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In all the ways to kill a man
Hugo Chavez:
Why would you kill an ex soviet spy in a manner that said, State Sponsored Assasination written all over it? There's something extra odd here. :-\
Maybe they think that it's so obvious that they did it that no-one could possibly accuse them.
Major reverse-psychology.
Hugo Chavez:
I think the options are: Russia is sending a statement to former spys... shut up or die terribly. Or Russia didn't do this and someone wanted it to look like Russia. The only reason Russia would use this shit is to make a statement with it. The other think, what's this going to do when all the political/polonium dust settles... YUP... Britain is going to ask, how did highly radioactive material just get carted through British airways, leaving traces, and around Britain without being detected.... Here is where there is another motivation to consider... Britain will undoubtedly institute stringent means to scan the individual with more accuracy... :-\
--- Quote from: Berserker on December 01, 2006, 08:21:05 AM ---I think the options are: Russia is sending a statement to former spys... shut up or die terribly. Or Russia didn't do this and someone wanted it to look like Russia. The only reason Russia would use this shit is to make a statement with it. The other think, what's this going to do when all the political/polonium dust settles... YUP... Britain is going to ask, how did highly radioactive material just get carted through British airways, leaving traces, and around Britain without being detected.... Here is where there is another motivation to consider... Britain will undoubtedly institute stringent means to scan the individual with more accuracy... :-\
--- End quote ---
That's exactly what it is. Only it's not just former spies that should be bricking it now, but anyone who is openly critical of Putin's Russia. A former Russian PM is reportedly in hospital at the moment, suffering from being poisoned.
Breat gif btw. I love that film
Hugo Chavez:
thanks ;D
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