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What even makes Hilary Clinton qualified to be a poltician of any sort?

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Honestly, I mean what does it say about the people of NY?  Now people want her to be President.  Seriously now people think she is qualified to be President?  Maybe someone should tell her to raise, not lower, police and fire department pay.  That'll show she has some smarts by taking care of the people that protect citizens.

240 is Back:

--- Quote from: cap86 on February 10, 2007, 10:22:58 PM ---Honestly, I mean what does it say about the people of NY?  Now people want her to be President.  Seriously now people think she is qualified to be President?  Maybe someone should tell her to raise, not lower, police and fire department pay.  That'll show she has some smarts by taking care of the people that protect citizens.

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I have seriously despised Hilary from day one.  She's condescending, treats people like commodoties, is phony, power-hungry, etc.

But, she's lived through 8 years of the White House and 6 as a Senator, so she has seen firsthand how to run a nation and handle crisii, and she has worked the last 6 years to establish her senate relationships she needs when prez.

Above all - and as I bashed the man for 8 years, it hurts to say this - she brings with her Bill Clinton, an ex-president who looks like 24 ct gold, after the mess Bush has made.   Clinton spent 8 years in teh same mess Bush 41 and 43 did - he just managed not to start wars over it.

The US' credibility is shot.  Absolutely.  You're uneducated if you argue it's not, and you're stupid if you believe it doesn't matter.  it matters a lot.  Clinton might actually restore that, as world leaders anxious to talk to us might see her as the opposite of Bush.

I'm really sad writing this.  I've voted Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush in my lifetime.  I believe that we need to restore some balance to the nation, and a dem would do that.


--- Quote from: 240 is Back on February 10, 2007, 10:33:19 PM ---I have seriously despised Hilary from day one.  She's condescending, treats people like commodoties, is phony, power-hungry, etc.

But, she's lived through 8 years of the White House and 6 as a Senator, so she has seen firsthand how to run a nation and handle crisii, and she has worked the last 6 years to establish her senate relationships she needs when prez.

Above all - and as I bashed the man for 8 years, it hurts to say this - she brings with her Bill Clinton, an ex-president who looks like 24 ct gold, after the mess Bush has made.   Clinton spent 8 years in teh same mess Bush 41 and 43 did - he just managed not to start wars over it.

The US' credibility is shot.  Absolutely.  You're uneducated if you argue it's not, and you're stupid if you believe it doesn't matter.  it matters a lot.  Clinton might actually restore that, as world leaders anxious to talk to us might see her as the opposite of Bush.

I'm really sad writing this.  I've voted Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush in my lifetime.  I believe that we need to restore some balance to the nation, and a dem would do that.

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I believe a Dem will raise our taxes, fuck up the illegal immgration issue even more and generally waste our money.  I think around the world we are despised, no revelation there.  However, a woman president like her will keep up that trend.  With the likely conflicts with NK, Iran and China I doubt she will get the job done as effectively as needed.

Count Grishnackh:

--- Quote from: 240 is Back on February 10, 2007, 10:33:19 PM ---I have seriously despised Hilary from day one.  She's condescending, treats people like commodoties, is phony, power-hungry, etc.

But, she's lived through 8 years of the White House and 6 as a Senator, so she has seen firsthand how to run a nation and handle crisii, and she has worked the last 6 years to establish her senate relationships she needs when prez.

Above all - and as I bashed the man for 8 years, it hurts to say this - she brings with her Bill Clinton, an ex-president who looks like 24 ct gold, after the mess Bush has made.   Clinton spent 8 years in teh same mess Bush 41 and 43 did - he just managed not to start wars over it.

The US' credibility is shot.  Absolutely.  You're uneducated if you argue it's not, and you're stupid if you believe it doesn't matter.  it matters a lot.  Clinton might actually restore that, as world leaders anxious to talk to us might see her as the opposite of Bush.

I'm really sad writing this.  I've voted Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush in my lifetime.  I believe that we need to restore some balance to the nation, and a dem would do that.

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Excellent post, I don't think the US credibility is shot, but it has taken a beating and the Bush administration couldn't really have done worse if they started out with a blueprint to fail.

It's a lock a Dem will be President in '08 and it's even more of a lock that Hillary will soundly defeat any challengers.

240 is Back:

--- Quote from: cap86 on February 10, 2007, 10:35:42 PM --- I believe a Dem will raise our taxes, f**k up the illegal immgration issue even more and generally waste our money.  I think around the world we are despised, no revelation there.  However, a woman president like her will keep up that trend.  With the likely conflicts with NK, Iran and China I doubt she will get the job done as effectively as needed.

--- End quote ---

1) Dems will raise taxes on the rich first, and by a much larger total % of total income.  Bush and the repubs have given great breaks to corps and top earners which hilary will end.  That stigma of "more taxes" should be a candle in the sun compared to the 180 MILLION we're spending each day in iraq.  The US is seriously spending too much money.

2. How can the dems fk up the illegal immigration issue more?  We have an open border now.  Will they make it MORE open?  Come on dude.  Immigration is a distraction issue, the nation needs the labor, and bush has had 6 years to fix the border and hasn't done sheeeeit.  

Hilary is calling for negotiations with our enemies.  Bush refuses it.  I can't see you arguing "she'll likely keep that trend" when she'll talk and they wont.

The rest of the world sees us taking down one nation at a time for resources.  They're not dumb.  Putin just told the world that Bush is taking over one nation at a time.  You think they don't want hilary?  They're PRAYING for a Clinton in the white house.  We had no major wars on his dime.  We're looking at one every 3 years with Bush :(


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