Getbig Misc Discussion Boards > Pet Board


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Sorry Funk, whilst i do not own a dog i grew up with Alsatians & practically grew up with one we got when i was very young.

   You only have a few years with your Dog,
so let them on the bed, the couch,
take them for rides, fetch the biggest sticks,
let them roll in mud and swim in lakes.
Time flies, they won't be here forever.
In a blink, their time is gone.
A Dog is not just an Animal; they're here to make you smile,
they love you without judgment, beyond measure.
Cherish each wag, each bark, each nuzzle,
play, walk, cuddle in quiet moments.
Their thread in life's tapestry is short,
but oh, how it brightens the whole cloth.
Let them on the bed, the couch,
for a Dog is a guardian of hearts,
a companion to souls,
a reminder of pure, unconditional love.   

  "They tell you not to cry.
They tell you he's just a dog, not a human.
They tell you it will pass.
They tell you that animals do not know that they must die.
They tell you that the important thing is not to make them suffer.
They tell you that you can get another one.
They tell you it will happen.
They tell you there are more unbearable pains.
But they don't know how many times you've looked your dog in the eye.
They don't know how many times it was you and your dog that looked in the dark.
They don't know how many times your dog was the only one by your side.
They don't know that the only one who hasn't judged you is your dog.
They don't know how scared you were the night his moans woke you up.
They don't know how many times your dog has slept next to you.
They don't know how much you've changed since the dog became a part of your life.
They don't know how many times you hugged him when he was sick.
They don't know how many times you pretended not to see when his hair was getting whiter and whiter.
They don't know how many times you've talked to your dog, the only one who really listens to you.
They don't know how good you were to your dog.
Little do they know that only your dog knew you were in pain.
They don't know what it's like to see your old dog trying to come over and say hello.
They don't know that when things go wrong, the only one who isn't gone is your dog.
They don't know that your dog trusts you, every moment of his life, even at the last moment.
They don't know how much your dog loved you and how little he needed to be happy, because you were enough for him.
They don't know that crying for a dog is one of the noblest, most meaningful, truest and purest things you can do.
They don't know about the last time you rocked him hard... being careful not to hurt him.
They don't know what you felt when you caressed his face in the last moments of his life.

Get another dog or cat.

Problem solved.


--- Quote from: IroNat on January 02, 2025, 08:03:30 AM ---Get another dog or cat.

Problem solved.

--- End quote ---
                                      I'm Too old and don't have the energy required to be a good owner at this point, at this point the doG might outlive me. that and I don't want to go through another pets ending days.


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