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Dems Eager to Put Stamp on New Congress

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240 is Back:

--- Quote from: Beach Bum on January 01, 2007, 07:46:15 PM ---I have never seen a comparison between oil and tobacco, but I think the cost in terms of healthcare and death from tobacco-related illnesses is probably greater than the cost of increased gas caused by the oil cabal.  The tobacco companies are responsible for over 400,000 deaths a year in the U.S. and probably billions in healthcare costs. 

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OIL: 655,000
Tobacco: 400,000

Advantage: OIL


Dos Equis:

--- Quote from: 240 is Back on January 01, 2007, 07:51:14 PM ---OIL: 655,000
Tobacco: 400,000

Advantage: OIL


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Even if we were to accept that we went to war for the benefit of American oil companies and that the inflated figures of collateral damage are accurate (neither of which are true), tobacco companies kill over 400,000 PER YEAR in the U.S. alone.  The worldwide figures, PER YEAR, are astronomical. 


--- Quote from: Beach Bum on January 01, 2007, 06:04:25 PM ---  But why am I not surprised they intend to pick up with their traditional tax and spend ways?
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because you have the political acumen of your average 15 year old ;D

Dos Equis:

--- Quote from: sandycoosworth on January 01, 2007, 10:04:39 PM ---because you have the political acumen of your average 15 year old ;D

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Nah.  I'd say 16.  Easy. 

You just might be a liberal.   :)  It's okay.  You're not all bad.


--- Quote from: 240 is Back on January 01, 2007, 06:44:12 PM ---I agree with ya on that one.

Tobacco might be more evil.  But oil is WAY more dollars.  I didn't see PhilMorris making $10 BILLION new income in one quarter in 2006 - but exxonMobil did.  I seriously don't think ExxonM needs any more subsidies.  They're doing just fine ;)

No - increase pell grants and subsidize schools who lower rates.  Our education system is bad and getting worse compared to a now connected world.  Gonna be awful hard to turn around when we're in terrible shape and don't have enough educated people to be teachers when we do finally decide to turn it around.

Agree on 1 and 3.  I don't see how we fix this economy without raising tazes.  Seriously.  Bush has done ONE thing to the economy since taking office - borrowed money for war.  And you can't borrow forever...

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Can't we fix many of our problems by reforming the way we spend our tax dollars?

For example:  Warren Buffet manages his multi-billion dollar company with basically a 11 person staff that replaces where most companies would use 100's. 


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