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The black community in the US misses Martin Luther King's leadership.

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The black culture here in the states is desperately in need of strong leadership. MLK was strong and intelligent and a charasmatic leader, he was a man to be emulated. Who is there in such a position today? Jesse Jackson? I think not. Al Sharpton? Please. Bill Cosby? Blacks think he's a traitor. Colin Powell? Blacks think he's more white than black.

In my opinion much of the massive problems within today's black culture in the US can be directly linked to a massive lack of black leadership. Along with the destruction of the strong family nucleus is the biggest hurdle for today's black youth.

Who teaches black children that education is their ticket to a better life? Who teaches them to respect other human beings, authority and the world they live in? When Jesse Jackson is your strongest leader then you're in big big trouble.

240 is Back:

Jesse jackson has zero credibility - he essentially threatens lawsuits and bad pres if companies don't comply to his demands.

There are some potentially great leaders tho - Obama comes to mind.

the black community has ruined itself with rap, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the whole Uncle Tom mentality for those who are a success.


--- Quote from: 240 is Back on January 16, 2007, 06:49:39 PM ---Interesting.

Jesse jackson has zero credibility - he essentially threatens lawsuits and bad pres if companies don't comply to his demands.

There are some potentially great leaders tho - Obama comes to mind.

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Excellent point regarding Obama. He's highly intelligent, highly educated and very impressive. I wonder how he'll be accepted.

Is he 100% black?


--- Quote from: ieffinhatecardio on January 16, 2007, 06:59:27 PM ---Excellent point regarding Obama. He's highly intelligent, highly educated and very impressive. I wonder how he'll be accepted.

Is he 100% black?

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Are you forgetting about Southern states in this election?  Or the mid west?  Colin Powell had/has the best chance.


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