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Experts warn Congress of e-voting woes; paper-trail mandate fails
Hugo Chavez:
--- Quote from: Mr. Intenseone on October 22, 2006, 10:13:28 PM ---If a Republican wins it's fixed....if a Democrate wins it's not fixed......Liberal Philosophy 101 :-\!
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No... Diebold philosophy 101 ;D
Hugo Chavez:
Either fucking way Int... Do you want a liberal to be able to hack into these machines and change the election?
--- Quote from: Berserker on October 22, 2006, 08:25:11 PM ---Are you kidding, we'll go down, lose our freedom and sovereignty but be happy as all hell we put an end to faggotry ;D
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I'm sorry for laughing, ...but the prophetic yet absurd irony of your comment is not lost on me.
What a world huh? It's like a bad nightmare, ...except you're wide awake.
Not to worry tho, ...there's always 'Dancing with the Stars" ;D (sorry couldn't resist... nervous comment) :'(
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