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Grape Ape:

--- Quote from: oldtimer1 on November 05, 2024, 11:14:51 AM ---Clarence Bass calls it the Ownership Principal. I think he got it from another source.  What he means by that is everyone has to design a workout program that works for them. I can admire a distance runner's training as much as bodybuilder's training.  Everyone does what works for them.  Some guys think that another should train like they do which is wrong. 

Personally I'm on a running kick lately. Two weeks ago I pulled my hamstring doing 8 x 200 meters.  On the sixth one if my memory serves me I felt it.  Damn, I hate set backs.  Today I ran 5 miles and no I didn't set the world on fire with the pace but the pain was tolerable. Lately I have been looking into guys that lift and run on youtube. They call it hybrid training.  I get it. If you want to stink at both then train for both and you will be the master of nothing.

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Nah, you can find a balance and it's probably healthier.

If I can pull 400, and run 10 miles, I'm in good shape.

Would I be better off with a 500lb DL, and not be able to run well?  I don't think so.

My only caveat, for me, is I may, MAY, want to dedicated 3 month to training for aesthetics - just add some hypertrophy training, and tightening up a tad.  My issue is, as soon as a lighter lift feels heavier, I go eat lol


--- Quote from: oldtimer1 on November 04, 2024, 03:40:55 PM ---I do see your point.  The majority of successful bodybuilders do use volume.  Low sets to failure works but it's a different protocol of training.  Your point of high intensity doesn't work is just wrong. What you are right about is the attributes about high set training.

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Nope. Low volume hit does not work. There has never been a successful bodybuilder who has used that method exclusively and built a great physique. Never.

Rest pause and drop sets are used for volume too.


Set 1 8 to 12 reps with main weight
Rest 20 to 30 secs
Set 2 rest pause as many reps as possible
Rest 20 to 30 secs
Set 3 rest pause same
Rest 20 to 30 secs
Set 4 drop weight by 20% do as many reps as possible
Rest 20 to 30 secs
Set 5 drop weight by another 20% and repeat

All sets taken to near failure, not all out. Try doing this for 3 to 4 exercises a bodypart. Harder than HIT guaranteed. Volume.


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