'What's your bodybuilding methodology in training? I will list a couple. Feel free to add. This is not comprehensive.'
'1. One work set to failure after very sub taxing warm up sets if needed.'
Crap way to train. Will not give maximum results.
'2. Two Work sets to failure. Naturally if you were doing sets of say 10 reps and took the first one to failure at 10 reps there is no way in hell you could come back to another 10 reps. I do something like stop the first set at 10 reps knowing I could have gutted out say 13 reps and the second set I fail at 10 reps.'
Better but 3 sets should be the bare minimum, not 1 or 2.
Set 1 10 reps 3 reps shy of failure
Set 2 10 reps 1 to 2 reps shy of failure
Set 3 as many reps as possible to failure
Important note: Training to failure does not mean to exhaustion. It means training until the point when you can no longer do another rep without stopping to take a rest before hand. That's how you are meant to do it.
Grinding out reps while grimacing like an idiot is not hardcore nor sustainable. It's actually retarded. This will result in burnout, fast plateaus and injury.
'3. I think this is huge way to train. Three or even 6 sets an exercise. Submaximal sets while adding weight each set.'
Ramp sets or pyramid sets. First set is a warm up while the last set is to failure or near it, it's how many of the pro's train.
'4. This was very comment by many champs of the past like Freddy Ortiz, Danny Padilla, Rick Wayne and many more. Using the same weight every set for a volume approach like three to five sets. Steve Holman bought this style of training back. Basically if you are using five sets per exercise it might look something like this. First set of 5 x 12 you stop at 12. You could of gotten 20 reps if it was taken to failure. The second set you stop at 12 and could have gotten 17 if you pushed it to failure. Third set you get 12 but could have gotten 15 reps. Fourth set you get 12 but could of gotten 13 reps. Fifth set you fail at 10.'
Basically sets across. Nothing new and is in fact probably the best way to train for many especially if natural. The rest periods are short, 30 to 90 seconds and no more. Train hard, long and fast. No need to go heavy. Any set rep combo can be done like 5x10, 6x8, 4x12, 3x8, 5x5, etc.
'5. Is being pushed by Ryan Humiston I believe. Choose a weight you can rep out to 25 reps to failure. Second set go again after a short rest and fail at say 17 reps. Another short rest and you might find yourself failing at 12. Final set you fail at 7 reps. Sounds brutal with all the failing.'
Pyramid sets with the same weight but cut down on reps. Again sets should be to near failure.
'6. Is a method that was recently told to me by a bodybuilding star of the 70's that I'm friends with. It's his current training method. He does three sets per exercise. He only rests 20 seconds between sets. All exercises are either a drop in weight or a drop in reps.'
Chuck Sipes did the same. Basically do drop sets or rest pause after the first set. You could even do both for extra volume which is needed by most.
Set 1 8 to 12 reps main set
Set 2 rest pause
Set 3 rest pause
Set 4 drop weight down by 20 to 25%
Set 5 rest pause
Set 6 rest pause
20 to 30 seconds rest between sets
You could condense this down by doing 4 sets instead of 6 by doing the main set followed by a rest pause then a drop set followed by another rest pause. All sets to near failure.
'7. Is just a common pyramid of adding weight and cutting reps.'
Basically using the same weight but cut down on reps going to near failure on each set
Set 1 15 reps
Set 2 12 reps
Set 3 10 reps
Set 4 8 reps
Set 5 6 reps
2 to 3 minutes rest between sets. Not bad but going to near failure on each set takes its toll after a while.