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ban toxic

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--- Quote from: a_joker10 on January 02, 2007, 02:11:45 PM ---Toxic

Why all of the Zionist haterade?

Seems to me that you aren't very agnostic or atheistic anymore.

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i pick a new subject once every few months...besides now its gonna be more fun tickling cavs tackle!

i like how ya think being anti zionism is automatically pro muslim..

and pro muslim = bad

i like how you've bought it hook..line..sinker.. :-\

How's anti-zionism a bad thing?

jew power anybody?  ;D


--- Quote from: ToxicAvenger! on January 02, 2007, 02:13:35 PM ---i pick a new subject once every few months...besides now its gonna be more fun tickling cavs tackle!

i like how ya think being anti zionism is automatically pro muslim..

and pro muslim = bad

i like how you've bought it hook..line..sinker.. :-\

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Ummm... I never said being you were pro Muslim or that pro Muslim is bad.
I was correcting your inaccurate facts and your biased postings.

Have fun being a racist. I really don't have time to correct all of your postings, but I will if you continue to spread hate.

I might have to add Haider to the list as well. ;)

G o a t b o y:

--- Quote from: a_joker10 on January 02, 2007, 02:20:51 PM ---
Have fun being a racist.

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Wir Mussen die Juden Ausrotten!


--- Quote from: G o a t b o y on January 02, 2007, 02:23:32 PM ---
Wir Mussen die Juden Ausrotten!

--- End quote ---
Nice Post >:(


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