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Experts warn Congress of e-voting woes; paper-trail mandate fails

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Hugo Chavez:

--- Quote from: jaguarenterprises on October 22, 2006, 06:51:03 PM ---Got paper?

Up here in Canada, we've always done old fashioned paper ballots, and we can always get ALL the votes counted the very night of the election. They're introducing e-voting machines in our upcoming municipal elections, ...but they have a paper trail. The technology exists to have clean electronic voting tabulators with a verifiable paper trail. One can only speculate as to why it isn't used.

A friend of mine in LA used to always say,'s not who is doing the voting. It's who is ounting the votes that counts. He used to say this way back even before the 2000 elections. Was he ever right!  :o

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Don't get too fucking comfy up there... You know I like you but you always come across like Canada is impervious and above this shit... Don't think for a second that this fascist corporate/police state NWO machine doesn't have a hardon for Canada too and that this shit can't happen to Canada.  It can all change overnight.  I grew up in Wyoming around nothing but anti-government extreme freedom loving don't trust a single politician rednecks.  All warned of what government would try to do some day...  All were for the hard working individual American over big business... In school and even in Sunday school, there were the constant warnings of what should be guarded against... Of course from the Sunday School perspective, the devil was going to be behind the attack on freedom... Now WTF... It's like they and all those warnings are gone gone gone... Invasion of the fucking Body Snatchers... Litterally all they can talk about is Liberals and fags... ::)

Hugo Chavez:

--- Quote from: Cavalier22 on October 22, 2006, 07:53:49 PM ---i don't understand how some politicians are against voters being required to show ID's. 

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Well I guess that doesn't much matter when all their votes legal or not can be switched to reflect the desired outcome of the hacker.


--- Quote from: Berserker on October 22, 2006, 07:56:27 PM ---Don't get too fucking comfy up there...
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--- Quote ---You know I like you but you always come across like Canada is impervious and above this shit...
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We are! ...for now :P

--- Quote ---Don't think for a second that this fascist corporate/police state NWO machine doesn't have a hardon for Canada too and that this shit can't happen to Canada.  It can all change overnight.
--- End quote ---

If and when the change comes... it could be a lot swifter than when it happened in the USA. As a rule, we generally don't like to make waves, ...but as to how it will happen if it does, ...that I don't know. I know it sure as shit won't happen the way it did in your neck of the woods. It was sooo obvious to us up here, but we just blew it off as "stupid Americans"... not realizing just how deep and pervasive it would become. 

--- Quote ---I grew up in Wyoming around nothing but anti-government extreme freedom loving don't trust a single politician rednecks.  All warned of what government would try to do some day...  All were for the hard working individual American over big business... In school and even in Sunday school, there were the constant warnings of what should be guarded against... Of course from the Sunday School perspective, the devil was going to be behind the attack on freedom...
--- End quote ---

I think the Sunday school version was right on target, ...remember what Hugo Chavez said about the devil...

--- Quote ---Now WTF... It's like they and all those warnings are gone gone gone... Invasion of the fucking Body Snatchers... Litterally all they can talk about is Liberals and fags... ::)

--- End quote ---

"Invasion of the Body Snatchers" is a pretty accurate description. I just hope one day soon, the rest of your country will wake up and say WTF, ...and reverse this before it's too late. In the meantime, we're still lettin' y'all pour across our border.

Hugo Chavez:

--- Quote from: jaguarenterprises on October 22, 2006, 08:12:52 PM ---{LOL}

We are! ...for now :P

If and when the change comes... it could be a lot swifter than when it happened in the USA. As a rule, we generally don't like to make waves, ...but as to how it will happen if it does, ...that I don't know. I know it sure as shit won't happen the way it did in your neck of the woods. It was sooo obvious to us up here, but we just blew it off as "stupid Americans"... not realizing just how deep and pervasive it would become. 

I think the Sunday school version was right on target, ...remember what Hugo Chavez said about the devil...

"Invasion of the Body Snatchers" is a pretty accurate description. I just hope one day soon, the rest of your country will wake up and say WTF, ...and reverse this before it's too late. In the meantime, we're still lettin' y'all pour across our border.

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Are you kidding, we'll go down, lose our freedom and sovereignty but be happy as all hell we put an end to faggotry ;D

Mr. Intenseone:
If a Republican wins it's fixed....if a Democrate wins it's not fixed......Liberal Philosophy 101 :-\!


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