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Diebold source code leaked again....

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Hugo Chavez:

--- Quote from: Migs on October 22, 2006, 05:07:10 PM ---i miss the pics in your threads

--- End quote ---
Cav22 finds women offensive and goes into a gay meltdown when I post nice ass... I miss the pics too...  Ah fuck him here... ;D

Hugo Chavez:
Clicky to Enlarge ;D

240 is Back:
LOL, you can almost smell it.

Hugo Chavez:

--- Quote from: 240 is Back on October 22, 2006, 05:34:15 PM ---LOL, you can almost smell it.

--- End quote ---
Internet Scratch and Sniff ;D


--- Quote from: Berserker on October 22, 2006, 05:37:39 PM ---Internet Scratch and Sniff ;D

--- End quote ---

 :o  Oh that was bad {lol}

There outta be a new rule that says no one is allowed to post girlie pics except Berserker!
...maybe Keith (onlyme) could too, if he asked real nice.  :P


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