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How to feel fuller
240 or bust:
I am cooking and eating a ton of meat everyday. I'm leaner, my muscles have a weird hardness and shape they've never had, and I'm aggressive as hell in the gym and everywhere else.
However, I seem to be hungry every hour. Any advice for how to fill up more? I limit my carbs- usually just oatmeal for breafast, then some peas with most meals and a potato or 2 with dinner. Thanks!
240, my brother, you must not eat potatoes for dinner, unless it is your post-workout meal. Potatoes are one of the fastest "acting" complex carbs and are great for that window of insulin elevation right after you workout.
Eating oatmeal for breakfast is great, it is a slow-digesting complex carb that will fill you up.
Peas have sugar, I would avoid them. Instead eat salad, I like to eat heart of Romaine salad with either a tbsp of olive oil or 2 tbsp dressing (same fat content basically).
I would suggest a large complex carb breakfast, no carb mid-morning snack, medium carb lunch from a slow-digesting complex carb source, pre-workout no carb snack, a large carb post-workout meal (like potaotes) and some no carb, or maybe low carb (like beans) meals to finish out your days.
Since you are cutting, take your protein shake with you to the gym, and drink it before you do cardio.
I would suggest eating at least 2 potatoes or 3 (normal size) post-workout. Since you are not eating a simple sugar to spike your insuling (because you are cutting), you should use potatoes to do this. Your post-workout meal should be your biggest meal of the day, at least on par with your breakfast.
Low-carb veggies I eat are green beans and heart of Romaine salad. I would suggest staying away from corn and peas because of their sugar content.
My favorite salad is:
one heart of Romaine slice up
2 Tbsp Ken's Caesar dressing (same fat as olive oil)
lotsa ground black pepper
sliced chicken breast (both cold and hot are good)
I eat this with 2 Tbsp ANPB mixed w/Splenda (my dessert) pretty much everyday before I go to bed.
Princess L:
--- Quote from: 240 or bust on May 15, 2005, 08:34:27 PM ---I am cooking and eating a ton of meat everyday. I'm leaner, my muscles have a weird hardness and shape they've never had, and I'm aggressive as hell in the gym and everywhere else.
However, I seem to be hungry every hour. Any advice for how to fill up more? I limit my carbs- usually just oatmeal for breafast, then some peas with most meals and a potato or 2 with dinner. Thanks!
--- End quote ---
What kind and how much dietary fat are you taking in?
Secondly, phyillium husk (not the powder) would help too. Add a tablespoon or two to your shakes (but not if it's a PWO shake). Peas and potatos are high glycemic and not really considered veggies when it comes to nutrition (fine for PWO). A better option at other times (since it seems like you hate your veggies) would be yams/sweet potatoes (FRESH cooked). Steamed broccoli ~ lots = good veggie. 'Course ~ any greens = good thing. How 'bout some lower GI fruit(s) in the morning? Berries are very low GI and a cup of strawberries is only about 9 grams of carbs ~ 1/2 C blueberries is about 9 too.
are you getting more aggressive because of the meat? i thought that was a myth
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