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ban toxic

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--- Quote from: 240 is Back on January 02, 2007, 07:44:13 PM ---who are the scumbags that abandoned him in a warzone?

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oh no its toxics fault for laughing at their idiocy dontcha know...

blame toxic...he's from a muslim family..its gotta be his fault somehow...lets focus on THAT!   ;D


Delusional Liberal:

--- Quote from: 240 is Back on January 02, 2007, 07:44:13 PM ---who are the scumbags that abandoned him in a warzone?

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soldiers i belive.,., heres the video that toxic found so funny


--- Quote from: Delusional Liberal on January 02, 2007, 09:22:25 PM ---soldiers i belive.,., heres the video that toxic found so funny

--- End quote ---

sorry mate..didn't see the vid...

soo lemme get this think this is a GREAT trajedy support bush....hmmmm

soo..who is left to blame??  oo yeah..the sa nd si ggers..

and i'm the racist! lol   ::)

Delusional Liberal:

--- Quote from: ToxicAvenger! on January 02, 2007, 09:27:30 PM ---sorry mate..didn't see the vid...

soo lemme get this think this is a GREAT trajedy support bush....hmmmm

soo..who is left to blame??  oo yeah..the sa nd si ggers..

and i'm the racist! lol   ::)

--- End quote ---
way to spin things..,.,
let me make it simple for you, paki piece of shit

making a comment like this:

--- Quote from: ToxicAvenger! on September 29, 2006, 08:16:58 PM ---LMAO....pwnage!

well the fucking terrorists got one right finally! ;D

--- End quote ---

tword a video like this:

makes you a piece of shit scumbag/traitor


--- Quote from: Delusional Liberal on January 02, 2007, 09:37:05 PM ---way to spin things..,.,
let me make it simple for you, paki piece of shit

making a comment like this:
tword a video like this:

makes you a piece of shit scumbag/traitor

--- End quote ---

aww you hate me cause i dont share your belief and love of bush cock...  :-\

--- Quote ---makes you a piece of shit scumbag/traitor
--- End quote ---

well folks..if u r anti r the above in liberals view..

how nice  :)   

it givesme great pleasure knowing that liberal is prolly clenching his hands while typing this  8)

oo ya dont happen to be a n igger do ya? :-\


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