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Fidel Castro nearly dead

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Just seen it in the news, they say that Fidel is basically fighting for his life since the last operation has not gone to plan, the stitches are not healing and he has numbours infections.
Not supprising he's how old again?

Hugo Chavez:
What do you think will happen when he dies?  I bet not what some expect.


--- Quote from: Berserker on January 16, 2007, 05:52:14 AM ---What do you think will happen when he dies?  I bet not what some expect.

--- End quote ---

His Brother will take over for a short time, than we will see the first "free" elections "sponsored" by the US Government with the outcome of an by the US supported new President.
After that Cuba will become a new Las Vegas.  :'(

Long life Fidel Castro... Viva viva viva

may he rot in hell

240 is Back:
my guess...

they'll try to maintain the status quo with his brother.

some nation (you know, one that interferes in the affairs of others) will slip in a puppet regime.

we'll all be vacationing in the 52nd state next year!


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