid and zinc xreams block dht. So many pathways and items. Stixk to those basics depends on how prone you are. I've never had ti resort to rogaine or finasteride thank god. Finasteride and its libido doesn't sound to nice the effects. And rogaine has shown to severely inhibit skin elasticiy many men complain of looking 10 years older after its use.
stick to the topicals without side effwxts is all I can say. Good luck any more questions lemme know.
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You're suppose to use minoxildil twice a day, morning and night. After you use Nizoral at night can you still add minoxidil? Will mixing it change anything? And often should you use the shampoo. I read that you should not use it everyday by 2-3/week.
--- Quote from: pellius on October 16, 2011, 01:10:11 PM ---You're suppose to use minoxildil twice a day, morning and night. After you use Nizoral at night can you still add minoxidil? Will mixing it change anything? And often should you use the shampoo. I read that you should not use it everyday by 2-3/week.
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never used minoxfil. I don't think its worth it. Its severely bad for ur face and colegen sysnthesis. Google rogaine and face ageing. Thousands of users claim to look 10 years older and depressed now from its use. I believe it may work good. But not worth it to me when there's safwr options.
yes package says use twice a aweek for nizoral. But re read the botte. That's the suggestion for dandruf control and to use it once a week afterwards. We don't want to control dandruf. We are using it for its sebum clearing effects and its mild anti androgen use as well. But we need it for longer than a 5 min shower. Think of it this way completly cleared head of sebum and dht. No inflamtion which causes the hair loss from dht. No dht. No sebum filled dht either. Perfect way to fight it no doubt about it. Its just using it 3 times a week for 5 minute showers won't work with us who are fill of test and other androgens. But over nite is perfect. Try it ull see.
--- Quote from: lyquid on October 16, 2011, 04:09:33 PM ---never used minoxfil. I don't think its worth it. Its severely bad for ur face and colegen sysnthesis. Google rogaine and face ageing. Thousands of users claim to look 10 years older and depressed now from its use. I believe it may work good. But not worth it to me when there's safwr options.
yes package says use twice a aweek for nizoral. But re read the botte. That's the suggestion for dandruf control and to use it once a week afterwards. We don't want to control dandruf. We are using it for its sebum clearing effects and its mild anti androgen use as well. But we need it for longer than a 5 min shower. Think of it this way completly cleared head of sebum and dht. No inflamtion which causes the hair loss from dht. No dht. No sebum filled dht either. Perfect way to fight it no doubt about it. Its just using it 3 times a week for 5 minute showers won't work with us who are fill of test and other androgens. But over nite is perfect. Try it ull see.
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So you recommend using Nizoral everyday?
Never heard that about minox but glad to know.
Also, can you use emu oil and spiro at the same time? If not, what should you use first and how long before you can use the other?
Thanks again for the info. I'm not balding although it looks like my hair has thinned over the years (I'm 50) so I want to catch it before it starts. I've been thinking about it lately because I notice my brother, who is a few years older than me, is starting to bald.
--- Quote from: pellius on October 16, 2011, 11:17:16 PM ---So you recommend using Nizoral everyday?
Never heard that about minox but glad to know.
Also, can you use emu oil and spiro at the same time? If not, what should you use first and how long before you can use the other?
Thanks again for the info. I'm not balding although it looks like my hair has thinned over the years (I'm 50) so I want to catch it before it starts. I've been thinking about it lately because I notice my brother, who is a few years older than me, is starting to bald.
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my father has same type of baldness. I have more of my mothers brother my uncle. The receding hairline and bald patch at back etc well I was getting it. I have pics. The changes have been dramatic to say the least.
but yea my father had the thinning all over just up to very thin tho and a slight widows peak.
the emu oil is a natural carrier and only thing natural I believe that penetrates all layers of skin taking whatever with it down with it. So putting spiro on with it may make spiro go systematic. I'd only assume it would. I sometimes do it tho. But I'd generally hit up spiro when I don't use emu oil. Such as emu oil every other night and spiro in mornings and afternoons or so on.
gotta remember spiro not only blocks dht and androgens alike but also increases estrogens topically. Only topically. Which is needed for hair growth. Its touted as the best item out there latly. But I've really seen best results with nizoral over night. Spiro is only a 4 hr active time I believe as well.
I'd say do the nizoral everyday to every other day. Ull see results. Than emu oil everyother or everynite. Its just messy is all the niz drys on instantly. Emu oil is messy. You must wipe down excess oil with towel or paper towel after. And the spiro I only really apply to temples now as a just in case. Spiro looks amazing on paper but I guess I never got to see what it could do on its own since I added it last when I alry had almost full regrowth. I'm pretty sure I'm 95 percent full regrowth. Hard to tell cause I believe my head n face has gotten bigger and makes it look like a tiny widows peak. My head has grown that's for sure from putting on alot of pounds.
remember if I did not mention I can't remember. The emu oil is abit essential since in men with androgen aplocea male patter baldness they all shared same characteristics. And one of them was very thin scalps. Not suitable for growth of hair and foicle life. And the emu oil has proven to increase skin thickness by 2.5x no lie its alot lol. So it def is needed. Treat skin thinness. Scalp dht and over all scalp androgens and inflamation and that's all you need. And nizoral and emu do all of that. And last would be spiro. Since nizoral I don't know for sure is either just dht blocker or total androgen blocker. Which hair doesn't like either high androgen or dht. So spiro blocks both dht ad androgens.
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