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Investing and personal finance

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for the retail stuff I think Lance Roberts is good. he has a free newsletter. i used to listen to a few podcasts like financial sense and king world news as well. gold seek radio is pretty good as is the keiser report on RT/ youtube

The Dukes are trying to corner the market!

Mr Anabolic:

--- Quote from: sync pulse on June 25, 2016, 11:32:25 AM ---This is the biggest platitude of them all.

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G&S are very undervalued right now.  The stock market and real estate are extremely overvalued right now.  It's all about timing.

Mr Anabolic:

--- Quote from: FitnessFrenzy on June 25, 2016, 11:41:11 AM ---yeah, no gold or silver for me.

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LOL - I'd like to see the bogus data points used to plot this chart.  Gold was around $35oz in 1972.  It's now $1320... a 3800% gain.  No gold or silver for you!  


--- Quote from: Mr Anabolic on June 25, 2016, 07:21:32 PM ---LOL - I'd like to see the bogus data points used to plot this chart.  Gold was around $35oz in 1972.  It's now $1320... a 3800% gain.  No gold or silver for you!  

--- End quote ---
Hell, thanks to tech, even copper is tearing up the charts.


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