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Guess i'll be voting Trump this year

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--- Quote from: Sissysquats on March 11, 2024, 10:36:56 AM ---As usual we have two miserable choices. A doddering old fool vs a narcissistic megalomaniac who thinks he’s king. Fuck me, just fuck me . I’m writing in Alfred E Newman

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Good choice.


--- Quote from: illuminati on March 18, 2024, 07:30:48 AM ---And that's your best answer.
I had you for a reasonably intelligent man.

Like I said go ahead & comment all you like on The state of the UK
you're more than welcome.

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It's odd, no males in the US care about the UK's politics. The US women do get involved with the day to day gossip, but the males typically don't care, much like we don't care about any other countries politicians or government. So it's odd for us that someone from there would be so involved in what goes on here.   


--- Quote from: Agnostic007 on March 26, 2024, 11:08:28 PM ---It's odd, no males in the US care about the UK's politics. The US women do get involved with the day to day gossip, but the males typically don't care, much like we don't care about any other countries politicians or government. So it's odd for us that someone from there would be so involved in what goes on here.   

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Are you losing your marbles, 

1, This is an American Internet site

2 , Hmmm Americans don't care about other countries politics or Governments 🤣😂🤣
Oh no they certainly don't - 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤡🤡🤡
Have you forgotten about all the American backed regime changes
& wars they've got themselves involved in - what an absolutely stupid statement for you to make.  ::)  🤡

Gym Rat:

Vince G, CSN MFT:

--- Quote from: Dos Equis on March 06, 2024, 03:33:13 PM ---Why are you not voting for Biden?

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Biden's policies are catered towards the liberal elite along with the continued use of dangling the reparations to black people.   The fact that Dr Jill Biden wanted to have Caitlin Clark invited to the White House along with Angel Reese clearly shows how racist they are to even suggest something so stupid.   He's forgiven loans for really only young voters but not for people like me who were ripped off by places like ITT Tech.   

Don't get me wrong, Trump has shitted on people like John McCain, spit on Colin Powell's grave...someone I aspired to be when I grew up, has literally conned people out of money with schemes, retaliated and went after people's families....most recently a judges daughter. etc.   

I'm only picking the best of two evils...a vote for Trump is not an endorsement but just doing my civic duty.   We need to do better in this country   


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